Part 2

Rye's POV:
I woke up pretty late today, but when I went into Andy and Mikey's room, they weren't there. They weren't in the bathrooms either. I went into Jack and Brook's room. Brook was sleeping and Jack was on his laptop.
Jack: "what's up Rye?"
Rye: "where are Andy and Mikey?"
Jack: "they went out for lunch and shopping for world cup gear, remember?"
Rye: "oh. What time is it?"
Jack: "almost 2, they'll probably be back before dinner"
*Brook wakes up*
Jack: "look who's finally awake!"
Brook: "ha, I was up until 3 watching Netflix"
Rye: "typical"
Brooklyn: "oh hi Ryan, what are you doing in here?"
Rye: "just looking for Mikey and Andy but Jack said they went out shopping"
Brooklyn: "oh"
*Rye walks out of the room*
Rye's POV:
I made myself some breakfast, and the caught up on Twitter and Instagram and everything, but they still hadn't gotten back yet. I missed Andy, and Mikey too, so I decided to go for a run. That would distract me for a while. I was putting on my shoes when Jack came out.
Jack: "where you going?"
Rye: "for a run"
Jack: "would you mind if I joined you?"
Rye: "sure, but I thought you didn't like running?"
Jack: "eh, maybe I'll give it another try, it can't hurt"
Rye: "okay get changed"
*Rye and Jack leave for a run*
Rye: "so are you trying to get in shape or something?"
Jack: "yeah well I don't know, I just feel like we never really talk, and I am sick of being inside all the time when we're not filming"
Rye: "yeah, I love nature"
Jack: "so, do you have any scoop?"
*Jack and Rye catch up on things for a bitwhile running*
Jack: "phew I am tired! How much longer do you usually run?"
Rye: "eh I usually would keep going for two more miles, but we can just do one more, especially since I ran a lot yesterday"
Jack: *heavy breathing* "okay"
Rye: "you sure you don't want to stop now?"
Jack: "no I'm good, just have a cramp"
Rye: "here put your hands above your head"
Jack: "oooh, thanks"
Rye: "we're almost done"
*Jack and Rye finish running*
Rye: "we're done! Good job mate!"
Jack: *out of breath* "thanks"
Rye: "hey I am really hungry, do you want to go to Nandos?"
Jack: "sure!"
*Rye and Jack go to Nandos for dinner and then head back to the flat*
