Chapter 43

I set the final plate down, anxiously straightening a chair underneath the table. Luke's family is coming to our place for dinner tonight and we're planning on telling them our news. To say that I'm nervous is an understatement. But no matter how bad it is for me, it's worse for Luke. They should be showing up any minute now and he's been pacing back and forth for almost an hour.

"What if they decide that they don't care enough to come to the wedding?" Luke worries aloud, running a hand through his hair. "Or what if they try to call it off?"

I think most of the stress is because Ben said he wasn't coming. He said he had some work thing, but Luke's reading into it too much and overwhelming himself.

I walk over to him, grabbing his hands in mine and forcing him to stay still. "Hey, calm down. It'll be ok. Whatever happens, we'll get through it together."

Slowly, he nods, taking a deep breath.

The doorbell rings and I move to answer it.

"What if we just told them to go away and cuddled all night instead?" Luke suggests desperately, looking at the door like it contains some kind of vicious poison that's going to kill him.

I laugh quietly. "Nope. There's no way you're getting out of this, Hemmings. They're your family. You have to tell them eventually." Turning away from him, I square my shoulders and throw open the door.

"Kat!" Celeste exclaims as she tackles me in a hug. "It's so good to see you! How's everything?"

"Good," I say with a smile. "Why don't you guys come in?"

She and Jack step inside. Luke's older brother shrugs off his jacket, looking around curiously. Celeste is the only one who's been in our apartment since we bought it. I shudder as I remember the last time she visited, the night Luke was throwing up on the couch with a hundred and four degree fever.

"Hey, little bro," Jack says with a grin as he spots Luke. He ruffles Luke's hair, earning a scowl from his brother as he attempts to fix his quiff.

"Hi, Luke," Celeste greets politely, flashing him a dazzling smile. I wonder if it ever hurts him to see his ex girlfriend smile at him like that. "Are you feeling better?"

Luke blushes slightly as he remembers that night as well. "Yeah," he mumbles. "I never did thank you for helping me. So, thank you."

"No problem!" Celeste unwraps her scarf from around her neck, glancing over at me. "Is there anything you need help with for dinner, Kat?"

"Not really," I say as I walk into the kitchen where the food sits on the stove. "It's all cooked, I just need to bring it to the table." I hand her a dish, locking eyes with Luke as I grab another. Within seconds he's crossed the room with his long legs to my side. A jolt goes through me as our fingers brush when he takes the pot from me. He smirks at my reaction and I blush, ducking my head.

The doorbell rings again and the smile fades from Luke's face. I squeeze his hand comfortingly as I hurry to answer the door.

"Hello, Katherine," Liz says in a cool voice as I open the door. I step aside to let her in, swallowing hard. Andy tries to give me a smile as he passes. Across the room, Liz and Luke lock eyes. "Hello, Luke," she says in the same distant tone.

"Hello, Mother," Luke says flatly. "Thank you for coming."

Liz shrugs. "You said it was important."

I feel like I'm going to be sick as we all take a seat at the table. Why did I think this was a good idea? Liz obviously hates me and I have no idea how she feels about Luke anymore. Will she make a big deal out of our engagement, or worse, not even care? It would tear Luke apart inside if she didn't even react. A part of him still holds on to the belief that his mom loves him and he can't lose that.

Celeste does her best to play peacemaker. "This is delicious, Kat," she praises with a blinding smile. She nudges Jack with a slight scowl when he doesn't say anything and he nods along with her.

"So, are you still working that silly job as a busboy?" Liz asks Luke with a slight sneer, ignoring Celeste's attempts to keep the conversation light.

Luke scowls as he looks down at his plate of untouched food. "Yes," he says in a flat tone. "I have to pay the bills somehow, don't I? I can't afford to have a full time job and still go to school."

Liz rests her elbows on the table as she leans forward. "At least the only thing you didn't screw up was school."

Luke balls his hands into fists beneath the table, his jaw clenched at his mother's taunting. Andy looks away, eyes wide. I slip my hand into Luke's, squeezing it soothingly. No matter what his mother tries to bait him with, he can't attack her. We still have to tell them about the reason why I'm wearing a shiny diamond ring on my left hand.

"Actually, Mother, I'll have you know that I've changed," Luke says, sitting up straighter in his chair. Liz tilts her head to the side. "I've been thinking about getting a job as a substitute teacher until I can find something more permanent."

"Oh really?" his mother asks, raising her eyebrows.

"Yes," he says, swallowing hard. Barely tossing a second glance at me, he blurts before he can talk himself out of it, "And I proposed to Kat."

Celeste covers her mouth with her hands in surprise, her eyes wide with shock and excitement. "Oh my god! Congratulations!"

I mumble a thank you as I duck my head, anxiously looking to Liz the same way Luke is. The room seems to be still as we wait for her reaction. Her standings on this are the most important and everyone knows it.

But she's strangely calm. There's no yelling or scowling, which is how this situation always played out in my head.

I'm surprised to see tears in her blue eyes that look so much like Luke's. My head is spinning when Liz gets up and walks over to hug me. I pat her back awkwardly, shooting a surprised look at Luke. He looks equally as shocked, sitting in stunned silence.

"I can't think of anyone better for my son to be with," she says, pulling back from me. Luke's eyebrows shoot up at her casual mention of the word "son." I wonder if this isn't some kind of trap. It feels like a trap.

"Can I help you plan the wedding?" Liz adds tentatively as she pulls back, glancing between me and Luke.

I'm still trying to wrap my head around what the fuck just happened. Did Liz really just hug me? Did she say that she thinks I'm good for Luke? Am I pretending that she asked to help with the wedding plans? Is this even real life?

"Uh... sure," Luke stutters, obviously still just as surprised as me.

Liz returns to her seat, the scowl on her face replaced by a happy smile. Andy stares at his wife with a weird expression that normally would have made me laugh if I wasn't so confused and shocked. "Have you decided when you want to have the wedding?" Liz asks gently.

Luke awkwardly twists a silver ring around on his pinky finger. "Sometime in April," he says in a quiet voice. I reach over and squeeze his hand reassuringly, giving him a small smile.

Liz's blue eyes widen in surprise. "That's so soon!"

"We didn't want to wait," Luke mumbles, blushing.

Celeste clasps her hands together, holding them just under her chin. "Aww you guys are so cute together!! I can't wait for the wedding!"

I rest my head on Luke's shoulder, smiling as I move so my nose brushes his neck. He shivers against me, sliding an arm around my waist. "I can't wait either," I say in a low voice for only him to hear.
