Chapter 13

The bell rings as a new customer walks into The Scoop and I glance up out of habit, hoping that it'll be Luke. But it's not. He hasn't come to the ice cream shop in a week.

I look back down, fighting back a wave of disappointment. I should be used to this by now. Luke wasn't going to walk through the door of the place where I work, he wasn't going to stay up until one in the morning helping me with the math problems I didn't understand, he wasn't going to be there to comfort me whenever I feel sad. This is what happens when people break up. But I've never been very good with break ups.

April notices my movements. She shoots me a sympathetic look, reaching over to shuffle our playlist. I give her a sad smile, tapping my finger to the beat, but my heart's not in it. Cassie tries to get me to dance with her as she hands a little boy his ice cream cone, her long blond hair swinging in a circle.

As the last customer leaves the store, April turns down the volume on the music. She plants her newly manicured nails on the counter, leaning forward business-like. "I am calling to order an official board meeting," she announces to everyone. "Objective: make Kat happy. Kat, do you have any suggestions you would like to throw out?"

I force a small smile, but it doesn't feel real. "Look, guys, I appreciate what you're trying to do, but really, I'm fine."

Liv arches a silent eyebrow.

"Girl, puh-leasee," Cassidy cuts in, emphasizing each syllable. "You've been absolutely miserable for the past week. I sent you a picture of Zac Efron and you didn't even react. We all know you're not okay."

I open my mouth to tell her just how wrong she is, but quiet, shy Liv cuts me off.

"We just want to help you, Kat," she says, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "And just know that I will personally beat him up for you if you ask me to."

April laughs as she slings an arm around Liv's neck. "So she does have a dark side. I like it, Livvy, keep up the good work." She holds up a hand for a high five and Liv blushes as she reaches up to hit it. But she looks pleased with herself when April leaves her and takes a step closer to me. "Kat, seriously, you know we love you. We're like a family and family members don't just look away when they see someone hurting. Let us help you. Please."

I bite my lip, debating. "Well," I say slowly. "It would be kind of nice to get out of the house."

"I know just the thing!" exclaims April as she throws her hands into the air. A sly, mischievous grin spread across her face as she looks each of us in the eye. "Strap in, ladies, we are going to the best club Los Angeles has to offer."

"YES!" Cassidy pumps the air with an excited fist. "I love strip clubs! Especially the eye candy," she adds with a little giggle.

Liv shrinks into herself, rubbing a hand up and down her arm as if she were cold. "I don't know..." she says.

April waves away her concern. "It'll be great, I promise. We can all get ready at my place - I'll even order pizza! I have plenty of clothes in my closet to make killer wardrobes for all of us." When Liv still doesn't look so sure, April sets a hand on her shoulder. "Trust me, I know my way around a club; I know just what to do to make sure you have the absolute best experience there." She turns to me, seeking approval for the excursion. "What do you say, Kat? You in?"

I look between all three of them; April hopeful for my participation, Liv unsure but happy to be doing something with her friends, and Cassie, bouncing excitedly around the room. These are my girls, my sisters. They're always there when I need them, they always know how to make me smile. I can get through pretty much anything as long as they're by my side, even the loss of what was most likely the love of my life.

"I'm in," I say eventually.

April claps her hands together happily and Cass jumps over to me, her blond hair flying wildly as she practically screams how excited she is. Liv stands a little off to the side, smiling softly at us.

"I promise you won't regret this, Kat," April says as she throws an arm around me. "I have the perfect thing for you to wear tonight." She examines a piece of my hair and I smile, shaking my head back and forth affectionately.

"All right, ladies!" Lynn says loudly as she comes through to break up our little huddle. "You know I love when you have your moments, but you do still have to work. You can talk amongst yourselves later at April's, not while you're working for me."

I smile as my friends move back to their respective places, sliding my gaze toward the door. Through the glass storefront, I see Luke walking past, his hands shoved into the pockets of his jeans. The snapback covering his usually carefully-styled hair and sunglasses over his eyes don't do much to hide how exhausted he looks. I know his eyes are on me the way my eyes are on him. He wouldn't have walked so close to The Scoop when he knew I would be working if he didn't come to purposefully see me. I feel like my heart is being torn in two as he looks away and continues down the street as if nothing had happened.

I lean heavily against the counter, wishing I curl into a ball and die. Anything to stop this pain. Even after a week, even after seeing him in various locations, I can't get over him. I don't think I'll ever be able to get over him. Luke Hemmings is written into my past, a part of me whether I like it or not. I wouldn't be who I am today if I didn't have Luke.

And there's nothing worse to me than a world without Luke in it. 
