Chapter 40

"If it isn't the lovebirds," Calum jokes dryly as we walk through the door. April snickers from where she stands in the kitchen, leaning against the counter as she tosses back a shot of vodka and moves to the couches.

Michael and Liv smile from where they're seated on the couch, Mikey's arm casually slung across her shoulders. She's got a dopey, whipped smile on her face as she rests her head against his shoulder while he plays Ashton and Mali in a round of Mario Kart.

"Kat! Luke!" Joy exclaims as she walks down the hallway, throwing her arms around each of us. "I'm so glad you could make it! Especially you, Kat. How's your ankle?"

"Still broken," I mutter, tossing a glare at my wounded foot.

Luke slides an arm around my waist, kissing my temple gently. "It'll be healed soon." Turning back to Joy, he says, "She can't really walk, so it's been fun carrying her everywhere."

I elbow him in the ribs with a scowl. "Watch it, Hemmings."

His blue eyes dance and I know he wants to make a joke about how someday relatively soon, my last name will be Hemmings too. I blush, ducking my head. He slips his hand into my left, absentmindedly playing with the diamond ring that no one's noticed sits on my finger.

"Watch out, Luke, or Kat may just take away your nightly sex," Michael teases as he finishes the race in first place.

My face gets even hotter and Luke awkwardly scratches at the back of his neck. He scoops me up in his arms and I exclaim in surprise, laughing as he sets me down on the kitchen counter, leaning against the surface next to me. I shift him to be in front of me, my legs dangling on either side of him as I lean forward to wrap my arms around his shoulders.

Joy smiles at us, her eyes widening when she notices something. "Is that a ring?!" she hisses.

I just blush again and bury my face in Luke's neck.

"Shhh," he laughs quietly. "Don't ruin the surprise!"

"Oh my god, I'm so happy for you!!" she gushes excitedly, practically jumping up and down. "This is so exciting! Can I help plan the wedding?"

I smile as I rest my chin on Luke's shoulder. "We'd love that," I say for both of us.

"You'd love what?" Calum echoes from the couch, twisting to look at us, confusion written all over his face.

Luke glances sideways at me and I nod shyly. Now's as good a time as any to tell them.

He squeezes my hand as he announces, "Kat and I are engaged."

"No way! Man, that's awesome!" Michael says excitedly.

"Congrats, guys!" Ashton says with a wide smile.

Calum walks over and gives me a big hug. Are those tears in his eyes? "I'm so happy for you guys," he says when he pulls away from me. "You guys are my best friends. I just want the best for you."

"Cal, stop, you're gonna make me cry!" I say with a little laugh, wiping at my eyes.

Calum smiles at me as he turns to Luke. "You'll take care of her, mate?"

Luke smiles down at me, sliding an arm around my shoulders. I wrap my own arm around his waist. "Of course. There's nothing I love more."

I smile as I tighten my grip on him. He glances down at me with a soft expression, pressing his lips to mine gently. I reach up my free arm and lock it around his neck, pulling him down to me.

"There they go again," Michael says from the couch. "I swear, they're like rabbits. I give it about six months after they get married before Kat gets pregnant."

"I can't believe she hasn't gotten pregnant yet," Calum throws in. "Since almost every time we all hang out they leave to go have sex."

"Oh, fuck off," I say, breaking away from Luke.

"No swearing," Ashton mutters with a frown.

"Does Liz know?" Calum asks after a second, his dark eyes fixed on Luke.

The smile on Luke's face fades and I wish there was something I could do to bring it back. The divide between him and his parents is hurting him, no matter how much he tries to cover it up. I suspect it hurts them just the same. They're all just too stubborn to admit that they miss each other.

"Not yet," Luke mutters, dropping his gaze to the floor. Uncertainty, pain and fear shine in his blue eyes.

I rest my head on his chest as I wrap my arms around him, wanting to help in any way. After a moment, his arms come up around me. I don't know when or if or how he's going to tell his mother about us, but I know that we cross the bridge, we'll cross it together. 
