Chapter 9

Trigger warning: This chapter includes homophobic based violence and language (censored language)

Following hours of talking, dancing and playing the occasional break to make out with Harry, the party was coming to an end. You were lying on the floor next to Harry, talking about nonsense. There was still a few people scattered around the place dancing or talking. Ginny and Mad Maddy were sat on the windowsill laughing together. Gaston Jr was wrestling his younger brother, Gil while Gaston The Third was attempting to teach Freddie Facilier how to do a handstand. 

"You're so pretty." You giggled and poked Harry's nose. 

"You're one to talk." He flirted back and place a hand on your cheek. "You are utterly ravishing." He placed a kiss on your lips, which did not last long as you pulled away.

"Ah ah ah," you placed a finger on his lips, "don't think I'm gonna put out so easily. I know your game."

"My game? What would that be?"

"You flirt with about every girl, sleep with them and ditch them, isn't that about right?"

"I guess I've been known to do so in the past."

"You think that's okay?"

"Whose to say I still do it."

"You've still got a reputation, everyone knows about it."

"So you've chatted to people about me."

"If I weren't so tired, I'd be shouting at you for being so self-absorbed."

"Look, if I were you I'd take my 'reputation' with a grain of salt. People can change."

"I guess they can, but how do I know you're not just having me on?"

"If that were the case, we'd be done by now."

"Oh really? And why's it not the case."

"Maybe I want to try something else." He held up his hook and looked at it.

"What else?"

"Should leave some people for everyone else."

"You're a dick." You shook your head at him.

"I'm just having a laugh!"

You simply rolled your eyes at him, slightly offended by the way he talked about women. You did not care about how many people he had been with, but you weren't a fan of objectification. You laid in silence for a moment before changing the subject. "How sharp is that hook?" You asked him.

"Sharp enough to cut through bone," he told you, "better watch out princess."

"Can I hold it?"

"Don't want you getting hurt love."

"I think I know how to hold a weapon."

"Then we'll just say that your hands are too minging."

"Why do you always carry it around?" You wondered aloud, fishing to see a more humane side of him.

"It's cool."

"There's an actual reason isn't there? You can tell me."


"Tell me."


"Tell meeeeeeeeeee!"

"Fine!" He huffed. "It just makes me feel more like my dad y'know? I wish I didn't have to carry it though. I wish I could just get rid of the hand and wear the hook instead."

"But you have nice hands."

"And what would you like me to use them for?" 

"We had a nice moment there!" You laughed and hit him playfully. 

"Bye Y/N!" Ginny kicked you.

"Where you going?" You shouted.

"Home! It's three in the morning." Mad Maddy claimed.

"Holy shit! That went by fast." You gasped as Maddy and Ginny left with the Gaston twins.

"Let's go then." Harry stood up and held out his hand to help you up.

"Where?" You asked.

"I'm walking you home." He told you. "You're not walking alone."

"Yeah sure." You shrugged. "Where's Anthony gone to?" You asked looking around the room.

"He and his sisters left like five minutes ago." Freddie claimed, falling over in the handstand she was attempting.

"Alright thanks." You nodded and turned to Harry. "Let's go."

Harry had his arm wrapped around your shoulder as you made your way home, laughing and chatting. It was becoming a rather pleasant walk around the Isle, nobody dared to bother you seeing that you were with him. As you reached your usual alleyway shortcut, you heard a group of rowdy boys shouting and fighting. You looked into the alley, curious as to who it was. A couple of the lesser known, more irrelevant boys from your school were giving another boy a beating. Typically, you would ignore a sight like this, it was common place around here and would tend to be people you didn't know that well, but there was someone different this time. You recognised the boy getting beaten.

"Is that Anthony?" You gasped, grabbing onto Harry's jacket.

"Oh fuck, yeah it is." Harry said. You began storming down the alley, making Harry a bit confused, however he followed along.

"Fucking queer!" One of the boys shouted, throwing Anthony to the wall.

"Just cause girls actually like me. You can't even get one near you." Anthony said back, gaining himself a kick in the groin. He fell down to the ground.

"Shut the fuck up f**got!" Another boy shouted angrily, pulling at Anthony's hair while the others kicked and manhandled him.

"Hey!" You yelled, marching over angrily. "What the fuck is this?"

"Just stay out of it sweet cheeks." One of the boys told you. You grabbed him by the shoulders and kneed his crotch.

"What do you guys think you're doing?" Harry joined you, pushing the boy to the ground.

"He's fucking gay!" A boy shouted, lifting and pinning Anthony to the wall. This allowed you to see his bloody nose and burst lip. The boy was a tougher build, yet was a little on the bigger side. He wore a purple leather waistcoat with red pants and purple cuffs on his wrists. He had raven black hair, which was notably unkempt and had an unpleasant face. 

"Watch what you're doing with those hands." Anthony joked, gaining another punch.

"You wank stains have five seconds to leave-" You began, but was cut off by the boy pinning Anthony.

"Or else what? You're not exactly scary honey."

"Get out of here or I'll fucking kill you." Harry threatened, taking a step closer to the group.

"Guys maybe we should just go..." The boy you kneed suggested, something that the others agreed with. Apart from the one pinning Anthony.

"No! Do you really think pansy boy and this princess can do any harm, even with help from Hook?"

"Leave him alone. Now." You told them angrily.

"Go fuck yourself!" He shouted and looked back at Anthony. "We all know this f*g won't!"

"For fucks sake." Harry sighed and stormed towards the boy, pulling him off Anthony. He grabbed the boy by the back of his head and started smashing his face into the wall. He kept going and going till the blood on his face made it unrecognisable. You rushed over to tend to Anthony, but noticed the other three boys about to run off. 

"Harry!" You shouted and gestured towards the other three. Harry dropped the boy and ran to block the rest of the groups' way. The boy flopped to the ground, coughing up blood next to Anthony, who had done the same. 

"Hey dude, it's just a joke y'know." One of the boys told Harry. Another turned round to face you as you stood in the way of their other exit.

"You pieces of shit have five seconds to get out of here." You told them with your hands on your hips. "Five... Four..." As soon as you began, they split up running in opposite directions. Two boys push past you while another sprinted past Harry. "You okay?" You knelt down next to Anthony, who simply nodded. "Who were they? I mean I know they go to our school but... What the fuck?"

"Get the fuck out of here." Harry kicked the last one left, who was still recovering from his beating. He scrambled to his feet and dizzily ran away.

"I'm guessing they were the people Zevon was talking about." You helped Anthony sit up.

"No shit." He agreed.

"How do you feel? Is anything particularly sore?" You asked.

"My dick. My face. My leg." He told you.

"Let's get you home." You and Harry helped him get to his feet. "I thought you had left with your sisters? Where did they go?"

"I let them run off ahead." He told you, needing both you and Harry to help him walk.

Luckily, you weren't far off his home. You soon reached the door and swung it open for him. He was barely conscious at this point, probably as a result of the pain. One of his brothers gave you a dirty look as you helped him up the stairs.

"Where do we put him?" Harry questioned. 

"Let's take him to his room." You decided, beginning to walk down the hallway leading to his bedroom.

"Which one's his?" Harry wondered.

"The one without anyone else in it." You laughed. He was the only kid in the house with his own bedroom, likely due to his grandmother's and mother's favouritism towards him. "Here it is." You opened the door and immediately threw him onto his bed, causing him to groan in pain.

"Omg what happened?" You hear a voice from the doorway. You look and see one of Anthony's younger sisters as well as Dizzy both standing watching.

"Nothing! Your brother just had a little tumble downstairs." You lied.

"Ooh my gosh, hi!" Another sister or cousin, you don't know this one well enough, closer to your age ran over. "You're Harry Hook!" She waved at Harry, who had taken his jacket off to clean up Anthony's blood. 

"Aye." Harry nodded his head. She squealed excitedly and pushed Dizzy and the other one out of the way. Dizzy walked over to help Anthony while the other decided to just watch from afar.

"Who are you? You're hot!" Another sister or cousin ran in to admire Harry.

"You have such a good jawline." The first one admired.

"You are so gorgeous!" She second one stated. "Be my boyfriend?" 

"No mine!" The other argued. "I'm a much better kisser!"

"I make a much better wife!"

Harry looked over at you in confusion as the two argued, drawing the attention of a third relative. "They're always like this." Dizzy assured Harry before looking at you. "What actually happened to him?"

"To who?" You asked.

"Anthony. He doesn't fall over."

"It's none of your business dickwad." Anthony groaned.

"Can you move your leg?" You said to him, to which he slowly moved his sore leg. "Least it's not broken. I think."

"What is going on in here!" Lady Tremaine stormed into the room. At this point, Harry was cornered against the wall by the three girls.

"Look grandmother!" The third girl screeched, pointing towards Harry. "Sure look best next to him?"

"Who is this boy?" Lady Tremaine wondered. 

"It's Harry Hook!" The first one told her. "He's very well-known."

"And why is he in my home?"

"Harry and I were helping Anthony get home." You explained. Your slight movement gave her a glimpse of her favourite grandchild's situation.

"My baby!" She rushed over to him. "What happened?"

"Nothing happened." Anthony insisted.

"You two can get out now, good job getting him here."

"Awww!" The three siblings pining after Harry groaned.

"Can they not stay?" The second one asked. "Harry could sleep in our room!"

"I have a spare space next to me in bed..." The third one traced circles on his arm.

"Y/N." Harry looked up at you.

"We've got to get going." You pulled Harry away from the girls and began to march away with him. "For once in your life you don't want to flirt with everyone." You mumbled.

"Y/N wait..." Anthony groaned.

"What's up?" You walked over to him. He motioned for you to lean in so he could whisper.

"Tell anyone about what happened and you're dead."

"Who did this to you?" Lady Tremaine poked around at Anthony's bloody face as Dizzy shoved some ice on it.

"Nobody." He rolled his eyes.

"He just fell down the stairs," you claimed, "it was a rough trip."

"For crying out loud Anthony!" Lady Tremaine slapped him across the face. "Clumsiness is not the key to elegance!"

"Sorry." Anthony said.

"Well we'll be heading off." Harry told them. 

"Awwwwwwwww..." The three girls pouted as you and Harry headed towards the door.

"Bye!" Everyone waved goodbye as the two of you left.

"That was weird." Harry chuckled, shutting the door behind himself and continuing your walk home.

"Being in there makes me so glad I don't have siblings." You laughed, but there was a slight sadness behind it. Truthfully, you did have a sibling. A sister, two years older, named Rosie. The two of you grew up very close, that was until you got to the age of ten. There was an unfortunate accident that took place while the two of you were running around together, resulting in you being an only child. You've never really gotten over your sister, but you've learned not to talk about it .

"You don't?"

"Do you think anyone's gonna bang my mother more than once?"

"If those Tremaine girls can have so many kids, there's hope for anyone."

"I'll never understand how they were able to produce some alright looking sons and daughters." You pointed out.

"You and me both."

"I have a question."

"Do you always have so many questions?"

"Do you know who your mother is?" You rounded a corner.

"No clue, never thought about it." Harry told you. "Do you not know your dad?"

"He wasn't moved to the Isle. He's still in Wonderland." You shrugged. "But mother never likes to talk about him."

"You don't need one anyway." Harry claimed. "Seems like you turned out just fine princess."

"I know." You stopped in front of your home. "Thanks for the walk, it was very chivalrous of you."

"No problem darling." Harry lifted your hand and planted a kiss on it. "Stay safe." He pecked you on the lips and waved goodbye before walking away.



Reminder that I do not endorse underage sex

Tell me if there are any improvements that I need to make. I might need to re-read this chapter and fix it. 

Sorry for putting these out so slowly, but I'm currently writing chapter 45 of this story. I'm nearly finished, so once I've written out the ending I'll be able to put a lot more focus into getting stuff out quicker. 
