Chapter 7

"Thanks for the help." He smirked, lowering his hand and taking a few steps back. "I'll see you around."

"Wait... That's it?" You wondered aloud.

"Yeah. Wouldn't want to take up too much of your precious time."

"I mean, I don't mind about it that much..." You glance over at Harry. "So you dragged me all the way out here for that?"

"Pretty much, don't you have better things to be doing sweetheart?" He asked you in a teasing manner, making you slightly aggravated.

"What was I meant to get out of this?"

"What do you want out of this?" He looked you up and down.

"Oh come on, at least tell me why I needed to distract that guy!"

"Just retrieving some stolen goodies."

"Sounds like the kind of thing you'd just get violent with the guy for." You crossed your arms as the corner of your lip raised slightly. "What was the point in me helping?"

"Are you saying there's something else I was wanting out of tonight?" He leaned his hand against the wall of the chip shop, his body towering over you.

You sighed and rolled your eyes in frustration. At this point, you were done with the teasing and just wanted to be straight forward."Look Hook, I'm just guessing there's something else that both of us are wanting out of tonight."

Harry chuckled and leaned closer. "What would that be?"

"Just cut the crap!" You spouted angrily and grabbed his face. "Kiss me?"

Harry chuckled quietly before meeting your lips with his. It was beyond magic, you had never felt so alive. It felt as if everything around the two of you evaporated, as if you were the only two people in the world. You had never felt anything like it. It was truly amazing, until the sound of a certain person's voice interrupted it.
"Harry!" Harry pulled away and turned to see Uma, who had swung the door to the chip shop open. "Come on, you got that stuff back or not?"

"Course I do," He looked back at you, "night night princess." He flirtatiously waved before following Uma inside.

"Holy shit." You said under your breath as you watched the door slam behind him before joyfully beginning to skip home. Well, you skipped for a second before returning back to normal. After all, didn't really want to get jumped. On your way, you passed the Tremaine household's home, noticing Dizzy sitting alone on the steps gloomily, her chin resting on her hands. After stopping for a moment to think, you decided to take a seat next to her. "Hey Dizzy." You smiled at her, getting a mumbled greeting in response. "What's up?"

"Nothing important." 

"You sure? I won't tell anyone if you tell me." She looked up at you. It's not like you were extremely close with her, she was always closer with the likes of Evie and Mal, but they were gone. You were always a little more compassionate towards Dizzy than your friends were. "I promise. I'm a good listener."

"It's just family stuff y'know? Not allowed to go back inside till eleven." It's pretty clear to anyone that Dizzy doesn't have the perfect home life. She faces constant ridicule from her mother, auntie, cousins, siblings and grandmother. You've tried to tell Anthony to be easy on her in the past, but your words have simply gone right through his head. "Do you think Evie will ever come back for me?"

"Honestly, it's hard to say. Did she say she would?"

"Yeah." Dizzy shuffled around to get more comfortable. "She was always able to cheer me up when things were bad. I'd run to her house and she'd know exactly what to say and do. Ever since she left, things just seem worse and worse. I'm happy for her being there, but I'm scared she'll never come back for me."

"She's not one to break promises, especially when it comes to you. I'm sure she's doing her best to get you to Auradon."

"Little shit!" Anthony swung the door open, shoving Dizzy to the floor in the process. "Get the fuck inside and go put that stuff back in my room! Can't believe you'd steal from me fucktard!" He kicked Dizzy before letting her jump to her feet.

"You've got no right to keep it from me!" Dizzy persisted.

"Oh shut the fuck up." He grabbed her harshly by the hair, dragging her inside. "You'll understand when you're older. Now put it back!"

"Okay!" Dizzy gave in, running away inside. You sat there for a moment, looking up at Anthony, slightly shocked by how he could be so casual about being so nasty.

"How was your date?" He asked, leaning against the door. "Did you get some?"

"We kissed." You told him, turning your gaze away from him and to the empty street.

"Cool." He paused before asking, "good kisser?"

"Of course." You clicked your tongue awkwardly. "Can I ask you something?"


"Why are you so mean to Dizzy?"

Anthony took a second to response, slightly taken aback by the question. "She's a shit stain."

"She's your cousin."

"And? Why should I be nice to her?"

"Because she's do-"

You were cut off by the sound of Anthony's mother, Anastasia, shouting at him from inside. "Anthony! Get your ass in here and pop this zit!"

Anthony sighed and rolled his eyes before looking inside, calling out to his mother. "Why do I have to do it?"

"Because I said so! Now get over here or I'll get your grandmother!" 

"One minute!" He yelled before turning back to you. "I'll see you tomorrow." He slammed the door in your face. You heard banging around inside the house as you got to your feet. You shrugged and continued down the street, soon reaching home and getting to bed.


"You would not believe the morning I've had." Ginny sat down next to you the following morning after arriving 20 minutes late to class. "Maddy and I went to visit the crocodiles and one of the Gastons thought it would be funny to throw my cape in! I threw a rock at one of the crocs but it didn't work and now..." She took the cape off herself and showed you. It was torn all over and dripping with dirty water. "I think it may look a bit cooler don't you?"

"Guess so." You said.

"My complexion is outstanding today though, right?" Ginny examined her face in the reflection of the uncleaned window.

"Ginny! Pay attention!" The teacher roared from the front of the class. Both you and Ginny immediately darted your faces forward.

After a couple moments of paying attention to the lesson, Ginny leaned over and whispered to you. "Coming to Claudine's party tomorrow?"


"Good. Maybe your little boyfriend should be invited."

"I think just about everyone on the Isle is invited at this point. Besides, I doubt 'little' would be the word to describe him."

"That's something for you to find out."

You shook your head and laughed quietly. After your first few classes of the day, it was break time. You sat outside the school alongside Ginny and Anthony.

"You still haven't told me how the date went." Ginny pointed out.

"It was alright." You told her with a shrug.

"Word on the street is that you made out, is it true?"

"Yeah." You told her, trying to hide the smile on your face.  

"Finally..." Ginny trailed off when she noticed Zevon's sister Yzla approaching. "What does she want?" she wondered aloud.

"Hi guys." She greeted awkwardly, gaining some mumbles in response. She paused before looking at Anthony. "I was wondering if I could ask you something Anthony?"

You and Ginny exchanged amused glances before get ready to watch this interaction.

"Go." Anthony told her.

"Could we maybe talk privately?" Yzla readjusted her bag uncomfortably.

"Mmm... No." Anthony checked his nails, then looked back up at her expectedly. "Go."

"Well I was... I was just wondering if... if you were free to hang out after school?"

Anthony sighed, looked her up and down before holding her gaze. "I'm busy."

"Oh... Well I uh I guess I'll see you at the party tomorrow night?"

"Sure." There was a moment of silence. Anthony examined the cleanliness of his nails while Yzla stayed in front of him, unsure of what to do. Anthony then looked up at her shooed her off saying "You can go now."

"Bye!" She waved uncomfortably before rushing off to find her friends.

"That was interesting." Ginny raised her eyebrows once Yzla was gone.

"Guess Anthony's got himself a new girlfriend!" You teased, to which Anthony scoffed.

"As if." He rolled his eyes.

"Zevon's gonna love hearing about this." Ginny smirked.

"Aw don't tell him that would be embarrassing." You claimed. "Besides, I doubt he cares."

"Why wouldn't he care?" She questioned. "That dude loves his sister."

"Well, I mean... Anthony, for example, wouldn't care if it were one of his sisters."

"I really think he would care in this specific situation..." Ginny pointed out.

"You know what I mean! He wouldn't care about his sisters' love life, right?"

"That's right." Anthony nodded his head. He doesn't really acknowledge his siblings, most of which are younger than him.

"Yeah but Zevon and Yzla actually talk to each other." Ginny stated.

You huffed and tilted your head back "Whatever."
