Chapter 31

When you returned back to your room, you were slightly surprised to see Harry laying on the bed, waiting for you. "Sorry to keep you waiting, Hook." You smirked and stole his hat from atop his head. "What makes you think you can just let yourself in?"

"Captain's quarters, princess. If I don't deserve to be here, no one does." He lifted his hook and swiftly knocked the tiara off your head and into his hand.

"Thought you were first mate, not captain." You put his hat on and sat in his lap.

He took it back and placed it upon his head before tossing your crown gently under the bed and pinning you down against the mattress. "Watch your mouth Hearts." He leaned in and whispered in your ear. "You never know when it'll get you punished."



You were awoken to a loud knock at your door. You groaned and rolled over in your bed, feeling the heat of someone else's body next to you. You opened your eyes and looked at Harry, whom was peacefully sleeping next to you. 


You went to sit up, but felt a strong arm wrap around your waist and keep you close. 


"Who is it!" You yelled, angry that someone would interrupt such a warm moment. 

"It's me." Ginny's voice was heard from the other side of the door. "And...the weird fuckwit from back home."

"You can come in, Randy can't!" You told her, immediately guessing who she was talking about. Ginny swung the door open, with Randy walking in behind her. She widened her eyes when she noticed Harry next to you.

"You sure you don't want me to come back later?"

"Later is past breakfast," Randy huffed, "Y/N you need to get the fuck up and help make breakfast."

"It's not that hard, if you're that desperate I'm sure someone would help you make something." You claimed.

"Everyone else is sleeping or throwing up!" Randy exclaimed. "I want my breakfast now! And I refuse to make it myself."

"Then you'll starve." You rolled your eyes at him and looked at Ginny, sitting up ever so slightly. "How you feeling?"

"Fine, you know I'm not exactly one for hangovers." She shrugged. "Freakface was just insistent that I take him to see everyone in charge of food."

"Can't you just do this one thing?" Randy asked desperately.

"Don't expect me to do anything for you, you're one of the most borderline rape-y people I've ever met. Now get out of my room." You demanded, remembering what happened last night.

"It's not your room." He argued. "And Tremaine's a boy, we all know you can't be rape-y towards a boy."

"Get the fuck out of here before I take this," you picked up Harry's hook off the nightstand, "and ram it down your throat."

"Wow." Randy held his hands up defensively. "Okay, bitch." He mumbled before walking away. 

"I'm guessing I've missed something." Ginny said.

"Yeah, before everyone went to bed last night-" You started to tell the story, but she cut you off.

"I'll ask Anthony, I think you need to focus on your neck." She giggled before leaving, closing the door behind herself.

Your furrowed your eyebrows at her comment before lifting the hook up to your neck, inspecting your reflection in it. You caught a glimpse of a large, red mark. "Shit." You muttered.

"Put it down." Harry finally spoke. His voice was groggy and rougher than usual.

"Pipe down sleeping beauty." You joked, patting his face gently. He groaned and reached for his hook, but you moved it out the way. He continued to try and grab it without looking, but eventually had to sit up to see it. "Here." You held it out to him, but speedily moved it away when he reached out to grab it, causing him to fall on top of you.

"Right." He sat up, his legs straddled across your waist, and grabbed a hold of both your arms. He pinned them against the bed with one hand and used the other to take his hook back.

"That got you up." You laughed.

"You're a cunt." He chuckled before giving you a quick peck on the lips and climbing out of bed.

"Where are you going?" You whined.

"Make sure everything's going fine at the wheel." He pulled on his trousers.

You sighed and stared up at the ceiling. "Do you miss the Isle?"

"Course." He shrugged and finished getting dressed, holding his boots in his hand. "I miss it cause you're not there."

"And you called me a cunt." You shook your head at him before waving him goodbye. 

After he left, you laid down for a moment. You then huffed and got out of bed. You walked to the bathroom, remembering there was a mirror above the sink. Frankly, you would not have thought that a pirate ship would have such a great bathroom, but you guessed the fact that you were in the captain's bedroom meant a more luxurious experience. In the mirror, you examined your neck. The hickeys were extremely noticeable - like a colourful painting on a blank canvas. 

"I can fix this." You told yourself, but in all honesty, you weren't fully convinced. 

You grabbed your bag of clothes and searched for something that could possibly go around your neck. Whilst you had several chokers, none of them were big enough to cover up your whole neck. Still, you chose your largest one and put it on. It was a chunky, leather, black and red choker with a hollowed out heart detail in the centre, traced with metal. You hadn't worn it in ages, not since you left the Isle. You looked at it in the mirror, remembering everything you left at home. You then began to put makeup on top of the marks that were still visible. You hadn't thought about the Isle in ages. With your favourite people from the Isle already with you in Auradon, it was easy to forget what you were missing. However, all these feelings came rushing back. Why were you suddenly so contempt here in Auradon? You didn't belong here. Why were you trying to cover your neck up? You're not like them. You're not embarrassed of it. 

"Fuck that." You wiped the makeup off your neck and got dressed. You put on a red tiered skirt and matched it with a black corset-like top with your signature jacket. After shoving on a pair of knee-high boots, you looked around for your crown. You grinned when you found it under your bed.

You finished getting ready and left your room. "Nice skirt." Evie told you as she and Mal wandered over. 

"Looks like someone had fun last night," Mal raised an eyebrow in response to your colourful neck.

"I always know how to have a good time." You claimed. "How's princey doing?"

"He's the king," she reminded you, "and don't even get me started..." she trailed off when the sound of Ben and his sister arguing with one another.

"Ben talk to me!" Bethany insisted. "I'm your sister, you can't ignore me forever!"

"Hey guys," Ben joined you, Mal and Evie, completely blanking his sibling, "just reminding you that that room," he pointed towards Anthony's room, "is off limits, like before." He then marched off.

"What am I supposed to do?" Bethany sighed and crossed her arms. "It wasn't that bad. If he's going to be mad at everyone for fooling around, why have you not been in trouble?" She gestured towards you.

"I'm not his little sister." You pointed out.

"He's being so hypocritical." She said.

"It's just because he cares about you." Mal explained, predictably in defence of her boyfriend.

"And he knows that Anthony could hurt you," Evie added, "he is a bit of a-"

"You know I'd just give Ben some time to cool off." You interrupted Evie. "He's your brother, and most brothers care about their sister. He can't be mad at you about this forever."

"She's got a point," Mal agreed, "you just need to give Ben a while to chill out."

"I guess you're right." Bethany admitted. "Okay, I'll... see you guys later." And with that, she waved and left.

"I know what you did there Y/N," Mal said once Bethany was out of earshot, "you didn't want her to hear about what he's actually like."

"No." You denied. "She's already heard that genie girl claim he's evil, what is there to stop her from hearing?"

"She's not one just to go off of what one single person believes." Mal claimed. "And she deserves to know what everyone else thinks."

"Well that's her problem," you shrugged, "and even if I am helping him hide stuff from her, am I that bad for wanting to help my friend?"

"I don't think many of these 'friends' of yours are good ideas."

"I thought you guys thought everyone from back home could change?"

"Yeah but-"

"But they can't? Piss off." You crossed your arms and marched off. If Mal could become 'good', surely anyone could if they wanted to. But did you want to?


The rest of the day was rather uneventful. Apart from having to explain what was on your neck to Anxelin, you didn't even talk to anyone from Auradon for the rest of the day; they were all too tired and not in the mood for talking. You were quite content with spending most of the day hanging out with Ginny, as well as getting some time alone with Harry. It was the most relaxed, enjoyable day you'd had since you arrived to Auradon.

It was around five in the morning. You were in bed "fooling around" with Harry when the door swung open.

"There you are." Uma spoke. "You gotta help dock the boat." She told Harry.

"We're here already?" You questioned.

"No." Uma said sarcastically, to which you rolled your eyes.

"Have fun." You told Harry before he left with Uma. You contemplated going out to help, but decided against it. You waited until you felt the ship fully dock before leaving your room. 

"Can we finally escape this hell?" Ginny questioned after you dragged her out of her room.

"I think so." You announced.

"Then let me go get my stuff."

"We need to find out if we're able to get off yet."

"Why wouldn't we? Don't make me go outside and get boat hair." She fixed up her hair as you arrived at the entrance to the deck.

"Now you care about boat hair." You rolled your eyes and led her outside. 

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I didn't expect you guys to be up so early." Anxelin rushed over with a grin. 

"Who cares? Let's just get off this disgusting ship!" Chad exclaimed, climbing down the rigging. In reaction to this comment, Harry grabbed him by the neck of his shirt and tossed him to the ground on the way past him. 

"I'll go get Ben and all that." Anxelin announced before walking inside, promptly followed by Chad. You and Ginny were left on the deck, where Harry, Uma, Gil, Evie, Randy and Carlos were also hanging out.

"Why is she still with that guy?" Ginny wondered aloud. "And I thought you had low standards."

"Excuse me? I thought you said that Harry was hot." You reminded her.

"He's a pirate."

"Hey everyone!" You couldn't help but roll your eyes as Peter Pan arrived onto the ship with Tinkerbell in tow. "Did it work?"

"Of course it did!" Evie told him as you approached Harry.

"Keep in mind that you already had your shot at punching him." You pointed out, knowing that he would be in the mood to attack Peter again. "He's a kid, I'll admit a pretty annoying one, but he's still a kid."

"Hook Junior!" Peter Pan stood in front of Harry. "Mind if I borrow this?" He took the hat off his head. Harry swung at the boy with his hook, allowing a growl to escape his mouth. "Temper." Peter dodged Harry.

"Listen little boy, there's nothing I'd love more than to-" He began, with a hand on his sheath.

"Harry." You stopped him.

"I think that hook would really match my outfit..." Peter joked, reaching to grab the hook. Before he could, Harry immediately whipped his sword out and pushed Peter's hand away. "Alright," Peter pulled out a small dagger, "en guard!"

"Guys!" Evie tried to stop them as a fight ensued. 

"I'll make sure you can never grow up ya green bastard!" Harry ignored her, as did Peter.

"If I can beat your dad, I'll have no problem with you!" Peter claimed. It was at this moment that you noticed the lost boys watching from the land, cheering Peter on.

"Harry..." Uma gave Harry a look, warning him to stop, but he blatantly ignored her.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!" Randy chanted, which Gil joined in on.

"Make him stop!" Carlos stood beside you.

"I tried," you proclaimed, "so did Uma. I don't think he'll stop."

"What is this?" Ginny grabbed Tinkerbell, whom was hovering on her shoulder.

"Tink!" Peter got distracted, giving Harry an open opportunity. In one single swoop, he knocked the dagger out of Peter's hand and held him facing over the edge of the boat with his blade to his neck.

"I've been playing real nice lately, and I'm sick of it," Harry chuckled in Peter's ear, "I think I should just gut you right here, in front of all your little worshippers."

"No!" You heard a sudden panic in Pan's voice. 

"What's going on here?" Ben waltzed out on deck with just about everyone else following him. Harry immediately let go of Peter, throwing him across the boat.

"Just getting ready to get going," Uma spoke with false kindness in her voice, "shall we?"
