Part 12

Hiiii!!!! How is everyone doing today?
I hope everyone is doing good🤩🤩
I'm in quarantine and bored, this is why i'm annoying you with my updates all the time 👉👈🥺 sorryyyy
I love you! Enjoy this chapter.
Quarantine, day 149:

Ranbir was taken aback. Oh shit.
It was Riddhima, Bharat and Samara, with their suitcases.
He managed an awkward smile anyway.
"Ohhhh what a surprise.. MY SISTER RIDDHIMA AND HER LITTLE FAMILY" he said in a fakely excited voice, as loud as possible to stay a tiny bit natural while making it audible for Deepika, that was still in his room.

And Deepika heard it. She obviously freaked out. She quickly got her stuff from his room and discreetly hid in the bathroom, with her clothes and her little bear, that was still wearing Ranbir's tshirt.

She was planning on disappearing somehow, but she couldn't find a way to do it discreetly. She was locked in the bathroom and didn't dare to make any moves. She could hear them talking in the living room. She was trying to catch a little sign from Ranbir.
"Ohhhh let me show you the balcony" she heard Ranbir say. As it was completely opposite the bathroom, Deepika took it as a sign to leave. She grabbed her bag with her stuff, her bear and opened the bathroom. As she tiptoed to the front door of the flat, she was met with two big eyes staring at her. Little Samara.

Deepika almost freaked out. She put a finger on her mouth to tell her to keep it quiet and not tell anyone.
The little girl kept on staring, her mouth dropping from the shock of seeing her in real, but Deepika couldn't care less. A few more steps to the exit and she was out.
She closed the door behind her and took a deep breath. It was not what was planned at all.
That was supposed to be her week.
They had had him for the weekend, it was her turn now. That was unfair.

Ranbir and the couple came back in and he served them a little drink.
"So... why are you here exactly?" He asked, trying to stay polite.
"Well, you told us you had a week off and we decided that you should not spend it alone, so we came for the week." Riddhima said.

Ranbir choked on his drink at this exact moment. The WHOLE WEEK??
"huh- yeah yeah okay, i will, show you the guest room? I'm just gonna check if it's clean hold on" he said, walking to what used to be Deepika's room.
Samara followed him jumping happily.
"Uncle Ranbiiiir" she said pulling his shirt.
"What's up?" He asked.
"I saw Deepika" she whispered, smiling widely at him as if she was revealing a big secret.
"Really? Where has she gone?" He asked, still whispering.
"I don't know, she left" Samara shrugged and went back to her game.

Deepika arrived at her own flat. It had been so long since she hadn't been here.
She arrived to her door and opened it. Except people were watching TV in her living room.
"What the actual fuck?!" She let out, making the people turn around. Deepika saw fear in their eyes as she frowned.
"M-maam hi- huh- you live here?"
"Well I thought so" Deepika said, crossing her arms. She was already annoyed enough for the day, this was getting a lot.

"Very sorry Ma'am it's just that my friend Abishek said we could stay here for a while" the man said, playing with his fingers.
"Abishek? The neighbor??" She frowned and the man nodded. This time Deepika had enough. She angrily knocked at Abishek's door.

The poor Abishek opened the door, probably not ready for the storm that Deepika had in her right now.
"Hey. What's your problem! Why the heck are there people in my flat" Deepika said, upset.
"Well you just weren't coming back so I thought I could make them stay here... Arjun and Aisha live in the streets and they are having a baby and-"
"What 'and' ?! This is my place you have no right to do this, I'm not your wife I will never be so now just stop, you don't pay the rent, I do" She said angrily, shutting the door as she turned back to Arjun and Aisha.

"Well hum... I'll just take our stuff then" Arjun said, playing with his fingers nervously again.
Deepika sighed softly.
"No, please stay. You should have a place for to stay for the last few weeks of pregnancy I'll just- I'll go to my friend's" she smiled softly, grabbing her bag again. Well it was actually Ranbir's sport bag that contained Deepika's stuff but let's not mention it.

"Thank you so much Ma'am. It means a lot"
Deepika just nodded and left. She couldn't actually believe what had happened. What kind of people just get kick themselves out of their appartment like this.
She sat on the car again and dialed Ranbir's number.

Ranbir was making some food for dinner with Bharat when his phone started to buzz on the kitchen counter.
Bharat took a quick look and saw a heart next to the name.. but he decided to keep it to himself. He just knew his wife would make a hell out of it.

"Hello?" Ranbir said, trying to sound as if it was work.
"Hi my baby, is it all going good with your sister?" Deepika asked knowingly.
"Yes yes, everything is on point with the project" he said
"I just wanted to tell you that I will be at Kalki's because Abishek Uncle decided it was a good idea to lend my flat to homeless pregnant people.. now I'm the homeless one"
"That's a very strange behavior. Actually I would like to discuss it with you" he said, still sounding pretty professional.
"that kind of won't happen because you took a week off and you can't spend it with me, remember?"
"You know you could come back to your old position in the company.. I really enjoy working with you" he said, more softly, though trying to sound as professional as ever.
"Yes of course, I can send it as a text. Have a good afternoon miss" he said before hanging up.

He turned to his brother-in-law and chuckled nervously.
"You know... work and stuff... it's never really the break, lol" he pretended to laugh as he quickly grabbed his phone and typed:

TO: Deepika ❤️
FROM: Ranbir ❤️
Baby come home :( We will pretend you are my roommate and you will 'sleep on the couch' but you will actually sleep by my side 🥺🥺

TO: Ranbir ❤️
FROM: Deepika ❤️
Are you sure? What if your sister finds out?

TO: Deepika ❤️
FROM: Ranbir ❤️
She won't, come on pleaaaase I want you to meet them.

TO: Ranbir ❤️
FROM: Deepika ❤️
Your niece hates me!!!!

TO: Deepika ❤️
FROM: Ranbir ❤️
She is 9...
Come on baby 💔💔

TO: Deepika ❤️
FROM: Ranbir ❤️
Fine. I'm on my way... ❤️..

"Is everything okay bhaiya?" Bharat asked as he saw Ranbir quite concentrated on his phone
"Actually.. We have to make a little more food, my roommate is coming tonight" Ranbir smiled.
Bharat raised his eyebrown but said nothing.

Soon enough, Deepika was entering the flat.
"Helloooo everyone" she said, a little awkwardly. Actually the whole night was gonna be awkward. After all, she was literally pretending to live here as a roommate and that she wasn't meeting her boyfriend's family so...
"Hiiii b---estie" Ranbir said, saving his own ass as he guided her to the living room.

"Soooo, hum, this is my sister Riddhima, her husband Bharat and my niece Samara.. and guys, this is Deepika, my roommate" Ranbir smiled softly, introducing them all.
God he was so nervous. Maybe Riddhima would hate her?

"Hi!" Deepika said, using her biggest smile as she shook Riddhima's hand, hoping to make a good impression. She did the same with Bharat, and then to little Samara, winking at her softly, to which she giggled.

A little later, they were all eating together. Deepika was chatting friendily with Riddhima, while massaging Ranbir's thigh under the table, where no one could see it.
Ranbir was trying his best not to focus on the feeling of her hand, because he'd get too turned on, and he managed to keep a conversation going.

"Tell me Deepika, you're sure that you don't want to keep your room right? Because we can have Ranbir on the couch and we could use Ranbir's room" Siddhima suggested.
Deepika smiled warmly.
"It's very sweet Siddhima Ji, but I will be fine on the couch" she smiled.
"Come on, drop the 'ji' "

The evening finally came, they made the bed for Samara and for her parents and they got the couch ready, because it needed to be believable.

She had only waited for something like 30 minutes, laying on the couch in silence and staring at the ceiling, that she was already bored. As she heard nobody, she figured out that they were asleep.
She grabbed her stuffed bear and tip-toed to her boyfriend's room, opened the door and closed it behind her.
Then she literally jumped to the bed, landing on top of Ranbir.

She couldn't help but giggled as he had jumped.
They got into their usual cuddling position and Deepika smiled widely. She had missed his cuddles more than anything in the world. She felt so comfortable there, her heart beating fast and some shivers she'd get every now and then.

"What did you think of my sister?" He asked, whispering not to wake the rest of the family, as he was cuddling her.
Deepika cuddled into him even more before answering
"I like her, she is really sweet.. tough I'm sure that you're the loveliest Kapoor" she winked, playing with his cheeks with her fingers.
Ranbir giggled silently.

"Actually, I just feel like your brother-in-law was staring at us a lot during dinner, didn't you think?" Deepika frowned.
Ranbir shrugged, his eyes meeting hers.
"I haven't noticed.." he said softly.
Deepika shrugged as well and cuddled more into her boyfriend, closing her eyes. She was so quickly asleep in his arms that he couldn't get his eyes off her. She was stunning. She made his heart do things that he would have never imagine that were even possible.

He kissed her forehead in silence before setting an alarm for the early morning.

Quarantine day 150:

The alarm rang at 6am. Deepika opened her shot eyes open. She immediately cut the alarm, sitting up on the bed. She rubbed her eyes, turned to her sleepy boyfriend that she had to leave to go do her best sleeper acting on the couch. She sighed, gave him a quick kiss on the cheeks, she grabbed her little bear and got out of the room.
She closed the door without a single noise and tiptoed to the couch.

Little Samara quickly woke up and came to Deepika.
"Good morning miss Deepika!" She said happily, climbing to lay on the couch with her.
Deepika found it a little odd but didn't express it.
"Good morning Samara" she smiled softly.
"How did you sleep on the couuuuch?" She asked suspiciously.
"Very good, thank you" Deepika frowned.

"Can you make me breakfast?" She asked with puppy eyes.
"Sure, what do you want to eat?" Deepika asked, getting up.
"Cereals!" The little girl said happily.

Deepika served her cereals and the end of Ranbir's orange juice. He would probably be mad about this, but it was fine.

Ranbir woke up in his bed. He turned to Deepika except, well yeah she wasn't here. Of course she wasn't, she had to play her role of good little roommate anyway.

He got up and went to the living room.
"Good morning little sunshine of mine" Ranbir said, staring at Deepika. Her eyes widened and she started making signs.
"Who are you talking to?" Riddhima asked, bursting into a giggle.
"Hu- to Samara, of course" he rolled his eyes, then turned back to Deepika with wide eyes.
Deepika just shrugged and kept on eating her cereals next to Samara.

Deepika quickly finished her breakfast, and she said goodbye to everyone. She had to leave for work. She smiled sadly at Ranbir and left the flat.

Ranbir sighed and sat on the chair she was sitting on... when he noticed she had forgotten her keys on the table.
"Oh, she forgot that. I will go give it to her hold on" he said, exiting the flat before running after her.

Arriving downstairs, he was surprised to actually see her, arms crossed in the entry. She didn't even look panicked that she didn't have her keys.
"Babyyyy you forgot your keys" Ranbir saif, shrugging the idea out of his head.
"Come here" she said softly, smiling.

Ranbir walked closer to her, frowning a little.
Deepika grabbed him by the arms, pulling him closer to her. Ranbir's heart skipped eight beats at once as he ended up leaning to her lips, kissing them intensely.
Deepika smiled softly against his lips and wrapped her arms around his neck as they kept on kissing for a solid 2 minutes.

They didn't even make a single noise as they separated, resting their foreheads against each other's, keeping their eyes closed.
"Sorry for making you run.. I just couldn't go to work without this" she shrugged.
Ranbir giggled and kissed her cheek.
"See you this afternoon then" Ranbir said, pouting at her.
Deepika smiled widely at his little pout and blushed softly.
"I will be back as soon as I can" she said softly, kissing his cheek as she quickly left.

Ranbir couldn't help the huge blush on his cheeks as he was walking back to his flat, his heart beating like drums.

"What took you so long?" Riddhima asked, she was a little annoyed actually.
"You should go to the store, I didn't get the chance to have juice."
Ranbir frowned. The morning was going to be long.

A little later, Ranbir and Bharat had decided to take Samara to the beach. Riddhima had prefered to stay home and do a little of cleaning.
She cleaned everywhere, but shit started to go down as she decided to clean 'Deepika's room'.

She found it a little bit odd that she didn't find any pictures on the furniture, but she kept on cleaning. Then she realized there was nothing that belonged to Deepika in the room. Even the bed was not real. It was set such as a 'just for the night'.
Riddhima frowned. Something was going on. She needed to find out who was that Deepika and why was she here.

Meanwhile, Deepika was finishing her work. She had the afternoon off today. She had originally planned it to spend time with Ranbir, but we all know this was going to be impossible.
"Hi Deepu, looking sad yaar, what's going on?" Kalki asked, entering her friend's office.

Deepika snapped out of it immediately.
"No- no I'm not sad" she smiled sadly at her friend. Kalki raised an eyebrow.
"Okay Deepika, you've been acting SO weird lately, don't you have something to tell me?"
Deepika looked at her intimidatedly and shook her head.

"Fine, if you are not going to say it, I'm going to." She said sternly. She closed the door to make sure no one would hear them and she sat in front of her friend.
"Deepika, I know you are in love with Ranbir, come on dude, it's so obvious. I don't want to make you uncomfortable but...I guessed it weeks ago" Kalki shrugged.
Deepika stared at her friend. Was she that obvious?

Kalki stood up and opened her arms to Deepika for a hug. The brunette took her friend in her arms and sighed softly.
"Why didn't you tell me, I would have helped you" Kalki said, rubbing her friend's back.
"It's just... so much more complicated than just that" Deepika admitted, frowning.

"Tell me about it then" Kalki said, making them sit down together again.
Deepika took a breath and began.
"Well we're kind of dating, the thing is that if people find out, we are so screwed. I mean look at us, people will obviously think it's just about money for me and just about sex for him and one of us will get fired.. So we're pretending.. but it's so hard to do it and you know it's just- it was okay because I came here and pretended but then we would go home and we could just be but- then his sister decided to show up and now I even have to pretend when I'm at his place because, if the sister knows, then the father will know and poof! Fired! But I just- I love him so so so so much, Kalki. So much that I'm willing to pretend i'm sleeping on the couch for the whole week"

Kalki's eyes widened at her friend's speech.
"Wow that is... intense?" She chuckled.
"Don't tell anyone, I trust you on this" Deepika said, pointing her finger trying to be intimidating.
"You know I would never. I will help" Kalki winked.

Ranbir was now making lunch with Riddhima.
"So Ranbir... how did you and Deepika meet?" Riddhima asked, pretending it was to make conversation but she was actually suspecting something.
"Oh huh, Dad introduced us because she didn't have any place to stay so.." Ranbir shrugged, hoping to change the subject.

"Ohhhh alright.. has she been living here for a while?" She kept the conversation going.
"A few months.. she has been moving from here to somewhere to here to somewhere..." he simply replied, not getting into the details.
Riddhima frowned.
"You do realize you are making her sleep on some mattress, right?" Riddhima said, getting on her nerves.
"What do you mean?" Ranbir frowned.

"Ranbir, she is a girl, she is lovely, she made breakfast for Samara as if she was a part of the family and you make her sleep on some ridiculous mattress. Ma would be embarassed. Deepika deserves so much better" she said, thinking she had gotten it. She was convinced Ranbir was an ass to Deepika now.

Speaking of Deepika, she actually opened the door a little after, returning from work.
"Hiiii everyone" she said, smiling as she entered the flat.
"MISS DEEPIKA!!" Samara yelled happily, jumping in Deepika's arms.
The brunette's eyes widened as she receptionned the 9-year-old in her arms.

If they had been alone, Deepika would have jumped the exact same way on Ranbir. She would have kissed him and they would have ranted about their days, holding each other's hand or serving themselves a little drink.
Instead, their eyes just locked for a second and they smiled at each other warmly from a distance. It just meant it for them. Even though they couldn't express it yet.

Bharat couldn't help but smiled to himself at their little behavior. Even though his wife was completely blind. That week was going to be long.

Quarantine, day 154:

It was the last evening for Bharat, Riddhima and Samara. In fact, they had to leave early in the morning, Samara was already asleep and they were all getting ready to go to bed.
They said goodnight and the usual routine started.

Bharat and Riddhima went to Deepika's bedroom, Deepika would wait 10 minutes in the couch and then she would join her lover in his room.
But this time, as she was entering her boyfriend's bedroom, Riddhima had needed water and saw her enter it. She frowned and as the really good spy she was, she went to the lock of the door and looked through it.

What she saw would change it all forever.
Deepika was climbing on Ranbir's bed, tying her hair. She cuddled into him and then she kissed him... she kissed him?!

Riddhima hurried herself back in her own bedroom, her eyes wide open. It all made sense now... Deepika not having a proper bed, she didn't need one. Those questions about being in love and the way Samara had said 'what about De-' the other night. 'De' like 'Deepika'.
"Bharat... my brother is dating his roommate" she said, completely shook.
"You FINALLY saw it, I'm proud of you" he shrugged and continued reading his book.

Quarantine, day 155:

The next morning, when they were having breakfast all together, Riddhima couldn't help but stare at her future sister-in-law intensely.
She was not like the others. She looked stable and it was not the usual type.

Deepika found it a little tiny ass bit creepy, but she kept on eating as if nothing was going on, avoiding her gaze.
Except soon enough there were so many eyes on her. Deepika frowned and turned to the three pair of eyes staring at her.
"What?" She asked, shrugging in discomfort.
"Nothing" they all said together, going back to their cereals.

It was soon time to leave for them. They said their goodbyes and they all held Deepika in their arms really tight... which made Deepika freeze. Oh God, they knew, right?
"Thank you for having us, it was lovely. Now we will leave you two okay?" Riddhima said, once she had set Samara in her seat.
She then winked at Deepika. And there Deepika knew. Deepika knew she hadn't been discreet enough, she knew that Ranbir's sister knew about their relationship and she also knew that now they were screwed.

How are you guys?
Next chapter is going to be the final one but I will also make an epilogue!!
I hope you are all safe and that you will have a wonderful week ahead!!
Much love you all of you i loooove youuuu❤️❤️❤️❤️
