Part 8

Hi hi hi hi how are youuuu?
Here is a new part for you beautiful souls❤️❤️
I love you all very much💛💛
don't forget to leave a little review because you're cool aren't you

Quarantine, day 112:

They had been apart for so long, too long actually. But today was the day they would reunite. Actually it was the day they were finally going back to physical work. With real people! And real masks and measures against the pandemic.. But it was still a reunion!!

They had texted each other every night. Alia knew nothing about it of course, Ranbir would grab his phone as soon as he heard her sleep and he would text Deepika immediately.

It helped Deepika so much. She would always feel anxious before going to sleep for some reasons. But having him texting her at night felt really comforting and she just knew he wouldn't be asleep until she was.
She missed him terribly of course and today, she would have to pull off her best acting to not show any feelings towards him.

She woke up, got dressed, she actually had chosen beautiful clothes, she was proud of the outfit. She went to have breakfast in her small kitchen, she didn't really have a dining room so she would eat on the floor in the living room or on the kitchen counter. It was really small, but at least she wasn't at her parents' right?

Ranbir was so excited that he was shaking. He had missed his 'little Deeps' so so so so much more than he would ever be able to admit.
How he would struggle to keep it all locked down today, when he would see her.
The young man was getting dressed, in some good old suit. Alia helped him with his tie.
They had a quick breakfast together and soon, they were both gone to work.

Deepika was in the bus, she had had no other way to go to work that morning. Her car suddenly didn't work, out of nowhere. She was sitting on a seat, keeping her stuff close and positionning herself in a protection pose. She hated the bus, there were always weird men who would wink at her or other stuff. When she arrived at her stop, she thanked the driver and hurried herself outside... but some creepy man got out as well. Deepika panicked. She quickened her steps... but the man did too.

There, Deepika completely freaked and began running. Trust me running in some heels and suits pants is no easy thing. She was running as fast as she could, looking behind her to make sure he wasn't following when... BOOM.

Ranbir got out of his car and got bumped in violently. Deepika fell to the floor before he could even have told it was her.
His heart fastened when he realized who was on the floor infront of him. He handed her his hand and she grabbed his, giving him a weird sparkling feeling. God, how in love he was.
"Are you okay?" He asked softly.

"Yes, thank you" Deepika said and smiled shyly at him. She just didn't know how to behave with him anymore and she assumed he would prefer her to stay professional.
"I will.. go inside okay? See you there" she added softly. Ranbir nodded and Deepika left.

They met each other again that day, at the coffee machine. Actually Ranbir had one on his floor.. but he had this small hope he would have caught a glimpse of her if he took it on this floor instead.
"Hey! Fancy seeing you here" Deepika smiled as she was getting her coffee ready.
"Yeaaaah I was..huh.. getting some file down here and I thought.. what about a coffee you know cause it's like the same if I take it here and yeah it's totally a coincidence that we're both here and now" he let an uncomfortable giggle out, trying to convince her that it wasn't weird. Though it was. But it was not.

She chuckled, and it was the most beautiful sound he had ever heard. He couldn't really get enough of her actually. She was the most precious thing that had ever happened to him.
"Well yeah, coffee is really good on this floor. You should come more often. I kind of miss your silly face" she winked at him, before going away with her coffee.

Ranbir shivered. The wink was too much to handle professionally. He took a deep breath and shook his head softly, before going into the elevator, leaving his coffee on the coffee machine.

It was now 8pm, and Deepika was on her way to the elevator. Her bus would be here in a minute, so she was trying to catch it on time. It was the last bus of the day, she didn't know how she would do if she came late.
She got into the elevator and as she got down, she arrived in the main hallway and once again, bumped into Ranbir.
"Oh God I'm sorry, I keep doing this for some reason, okay gotta go bye have a good night!" She excused herself as fast as she could, running out.

Ranbir was so confused but decided not to question it. He went outside at his own pace, he walked to his car, he felt tired. For some reasons, keeping the mask on for the whole day was really difficult and tiring. He would get used to it... But the worst thing about the mask was not seeing her dimples.
Don't mind him. He was completely obsessed with Deepika. He just couldn't think about anything else. It was getting really bad.
All day he had been thinking about her, getting distracted as ever, even during work!! She had entered his brain and wouldn't go out.

Walking to his car in the dark, he saw a silhouette. It didn't take him long to figure out that it was her. He called her.
"Deepika, what are you doing here?" He asked.

She shrugged, her eyes reddening. She was just so tired and she wanted to sleep but at the same time she couldn't and she had missed her bus.
"I missed my bus and now I'm stuck here I just-" she managed to say and began sobbing.

Ranbir didn't waste a second and pulled her close in his arms. Deepika wrapped her arms around his waist and cried on his shirt. She was just tired and nervous, which made her cry.
"I-I'm sorry-" she sobbed again.
"Don't be sorry, it's okay. I will take you to your place okay?" He said softly, holding her a little tighter.

The brunette nodded as she relaxed in his arms, closing her eyes. She could have fallen asleep right there. Ranbir had become her happy place and she would have given anything to have him holding her like this all night long. But all the good things end eventually and soon, they were pulling away. They got into the car together and Ranbir drove her to this ridiculous flat of hers. Though he would never say it to her face.

They arrived sooner than they would have wanted. They got out of the car, hugged each other as tight as they could. Ranbir whispered
"Goodnight little Deeps" in Deepika's ear. Deepika shivered and they parted. They smiled at each other and Deepika got in her flat. She felt sad. She wanted him. She wanted him to come with her, hold her all night, kiss her cheeks and other places too. She just- had this unexplainable feeling about him...

But he had Alia, and she probably was the center of his world. She was Ranbir's Ranbir.
Alia was a sweetheart and it was what made it even worse about it. That she couldn't help this feeling of anger towards her, though she was some of the kindest girl she had ever met. She just couldn't help herself..

Except when Ranbir arrived home to Alia, she asked him to sit down and gave her a glass of water. It was very suspicious.
"I have something very important to tell you" Alia said sweetly. Ranbir frowned but sat down anyways.
"Ranbir.. there is something that- oh God I don't know how to tell you this" she sighed.
"Go ahead, it's okay tell me" he said as he noticed her nervous behavior.
"Ranbir, I'm in love with someone else" she said, tearing up instantly.
"I've tried-so hard to keep it locked inside and never show it but today- today at work I saw him again and- it felt af his all the love was exploding- I- just can't hold it do you understand?" She tried to explain, tears run'ing down her cheeks.

Ranbir couldn't believe his ears. Alia was in love with someone else?? Alia was in the exact same position as him!! Wow

As Ranbir said nothing, Alia panicked. She was scared. She was so scared he was going to think she had been cheating on him and ruin her reputation or worse. She could get fired you know?
"R-Ranbir I just- I've never loved someone as much as I love Varun it's unexplainable... I thought I loved you, I really did but- but whenever i'm with him, it's like all my problems had faded away, I get those constant butterflies it's just- it's so special and I can't hold it back for very much longer"

Ranbir couldn't help but smile as a single tear rolled down his cheek. He wasn't mad nor disappointed in her, it's just that she had described everything that he had felt for Deepika and it all made sense. Alia and him were not meant for each other but he knew their friendship would remain intact.
"Come here Alu" he smiled at her and opened his arms.

Alia finally sobbed and hugged her friend so tight.
"Thank you for understanding" she whispered.
'It's because I feel the exact same way' he thought, holding her still.

They parted after a few minutes, smiling at each other, Alia's face all red from crying so much.
"You should call him" Ranbir said.
"Who?" She asked softly.
"Varun, call him. I will be making dinner if you're looking for me" He winked, and walked to the kitchen.

Ranbir began making dinner, he decided to go with some pasta. He remembered once Deepika had made so good pasta! But he couldn't remember the recipe. He shrugged, he would make easy pasta instead. He had some ready-made tomato sauce in the fridge. So he walked to the fridge. It had a lot of polaroid pictures on his, pictures of people he loved like his family, his friends... and there was that one picture in the middle of it all.

It was Deepika, she was in her pjs suit, a bun and her glasses. She was sitting on the couch and eating her chicken. She couldn't eat properly that day and it had made Ranbir laugh a lot. He had taken a picture, and placed it on the fridge, to remember this moment forever.

He sighed softly at the picture and opened the fridge. He grabbed the sauce and closed the fridge, smiling to himself at the picture.
Then he began 'cooking'.

Deepika was at her place, eating her pasta on the floor of her living room, infront of the TV. She was watching some rom-com and crying her eyes out infront of it. It was just so cute ok, and she was kind of hopeless of ever having this connexion with someone. Well, she had it with Ranbir, but it was just one-sided and she knew it.

Alia came back to the living room after her phone call that she did on the balcony. She smiled widely at Ranbir.
"What did he say?" Ranbir asked her, a smile on his face.
"He said I should move in with him." She smiled... then her smiled turned into a frown.
"Oh no you're going to be alone" she said softly.
Ranbir nodded.
"It's okay Alia, I was like that just 4 months ago it never bothered me" he simply said. 
"you're not mad, are you?" She asked.
"I'm not mad" he confirmed
"You know you will always be my friend, right?" She asked again. Ranbir smiled at her.
"I know that silly, go sit I'll bring you your plate now. And I will help to make your bags then" he winked, making Alia giggle.

Quarantine, day 116:

First day without Alia for Ranbir. Now he was alone again. He finally had his flat just for him again, like the good old days before his father brought some random roommate out of nowhere.
That was all he had wanted. To live his own life, to be free, flirting with girls, hanging with the boys, and just live his life like he used to... right?

But nowadays, he felt like he was just trying to convince himself that it was the truth. But you know it was the first day, he would get back to loving this life eventually. The feeling of not belonging there anymore was due to the fact he'd been locked down. But he would enjoy it as much again right? That was the real life. Not what he had imagined himself with Deepika. Right?

Because Deepika, she was perfection and she deserved the best that this world had to offer. She was not in love with him anyways, why would have she been. He had always hoped she would have been but.. but he was ridiculous. A girl like Deepika, so humble, kind, beautiful and perfect, she would never want a boy like Ranbir, selfish, spoiled, that plays girls,...

Deepika woke up that morning again. She got ready and arrived at the office with her car this time. She had had it fixed last week. Ever since he had brought her home, she hadn't talked to Ranbir anymore. She hadn't seen him. And he hadn't texted her. She hadn't either, she was trying her best not to, even though she just hoped he would have.

It was in the elevator that they met again that morning. It was just them in it.
"Hi" Ranbir simply said, looking at her lovingly. When they were alone, he felt free to behave normally. But whenever he had eyes over him, he would be on his guard.
He didn't know it, but it felt the same for Deepika, who blushed softly. She couldn't help it.
"Hey" she answered.

"What's up?" He asked, genuinely interested.
"Nothing much, just- my fucking water isn't working anymore in that damn flat, but it's okay. I will get water from here, I brought some empty bottles to fi-" she interrupted herself, realizing that he was actually the boss and she probably shouldn't have told him that she was planning on stealing water.
Ranbir let out a chuckle, which resonated in the elevator and made Deepika butterflies in the stomach wake up and tickle her.
How could someone have such a perfect way of laughing?

"You can take all the water that you want, I will pay if it's for you" he said softly, his gaze getting stuck in Deepika's eyes. He couldn't get enough of this girl.

Suddenly, Deepika's air got stuck in her throat. She wanted to say something, she wanted to say thank you, to make sure he was really serious but instead she just stayed there, looking in his eyes.
The elevator doors opened and Ranbir got out, leaving Deepika alone with her thoughts and empty bottles of water.

Quarantine, day 120:

"Yes Sir it's Deepika Padukone again, Yes the water isn't working still" Deepika sighed on the phone.

It was the eleventh call to that guy that she had made in the past 5 days. She needed water, people die without water. And nothing was coming out of those damn pipes.

"Listen Maam, we are doing our best but we can't come until the 25th"
"The 25th?! You're kidding, right? That's like in 7 days!!" Deepika said, getting slightly, slightly mad.
"Yeah, Maybe you should buy bottled water until then or ask water to the neighbors.."
"Are you serious right now?? I'm telling you I don't have water and you- You know what?? You better fucking hurry to fix this" she angrily said before hanging up.

She sighed loudly, sitting on her couch in annoyance. She just couldn't help the tears from flooding down her cheeks. That was what happened when she was angry.
Suddenly the door bell rang. She wiped her tears the best that she could and went to open it.

When Deepika opened the door, Ranbir was standing right in front of her.
He smiled warmly... then realized her eyes were reddish and that she had been crying.
"What-what's going on little Deeps?" He asked, pulling her inside softly and closing the door behind them.

"Nothing it's just..." she began and those tears came back rushing. "The water guy won't come until the 25th to fix this damn water and socI don't have water and it's getting fucking too much" she said, trying to keep her calm.
Ranbir rubbed her back softly as she wiped her tears again. Then she realized.. Ranbir was here?!

"What are you doing here?" She asked, a little frown on her face.
"Oh.. well I made waffles and I though 'hey maybe i could share them, maybe Deepika would like a sunday little waffle' and so I came here to bring you waffles" he shrugged.

Yes, that was the only excuse he had found to see her again. He had been DYING to see her again. He had looked for DAYS for an excuse to. Then that morning his mother sent him a picture of his sister's waffles, and it felt like the best idea ever thought of. He immediately had asked the recipe to his sister and made some waffles, for Deepika.

Deepika's whole face lightened up. How sweet he was being, and all she had been doing was complaining. She walked to the cupboard and grabbed two plates. She put them on the kitchen counter becausd.. she still didn't have a dining room.

"Do you want Nutella with yours?" She asked,
Ranbir nodded and she grabbed the Nutella to place it on the table.
"What do you want to drink? And don't tell me water" she said, Ranbir chuckled.
"I don't know.. juice?"
"Alright, juice that is" she winked and grabbed the juice in the fridge.

They chatted for a while, eating their waffles together, on the kitchen counter.
"I had to shower at Abishek uncle's [the neighbor] do you know how cold this bathroom is? It's colder than Elsa's frozen palace" she said, biting in her waffle again.
At the thought of Deepika naked in that bathroom, Ranbir could feel it down there. His eyes widened softly and he shook that stupid idea out of his head wow. Instead, he giggled softly at her story.
"You can come and shower at my place if you would rather... the bathroom is warm" he shrugged.

Deepika giggled.
"That's on the opposite side of Mumbai, you clown" she chuckled and took another bite of her waffle.
"No I mean, I'm serious if you want just... come back?" He said softly.
At the idea of coming back to Ranbir's flat, Deepika's whole body shivered. She wanted to, she so wanted to. Just have him as close as possible. Him holding her hand to sleep. She just knew that feeling him was all that she needed. But she could not do it. There was Alia, and he was her boss still, even though he had also become her friend.

"You're sweet" she smiled softly,
"I don't want to disturb you and Alia, I'm good here even without water. I actually suspect Abishek uncle to be just a little bit in love with me" she winked and giggled.

Wait she could see that? It's true that this Abishek guy wasn't really discreet and was making really obvious little notes.. but she couldn't see that Ranbir was in love with her right? Because how embarassing...
No, Deepika wasn't like this. If she had noticed something and wanted to bring it up, she would have never mentionned someone else.

"Actually.. huh.. Alia and I have parted. So you can come without disturbing her" he said softly.
"Oh- what happened? I mean no I don't have to know I just- if you want to talk about it or- yeah" she tried to answer. She couldn't help but feel a huge relief in her heart. Not that she would jump on him or something but it was a huge relief not to be in love with someone who was with someone else.
"She was in love with someone else. Very much in love. So much that she couldn't stay apart for very much longer" he shrugged and drank on his juice.

"I'm really sorry... I shouldn't have brought it up" Deepika said softly, suddenly feeling uncomfortable.
"Don't be, it's okay. I could totally understand the feeling she had so.. it really helped" he shrugged, taking another bite of his waffle.
"But really, come back, at least until the 25th. I just don't like knowing that my friend is showering in Elsa's frozen palace." He winked.

Soon enough, they were packing her bags together. Deepika couldn't have said no to him. The need of a good shower and of proximacy had been stronger than her.
And before she knew it, they were in his car, listening to some songs on the radio, singing along like two fools.

That evening, Deepika had a warm shower while Ranbir was making her bed in the room she used to sleep in. She was ready before him so she began making her famous pasta for the both of them. As if she had been living here forever.
They ate together in front of the TV, like in the good old days and it was soon bedtime. Tomorrow, they had to work.
Once again, Deepika felt tense going to sleep. It would be okay right? This time she wasn't alone. If she had a problem he would help her, right?

Before going to his bedroom, Ranbir kissed Deepika's forehead. She smelled amazing and he could have stayed there for hours if she's asked it. Deepika smiled at him and went to her own bedroom as well.
But two hours later, she still was unable to find sleep. She decided that she might as well go and annoy Ranbir a tiny bit. Maybe he would help her sleep.

She tip toed to his bedroom, she entered and closed the door behind her. She climbed on his bed sat next to him. Her hear was literally pounding on her chest now. Was it just because she was tired or did he have such a huge effect on her always? She slightly shook him awake.

Ranbir rubbed his eyes, to see a beautiful little Deepika in his bed. She looked so beautiful as always. If he could have just stayed there and watch her for hours long, he would have. But that would have been creepy, so he sat up in the bed.
"What going on?" He asked softly.
"I-I can't sleep... I'm sorry it's ridiculous I shouldn't be annoying you because of th-" he interrupted her
"No no no no, it's not ridiculous, go get your pillow and sleep here okay? I will be with you all the time" he said knowingly.

Because he knew how difficult it was for her nowadays, it was causing her a lot of stress. He also knew she slept better knowing that someone was with her, that was what the doctor said when she had her anxiety problem a few weeks back.
She went to get her stuff and quickly came back, Ranbir and made her a little spot in the bed just for her. God he was sleeping in the same bed as Deepika, now his heart was going crazy.

She laid next to him, feeling his warmth invade her from everywhere. She rested her head on the pillow and she just stared at his face. His eyes were so deep, she could get lost in them, his beautiful beautiful eyes.

Ranbir's gaze was directly on her face as well. God she was so perfect. Even at 1am, having an insomnia. Everything about her was beautiful. Her personnality he couldn't get enough of, she just was so funny, friendly and sweet. Her deep hazel eyes, her little nose that felt so special and.. her lips. Wow, how he wanted to taste her lips again. Her soft, sweet lips. She the thought of it was getting him all hot and bothered.
He closed his eyes. He just couldn't go on this path right now. It was too dangerous.

Instead, he suggested cuddles, to which Deepika smiled and hurried herself in his warm embrace. They just stayed like that, Deepika was fast asleep and Ranbir stayed up for half an hour more, smelling her hair and holding her tight.
Tomorrow was going to be another day, but right now, she was just his, for a few hours still, she was just his.

I'm emo on this chapter not gonna lie. It wasn't supposed to be that long idk I got super inspired and it's like the double of a normal chapter 😭😭
Anyways, how are you guys? I hope you liked this chapter as much as i did writing it! Please leave a little review so that I can make sure it only gets better 🙌🙌
I love youuuu all soooo much have a good day/night ❤️❤️
