Part 5

Hello luvs, how are youuuu? It's me again to annoy youuuu!! ☀️☀️
Here is part 5 because I felt inspired
Love youuuu

quarantine, day 41:

Deepika's eyes opened suddenly. She felt something poking in her thigh. She freaked out. She was not alone. She grabbed her bear, as if it would really help and fastly turned, slapping whoever it was that was in her bed strongly with her stuffed bear.

Ranbir woke up in a jump, panicking. What was happening, he was getting punched, by... a bear?!
"Ahhhh please stop!!" He weakly said, covering his face with his arms.
The punched immediately stopped, followed by a loud gasp and a beautiful voice.
"Oh my God!! I'm so sorry Ranbir I thought someone had broke in- wait what are you doing here?" She frowned

"It's okay hm, Alia left during the night and I just came to see if you were asleep and I guess I just fell asleep next to you." Ranbir shrugged.
Deepika suddenly felt like she could breathe normally again, after being choked ever since she had came here. Not that she didn't like Alia, she seemed genuinely kind but she just- it didn't stood right with her..

"Sh-she left?" She said softly, sitting back on the bed. Ranbir nodded. He couldn't contain a small smile from escaping his lips. He felt happy that she was gone. That was mean, he shouldn't have felt happy. But he couldn't help it.
"Her grandfather is dying if I understood right" he said.

"Wow, that's awful." Deepika said, suddenly feeling really bad that she had felt somehow relieved to see the girl leaving. The poor thing...
"Why didn't you go with her?" She asked, turning to him.
Ranbir frowned. Yeah why didn't he go. Well because he didn't want to. He didn't want to leave Deepika.
"I should call her" Ranbir finally said, leaving Deepika's room, slamming the door. He felt mad at himself for being such an asshole to Alia.

Deepika jumped as the door slammed, but decided to follow him. She stood up very quickly, reopened her door and followed him through the living room, until the balcony.
He was visibly worried, holding his phone to his ear as it was beeping, to call Alia.

"Hello?" Alia said, through the phone.
"Hey Alia, I just.. I was worried about you, is everything okay?" Ranbir asked, biting his lip and holding strongly to the balcony railing with his left hand.
"Yeah just, my Grandfather is really sick and they thought he was dying last night. To be honest I think he might die very soon." She explained.
"Alright... do you need anything?" Ranbir asked.
"I would say I need you but you would leave Deepika alone and I don't want her to be." Alia shrugged.

Ranbir didn't know how to answer to this. Alia thought he would be able to leave Deepika alone. Would he? Because he could have but would he really be able to focus on Alia when he would know Deepika was home alone?
"Wait, what if you come with Deepika?" Alia said again, when she hadn't gotten a reply for 30 seconds.
"Huh, I will ask her? Send me the address and we will do our best" Ranbir said, trying to sound confident about the idea even though he really was not.
"Alright, call me back when you know" She said.
"I love you." She finished and hung up before Ranbir had even gotten the chance to answer to that.

Ranbir sighed and turned to be met with Deepika sitting on the step of the balcony's door. He walked to her and sat by her side.
They stayed there, sitting down next to each other and staring at the sea of the quarantined Mumbai in front of their eyes.
"What did she say?" Deepika asked, breaking the silence.
"She wants us to join her" Ranbir said.
"Are you going to?" She asked again, still looking at the waves.

Ranbir turned to her, he looked at her sadly and stood up, entering the flat again. He didn't know what to answer. He didn't want to go, but if he didn't, Deepika would think of him as a bad person and Alia would probably think he was an asshole. At the same time he wanted to take Deepika, but she would just be third wheeling and he wanted Deepika so bad.
He was dying inside. He was going crazy, he loved her more than he had ever loved anyone else.

Deepika decided to follow him. He was upset, it's okay. But Deepika was not to leave people in their worry. She could understand that Ranbir felt worry for Alia, she did kind of worry as well if she was honest. But she wanted him to know that she was here. She followed him inside and found him sitting on the couch, lost in his thoughts.
She sat next to him. Shyly at first. Then she came a little bit closer, and closer, and closer... until she was completely against him. She rested her head on his shoulder in silence.

They remained this way for around 10 minutes. 10 beautiful minutes of feeling good. Both of their hearts were beating so fast, and they couldn't stop the butterflies in both of their stomach. That was the exact moment Deepika began questionning the fact that she might have been feeling a littl something towards her very attractive roommate.

quarantine, day 44:

It was really embarassing. Ranbir was in the front, wearing his mask, obviously. Holding hand with Alia who was crying all the tears of her short body. Deepika was in the back of the little crowd that made Alia's family around her grandfather's body.

So yeah, it kind of felt embarassing for Deepika. She had been kind of forced by Ranbir to come. It was really hard to resist to him if she was really honest. Lately she had been feeling so weak around him. They had driven together from Mumbai to Goa. All day, just the two of them, listening to songs, singing along, telling themselves jokes, telling stories about work, about the places, and they both felt the air getting heavy as close as they were getting from the funeral. They just knew they would be separated.

She had developped this crush. This burning, dangerous crush that was also so beautiful, when they were just the two of them.
She needed to focus, he was with Alia. That's what mattered.

Ranbir was in the front, yet he couldn't help himself, turning around every 5 or so minutes to make sure she was still there, she was still okay.

After the ceremony, some women had came up to Deepika.
"Hi, is it you Ayesha?? You have grown so much!! New York is doing you well! Though you did take a little bit of weight" the woman said.
"Actually I'm D-" Deepika tried to explain but another lady interrupted her.
"Oh yes Ayesha, you did take a little weight, and your skin is definitely breaking out a little bit, what's your skin care beta?" She asked
Deepika frowned, she was definitely not Ayesha but at the same time those ladies were judging her body right?? Was her skin that bad??
"huh I just wa-" Deepika begon before getting interrupted again, but by a more familiar voice this time.

"Deepika, come" Alia said, then turned to the ladies.
"Aunt Kamala and Aunt Priti, this is Deepika, my boyfriend's roommate. She only came here because we didn't want her to feel alone. Ayesha couldn't make it" She then said, pulling Deepika's arm to get her away from the crazy ladies.

"Where is Ranbir?" Deepika asked shyly to Alia. She always felt a little intimidated by Alia if she was honest.
"He's already waiting for us at the car" Alia said to her.

quarantine, day 56:

It was dinner time, Ranbir and Deepika both had finished their rice and daal and were watching 'Suits' on TV. The both of them had their glass of wine in hand, and popcorn on the table.

Once again, Ranbir had a hard time keeping up with the storyline. His thoughts were focused on the beautiful designer in front of his eyes. She was going to leave him. Next week to be precise. She hadn't told him yet, he saw an email on her computer when he was looking for some files to print the other day. Ever since, he had been broken. He had been drinking all day. It was probably a bad idea, but he needed it. He needed it the forget the pain.
Alcohol was awakening the lust inside of him and now he couldn't take his eyes off Deepika's lips.

quarantine, day 57:

"Ranbir I need to tell you something" Deepika said. She had been trying to tell him for the whole day, but she couldn't bring herself to. She really didn't want to leave but she knew she had to. She would only cause troubles if she stayed.

Ranbir had his whole life planned with Alia, she was just a burden. She was just here the time to find a flat of her own.

The one she had found was okay. Nowhere near the flat she had been living in with Ranbir, but it was alright.
The kitchen was tiny, in fact every rooms were tiny. But it was enough. It would be okay.

She was taken out of her daydream by Ranbir.
"What did you want to tell me?" He asked.
She took a deep breath.
"I'm.. huh.. moving out" she said in a light voice.

Ranbir's heart broke. He knew, he had seen it on her computer. But he didn't want her to leave. He would have given anything to keep her close forever. But he couldn't.
He was her boss, she would think it's creepy, the world would think it's creepy and his father would probably disown him.
"Oh.. when are you moving out?" He asked, trying his best to sound supportive, though he was pretty sure he sounded depressing.

Deepika looked down softly.
"On saturday." She said, feeling really bad.
"Wow, that's like in three days.. well alright do you need help to- move your stuff?" He asked.
"Yeah, yeah I could use some help" Deepika said in a sigh, smiling softly.
"I will help you then" Ranbir smiled back, sadly.

quarantine, day 59:

It was Friday night, they were sitting together on the couch, watching their TV show for the last time. Both of Ranbir and Deepika's hearts were heavy, though they would never admit it to each other. They were strong right, they were just roommates and it was normal to feel a little bit sad about leaving their roommates, right?

Deepika was trying her best to focus on the episode, but she couldn't. Her eyes would always wander to the man on the opposite side of the couch.

Ranbir was looking down, he was definitely feeling bad about the situation. She was leaving him. He would still see her obviously, on zoom reunions and then at work eventually when the lockdown would stop. But it would never be the same.

"Oh my God" he suddenly heard, coming from Deepika. He looked at the screen and Ranbir saw Mike, proposing to Rachel. He turned to Deepika.

Deepika turned to Ranbir, a huge smile on her face.
"I kneeeew it!!!! They were meant to be!!" She said so excitedly. It was true, she had been telling him ever since the first episode.
Seeing her smile made him smile even bigger. Her dimples always did something to him.

Before he knew it, Ranbir was heading closer to her. He couldn't help it, he felt drawned to her lips, like they were magnets to his own lips.
He was so close that he could feel her breath on his face.

Deepika's heart was beating so loud that she could barely hear anything else as Ranbir was coming definitely too close. She could feel her entire body shiver in anticipation.

Then their lips met. At first, Deepika didn't move, she felt paralized. After about 1 second and a half, she began moving her lips in sync with him. And they could feel it all, the butterflies, the fireworks, all that they said in the books, and that they had never ever felt before. It was magical.

Deepika's lips were so soft and so gentle against Ranbir's ones.
Ranbir's tongue demanded for entrance, Deepika let him. Their tongues meeting sent undescribable feelings through their whole bodies. Their tongues clashed, fighting for dominance while Ranbir and Deepika were living the strangest/most beautiful moment of their lives so far. Ranbir was beginning to get a little bit too carried on, and if Deepika was honest with herself, so was her.

When they both realized what was happening, they separated in a hurry. They felt taken aback, they stayed like that, sitting completely straight, staring at the wall behind the TV for a minute.
Deepika stood up,
"I-I should go to sleep- huh- long day tomorrow" she said, before going to her bedroom.
"Ye-yeah good night" Ranbir answered, feeling guilty.

Deepika entered her bedroom, closed the door behind her and suddenly felt dizzy. Her eyes filled with tears. Why did she have to feel this way? She leaned against the door in despair, feeling like the world was falling down.
Tomorrow she would be moving away, maybe her feelings would stay here? Hopefully.

We could call this a cliffhanger hihi!!
See you next chapter! Leave a little review pleaseeee ❤️❤️ thank you for reading it's incredibleeee
