Red pov
I woke up due to Dylan asking where we were so I woke up blue
"Blue something is up with Dylan" I said to him
"What do you mean?" Blue asked before we hear the one of the parts and service doors open then close
"I feel like something is wrong" I said as we got off of our ports and started to leave the kitchen and I saw Dylan walk into vinnies room
"I'm going to find out what is going on" I said before running to candy and Cindy, when I got there I turned on candy and Cindy
"Guys-" I said before I was interrupted
"I had one of the most weirdest dreams in my entire LIFE-" candy said as Cindy was confused
"Anyways what did you need us for?" Cindy asked me and blue
"Well Dylan is-" I tried to say before I got interrupted again
"Bossman is missing?! Oh no" Candy said as he got off the stage and started to run around
"Oh god..." blue said as me,Cindy, and blue got off the stage and stayed in the main area

[3 1/2 hours later also Blanks pov]

I was watching yellow,green,candy and fylan being chaotic while red was drinking and blue was watching this all go down
"So do you know where Dylan is?" I asked blue
"Vinnie's room but I don't know if he awake or not" blue said
"Ok" I said
"Why did you ask?" Blue asked me
"Because the others keep talking about it except red who keeps drinking" I said
"Ok- yea- me and red keep trying to tell them but they don't want to listen-" blue said

[Dylan's pov]

I just woke up and I saw vinnie looking at me
"Good morning or afternoon" vinnie said as I got up and sat on the floor
"Morin'" I said, still tired
"Why did you fall asleep in here instead of your office" vinnie asked
"i had a wired ass dream, woke up, and panicked so i came in here and fell asleep" i said looking at vinnie
"ok, i told the others to not to come in here and i think some of them think your missing again" vinnie said as i got up
"nice- i'm going to go home or stay here, haven't decided yet" i said before leaving his room
"Ok" he said before I walked over to blue and blank and sat down by them
"Hey, your alive" blue said to me
"Yea, I have been alive physically but mentally no-" I said before I stared in the distance

[blank's pov]
I watched blue and Dylan talk for a bit before Dylan started staring into the distance
"And he is gone again" I said before red came over
"So- I wasn't seeing things" red said
"Red what do you mean?" I asked
"Red woke up and heard Dylan then woke me and we both saw Dylan walking into vinnie's room but we didn't do anything about it-" blue and red explained
"Wow-" I said before fylan came over a poked Dylan which stopped his staring and looked at his son
"Hi fylan what do you need?" He asked fylan
"Where were you dad?" Fylan asked Dylan
"I was...somewhere- don't worry about it" Dylan said to Fylan
"Ok!" Fylan said before he went back to the others

Anyways- this was bad-

Start: ?
End: 4/23/22
Words: 577
