Meeting a different version of ¿everyone?

This was requested by @BriannaBasaca
I hope you like this!
I was in my office doing some work I needed to get done when I heard a big crash in the main room so I got up and headed over there to see a everyone in one big pile while gre,yell,doodle,wilford, and cat stared at them "uh- guys what are you doing?" I asked them as they all got up and looked at me in shock, I looked at the twins stage to see that they were on their stage and powered off "there is no way that is Dylan right?" The Cindy said as she and candy came up to me and started to look at who I am "guys, is this a prank? You know I'm Dylan" I said to them as my robots were confused as I saw security right next to another Version of blank and vinnie "he has been missing since January" the other Sammy said as doodle came over to me "who are these people Dylan?" She asked me and shrug my shoulders
~3rd pov~
Dylan and the others talked to the other version of the others except doodle,yell,gre,wilford, and cat that was a lot, "I'm glad we got to know you" the other Sammy said "it's no big deal, you guys are welcome to come anytime if you can" Dylan said to them "thank you but it's your time to go" the other Sammy said a bit mad or upset "what?" Dylan said a bit confused before everyone but Dylan turned into lollipop "it's time to wake up" they all said over and over again then Dylan woke up while breathing heavily and Sammy next to them on the couch a bit concerned "you good?" Sammy asked them "yea, just had a bad dream" Dylan said as he looked at the tv and saw a Marvel movie and Focused on the movie
I hoped you liked this! It took a few
