There is someone(light) at the end of the tunnel

This was requested by @Rainbowsprinkles2009
i'm finally doing it because I have motivation and I want some Sammy and dylan fluff in my life- so let's get this started!

TW-metions of death
~Sammy's pov~

after me and Dylan made a trip to the restaunt to drop off candy,vinnie, and seruity we head home
"I'm glad that your back, about 4-5 weeks not knowing where you were then finding out that you were stuck in seruity and we get you out a week or two later..." I said as we were almost home
"yea, it was a living hell..." Dylan said as he yawned we sat in slince till we get home and inside of the arperment, we walked over to the couch and dylan sits down
"do you need anything before I head back to restaunt for a bit" I asked, having Dylan's truck keys in my hand as I put my wallet into my back right pocket
"just pick up something on your way home" Dylan said, quietly
"ok, see you later hun" I said before leaving the house
I came back with some food and a couple of rolls of bandages to see Dylan watching a marvel movie with sabor next to them on one of couch pillows
"what are you watching?" I asked as I put the food on the counter and walked over to him and sat down next to them
"some random marvel movie I found on Disney+, it's pretty good so far" Dylan said, sounding tired as I pulled out a roll of bandages
"Can I wrap your hands?" I asked him, my voice was soft and caring as Dylan stared at me with numbness in his yellow eyes that he never wanted or needed, they always missed their dark-ish brown eyes
"Sure..." They quietly said to me as I started to wrap his hands, making sure he could move his fingers around so he could still use them after I finished that we got some dinner and continued to watch the movie
"Dylan, I'm here if you need anything, you know that right?" I told him as I leaned my head onto his shoulder as he leaned his head onto mine
"I know dear...I know..." Dylan quietly said to me, his hands close to himself as we continued to watch the movie till we both fell asleep


Start/end: 5/17/23
Words: 408
