Chapter 7: Truth

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Before P!Fate can speak, a voice spoke.

"Aww it's fine! I should've told you guys sooner. It was my fault, not yours."

P!Fate smiled.

Dream cannot comprehend a nice octopus.

What Dream is thinking: Corruption = Octopus, Corruption = Evil.  Therefore, Octopus = Evil

Dream shook his head and just awkwardly smiled.

Error just stood still, still shaking and questioning if he would actually believe the voices.

Shields appear across this universe.

That should buy them more time.

"How dare yo-" Nightmare spoke offended.

Kevin clucked a 'whatever'.

P!Fate smiled.

"Aww thank you! You really shouldn't have." P!Fate scratched his head.

She was just doing her job :)

Error is trembling, as he had a bad experience with one Fate.

"I-I k-know.. s-she i-isn't m-my F-Fate.. w-why.. a-am I sc-scared?" Error said to himself, he was still trembling and stuttering.

P!Fate released a comforting Aura, which calmed Error down.

P!Fate smiled. She hopes that Error wouldn't be scared around her..

P!Fate really hates his Fate. She had put Error through so much.

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"There's a threat in this multiverse.. That's why I turned you all into toddlers."

P!Fate spoke. Who would suspect cute toddlers to be so godly and powerful?


All of them shouted.

"Also, I removed your 'Fate strings' Error. That Evil Fate.. She's a good for nothing me."

P!Fate mention with anger.

Error's eyes sparked with joy.

This Fate saved him.

"The reason why you all can't get home is.. Error's Fate found a way to other multiverses."

P!Fate blurted out.

Error is shaking. His Fate is merciless. She was a terrible deity who slayed Karma and the others.

That is why no one can save him before.

"No worries! I just needed you all, great fighters of the multiverse. I didn't include some of you because they were either saved, too evil or too insane."

P!Fate spoke, which brought smiles to the others, especially Error and Horror.

"The gang is safe? Are you sure?"

Error asked, making sure.

"Yup! Last time I saw your multiverse is they're in a safety bubble. The other multiverse's deities got tired of putting all those they didn't protect this one. This is the only multiverse left unprotected. That is why Evil Fate, or I call, E!Fate, is hunting us down. I tried my best as a junior deity, but seems like we only have a small time to get a plan."

P!Fate explained.

"Why won't you make a safety bubble?"

Ink asked.

"I don't have enough power to make a safety bubble.. This is a rare multiverse in where the fourth wall is basically open all the time. It's harder to put a safety bubble here than the others."

P!Fate sadly said.

"Why is E!Fate attacking us?"

Dream asked.

"She found out the omniverse, which are multiverses outside your multiverse. She wanted control of the whole omniverse, and this multiverse isn't a exception."

P!Fate answered.

This situation is probably much more terrifying now.

Everyone acquired their staff, knife or their main battle weapon.

Kevin clucked out of pride. Indeed he is a smart demon chicken.

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"Uhh.. They're more.. insane? Not good insane.. like bad insane-" Nightmare spoke.

"WOahhh! You creators are really creative with your universes!"

Ink said.

Dream just stood there.. staring and wondering how on earth he can be a murderer.

(Does Hate really go that far?)

"I know now.." Error spoke silently.

Kevin clucked a 'not yet', the situation is pretty serious and he is still trying to put himself together after almost being cooked by an idiot.

Blue got a knife which he slid through his pocket, saving it for whoever touches his Vio-Senpai.

"Help would be appreciated! Author is currently in the spectator void, boosting the Deities' energy to fight." P!Fate spoke.

"Milk Chocolate, Fell's Chocolate." Error and Cross proudly said at the same time.

"uhhhhhh-" Said the Broken PJ with armor and muffins still on his hand.

"Uhh I think the war was in Underverse. There wasn't any war in Canon, sorry."

Dream spoke.

"That is horrible!" Dream spoke. Of course Ink didn't care.

Blue and Vio just smiled.

Dream broke again.

And of course, PJ is still broken.

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Slowly, all the shields broke. Alarms flashed red, E!Fate got in..

..and it's now or never.

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Voices, they need help. You all can fight with them or help them in battle.

