Chapter 2: Weird.

»»————- ★ ————-««

PJ is still shocked over the kids acting weird..

and weird talking puppets came out of nowhere.

PJ heard another voice.

"..What do you mean?" PJ asked.

"MURDEROUS!? GANG!? Did I hear that correctly!?" PJ gasped.

These kids really hit their head pretty bad.

More chocolate came out of the sky and landed on Cross and Error.

"What..?" Ink responded, very confused.

"All I did was protect the AUs and try to befriend Error..." Ink said, still confused.

 "???" Ink is very confused about what these voices say.

"Other versions..?" PJ said, confused.

"What are you saying?" PJ asked.

»»————- ★ ————-««

Not long, but Nightmare, Fresh and Geno woke up too.

Confusion. That is what everyone has right now.

Soon as Nightmare woke up, he was yelling about something about an 'angel boy' or something.


Fresh just started acting very weird.

Geno is very confused.

This is exactly what happened..

"WHERE IS ANGEL BOY?? HOW THE [FLIP] DID I END HERE!?" Nightmare shouted and sweared again and again.

"Unrad language broski." Fresh said to Nightmare.

"Fresh!? Error!? Where's momma? Why are we in a hospital? Who are they?" Geno spoke.

"Who's momma?" Both Error and Fresh asked.

"Miss CQ?" PJ asked.

"Yes, her." Geno said.  

"There was an accident, that is why we are in a hospital, Your mom is in the other wing of the hospital. This is the children's wing afterall." PJ explained.

'Finally, someone who questioned the fact that we are in a hospital-' PJ thought.

"Oh another nice voice. They are nicer, better than the ones I had before." Error said.

Everyone awake looked at him weirdly.

"What?" Error said.

"Everyone is acting weird." PJ said.

Chocolate rained over in their room.


"I mean.. Yay! Chocolate!" Cross fixed his tone, he never wanted to go back to what he was before.

Error just smiled. His life became better for some reason.

He hopes that f∀t∈ won't ruin it again.

"I don't think I need them... But I'll take them just incase! Finally! A good voice to me!" Ink said.

Ink just stuffed his inventory with vials.

The reader handed PJ some nap time.

PJ looked uncertain on what to do.

PJ just awkwardly smiled.

"EW." Cross said.

"Disgusting." Cross commented.

Cross continued to munch on a chocolate bar.

Error began to contemplate if he had to return the other's memories too..


»»————- ★ ————-««

YES! Finally, the chapter is done.

By the way, this isn't my main book.

This is a side book that is short, probably only has a prologue, 8 chapters and an epilogue.

I have honestly NO idea how this will turn out.

Welp. It's up to you readers.


also, have you figured it out which multiverse/s they came from?

(i think it's quite obvious at this point-)
