Chapter 6: Why is SHE here?

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As the others got used to the nice voices, they expected the next one to be...

..yep right there.

"I don't really exactly remember what happened.. My memory is blurry and the codes aren't helping either. But I think we just lost our memories and got reincarnated and became kids for some reason.." Error glanced at the others who seemed to agree with him.

"Yeahh you can." PJ said to the voice, the room is a mess of chocolates, fluffy stuff and EPPS surrounding Error.

"YES IT DID!" Cross said sipping his choco latte. "I mean.. Thanks, I guess." Cross said with a monotone voice. He gets too excited for these stuff too easily..

"Some of us do. But Error seemed lazy so he didn't restore the others, I guess their memories got overwritten too." Ink said.

Cross just spat out some of his latte, Overwrite is a.. familiar word.. for him..

"WOAHHHH COOL!" Ink listened to the reader who described  their beautiful multiverses.

Fate just snorted at the first one, she can definitely can hear fangirling from the spectator's void's Author's corner. The Author read this book and is currently reading the rewrite and it is a great story. But Fate is upset that multiverse's Fate would do such a cruel thing.. speaking of which.. she has a duty to do.

Great. Blue woke up..

This Blue doesn't seem as friendly as the others.. he's creepy.

He's from the Fallen Stars' multiverse. He just went near Vio and they sat in that corner together.

"We got our memories back thanks to Error!" Ink looked at Error, which Error smiled at.

"NO WE DIDN'T!" Cross and Error spoke at the same time. They continued to munch on more chocolates.


Just kidding.

Kevin slowly fell out of the sky.

"What the [HECK] did they do to you Kevin? Those idiots will pay." Nightmare picked up Kevin who was littered with salt, pepper and lemon.

Kevin just clucked. He was going to kill the idiots before going here, dang it.

Nightmare picked up the flamethrower by his side.

"Put that-" PJ said until he was interrupted with the voice.

"No, you can't do that! If left unsupervised BLAH BLAH BLAH, I am the one responsible BLAH BLAH-..." PJ just continued to blabber on why he shouldn't listen to the voice, no one really cared to listen.

"Aw come on! I wanted to test it on that one." Nightmare spoke with a dissapointed voice while pointing to Ink.

"OH WELL, I'm going to burn this hospital down instead!" Nightmare grinned as he started to light the beds on fire, obviously, Ink extinguished the fire with his broomie.

Nightmare hated Ink even more.

Nightmare slumped on the corner with a dissapointed look.

"HUH!?-" PJ stopped blabbering and didn't comprehend the question.

He was in an armor suit with a sheild and everything with muffins on his palm while still broken.

Vio just stared. He took the hoodie and put it on Blue since he had one already.

He looked at the blushing Blue and offered him some pizza to Blue.

Blue was just silent and so was he. 

Vio pushed Blue to his chest and put a blanket over them.

They slept peacefully with no questions asked.

(LUSTBERRY EEEEKKKKKKKKKK- It may not be official but eh.)

"I love hearing your multiverses voices! I hope I can meet them one day!" Ink said with shining eyes.

Dream just imagined how would it turned out if his brother didn't die to a octopus.

Horror nodded. He likes cooking for the gang. He lets you pat his head but still protects Error.

Error just nodded and proceeded to knit with the invisible person.

Error waited.. nothing came out of the portal.. There was only..

red strings..?

Error had a panic attack again.

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Cloud is back at his house.

He just sat in his small bed wondering what happened today.

He shook his head and laid down on the bed.

He suddenly heard the voice and he floated on a cloud off to his dreams.

Cloud Sans lightly snored while peacefully sleeping in his floating cloud-bed. 

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"Sorry. I can only allow certain beings here, or else.. SHE will find a way to come here. Sorry readers." Fate apologized.

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Nightmare smiled, everyone likes him, can't wait to boast it to the rest of the meme squad.

Kevin clucked again. He swore he just saw Nightmare's head grow just now.

Cross took his Epic plush and cried softly in the other corner where no one will see him.

He remembered those days he and Epic where friends.. but it got overwritten for some reason and Epic no longer remembers him.

Cross cried quietly once more as an invisible person assured him and comforted him.

Vio and Blue still are sleeping. The voice quietly snuck their gifts near them.

Dream smiled at the voice. Normally, he would be the one to comfort people..

I guess his own actions came back to him.

Horror requested a whole turkey. He offered some to Error who was clearly disinterested and munching on some chocolate bars from the last voices. In the End, Horror ate all of the turkey by himself.

Geno just smiled and asked for some water. He drank the glass of water afterwards.

Baby Ghost Chara smiled cutely at the invisible person. No one gave him head pats before..

It was good.

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"Hmm. Beyond this omniverse, there are a lot of nice Fate's I met. Mostly their sisters, Destiny are breaking the fourth wall.. and look, I have one here!" Fate spoke and dragged a destiny from the spectator's void, 'Vacation [Fgod Error]' corner.

"P!Fate.. I think I'm not supposed to go to your book.. Feelings and Chaos are coming over to see our book replay marathon. We basically eat popcorn while re-watching ourselves.. I can't miss it!" V!Destiny looked at P!Fate/Fate in the eyes.

Fate lets go of V!Destiny. 

She then chuckled and went back to her job.

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Error waited for another chance he can meet them.. but only more red strings came from the portal.

Baby Ghost Chara flickered to his underverse self. But Baby Ghost Chara won and Underverse Chara didn't succeed in getting in.

More red strings flew.

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"No! No! No!" Fate panicked as all her alarms flash red.

Vio did get his fluffy blanket.

But there was too much summoning that SHE got in.

Fate worked so hard to block HER as much as possible..

Now, SHE's in and there is nothing good with that.

There was no choice but to show up and explain the whole situation to all of them.

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A portal came in the hospital room, which everyone was surprised.

Blue and Vio woke up, and the others looked at the portal.

A lady emerged out of it.. a look very familiar to Error and Horror.

"F-Fate.." Error stuttered out of fear.

"I am not your Fate, Error.. call me P!Fate.. I own this multiverse.. and I have a lot to explain. " P!Fate spoke as everyone looked at her in confusion.

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Uh oh. Who was "SHE"? Why was P!Fate trying to prevent HER going in this multiverse..?

