Aug 9- Free day *lemon warning*

Disclaimer: I do not own anything Marvel, D.C or anything I borrowed from other media

Aug 9- Free day

Another gloomy night has arrived in New York, and if you are criminal planning to do something that could land you in jail, you would want to reconsider. Recently a certain web-slinger had made critical changes to himself like doming a black version of his costume, similar to when he wore a symbiote suit. Much like his time with the symbiote, Spider-man's fighting style has become more aggressive, as we witness right now. A group of thugs was planning on robbing an innocent woman walking home alone, and who knows what else. Before they could attempt anything, Spider-man swiftly leaps into attack mode and brutally beats them up, involving moves that break a particular body part to get the message across instead of joking during the fight. A few of the thugs avoid a beatdown but still get web down by the hero.

Heading towards a top of a building, Spider-man finds a place to sit and patrol while brooding until he hears someone lands behind him. "Hey Spider. Back in the sexy black costume I see?" Felicia Hardy, aka Black Cat, greets her old flame with admiration over his new choice of color.

"Hey," Spider-man says, not turning to face her. Since his spider-sense didn't go off Spidey figures, whoever was behind him wasn't a threat to him.

Black Cat frowns at his response. "Everything okay?"

"Yep, everything is just peachy for me," Spider-man claims sarcastically, still keeping his back towards her.

Not used to his less joyful mood, Black Cat approaches closer behind her Spider to comfort him. "You don't sound like yourself, considering how you did a number on those guys."

"As long as they are still breathing, they will be fine." Spidey scoffs, not allowing himself to feel remorse over his harsher actions towards the thugs.

At this point, Felicia knows something is going on with Spidey, for he usually doesn't act that cold towards his enemy. Unless maybe what he's dealing with involves his life outside the mask. Determine to find out, she places a hand on his shoulder and attempts a unique method to get him to open up. "Peter, please talk to me. I know something is wrong when you are not wearing your normal suit or less talkative than usual. Don't keep a wall between us."

Felicia's theory on comforting the Peter Parker side seems to work for Spider-man glance a little, looking at her finally. "You want to know what's going on with me?" He questions in a low tone that somewhat gets Felicia nervous but still nods to answer his question.

Peter yanks off his mask before expressing his inner anger about his current life situation. "I'm over the bullsh*t that I have gone through! Aunt May passing, Mary Jane had abandoned me for some pretty boy, just over it. Like hell, I can save people and this city many times over, but at the cost of me walking this painful road alone!" Peter rants, not meaning to answer as he did loudly, but keeping his deep emotions bottle for so long made him explode.

Felicia's eyes go wide along with her heart begins to break between hearing what her true love has been dealing with and the pain in his eyes as rants. She's so used to seeing one side of Spider that she never took into consideration what goes on in his head and heart. "Peter, I..."

Before she could say anything else, Peter angrily turns away and web slings off the building, not wanting to hear anything that could trigger him more, giving Felicia's history with him. Leaving Felicia alone, she already begins to reminisce about the times between her and Spider-man and starts to analyze her true feelings for the web-slinger.

*A day later*

A day later, during the morning, Peter, who is still in his brooding mood, hears the doorbell ring snapping him out of his thoughts. Peter turns towards the door, not expecting any visitors, and isn't worry since his spider-sense isn't activating as he opens the door. "Felicia? Is there something wrong?" In a shocked tone for Felicia Hardy, Peter questions the last person about visiting him outside of her costume.

"I came to see you. May I come in?" Felicia says innocently, wearing a black tank top, brown skirt, and boots, with her hair tied in a messy ponytail.

"Um sure. I am a bit surprised you didn't try to sneak your way in through the windows, but make yourself home, I guess." Peter welcomes Felicia into his apartment, still thrown off by her presence. If anything, he thought she would be upset at him for how he left up the other night. Then, she's here dealing with him outside the costume, but even then, he doesn't want to get any bright ideas for this visit could be one of those I need a favor type.

"Despite me being in a spontaneous mood, I figure why not switch the style for you." Felicia smiles at her suggestion.

Peter, however, keeps his wall up and remains standoffish. "I will admit it's different. Regardless, I still don't understand why you are here?"

Felicia sighs before getting a few inches closer to Peter despite him backing up a bit. "I'm here for you Peter. I know that I hadn't had the best track record when it came to us, but I want to change that. I want to take things seriously with you, not just Spider-man, you Peter Parker." She places her hand on Peter's cheek, but he instantly pulls away out of anger.

"What brought this on? Are you only saying all this to butter me up so I can do a favor for you?" Peter assumes not wanting to believe Felicia's new sincere attitude towards him. He rather Felicia be straight up honest about helping steal a jewel or something like that instead of leading him like this.

Most women would have been offended by Peter's choice of words. Felicia, however, isn't like any typical woman, and thanks to her long history with Spider-man, she has no plans of giving up on her the man she loves. "No! Admittedly, that made be something the old me would think of doing, but that isn't me anymore Peter. Last night it hurt seeing that look on your face, realizing that you are carrying so much pain while lifting the weight of New York on your shoulder. I realize that not only do I genuinely care and love you, and I want to be by your side for real this time, no tricks, no games."

After spilling her heart out, Felicia notices that Peter's expression changes. For the first time in a while, Peter's wall comes down a bit due to the sincereness of Felicia's words. With his head down to avoid showing his real emotions on his face, he softly asks, "How do I know you won't run off on me?"

Felicia nearly cries from hearing the pain that came with the vital question. No part of her could blame him for thinking that she could give up on him, but parts of her feel hopeful that Peter is slowly opening himself to give Felicia another chance.

Taking a closer step, Felicia closes the gap that she felt needing feeling and places her hands on the sides of Peter to give him the assurances that he yearns for saying, "I will do anything you want me to that will help you feel better."

Peter leans his head on his forehead, knowing deep down he needs all of Felicia right now. In a way, Felicia almost reads his mind and asks, "Do you want me Peter?"

Peter and Felicia's eyes connect, and without warning, the two proceed to go into a passionate kiss session. Felicia feels Peter's hands during the kiss go down her waist and stops as if he hesitating to go further. "It's okay; you don't have to hold back on me. I'm here to serve and please you, baby." Felicia manages to say while kissing his neck, aka his soft spot.

Peter's spider side triggers as he grabs Felicia's butt squeezing it for that's his favorite body feature of hers, making her moan with pleasure. Hearing her reaction reminds Peter that he wanted, having someone like Felicia be with him and accepting both sides of his life. Felicia deepens the kiss, running a hand down Peter's hard manhood causing him to gasp as she rubs it.

Peter soon feels Felicia grabbing him by his shirt, leading him to his bed to push him down as Felicia climbs on top of him. Peter gets lost in her green eyes as Felicia softly tells him, "I'm going to help take away your pain."

Felicia starts to work her way down Peter's pants and begins to unbuckle his belt, already biting her lips at the sight of Peter's visible bulge. With his manhood, Felicia wastes no time giving Peter the pleasure she feels he deserves by kissing it gently.

"Felicia," Peter mutters in a pleading tone over not wanting the white hair seductress to tease him any longer. Understanding and wanting to please her lover, she begins to down him taking his erect manhood.

Felicia speeds up a bit, bobbing her head back and forth and deep throating his member before making a pop sound when she lets up to check on Peter. "You like how that feels lover?"

Speechless, Peter nods as his lover continues to satisfy him as his right-hand finds its way on top of Felicia's head to help with her method. She proceeds to gives Peter a loving expression to show how into him and his manhood that gets Peter to want to explode all over her face.

"Felicia, if you keep going like that..." Peter starts to warn his lover, but the tone of his voice make Felicia goes faster as his climax starts to approach. Not able to hold in the pressure building in him, Peter lightly thrusts forward release his seed into Felicia's mouth with her taking it in gracefully. Felicia deeps, gulp his seed, and open her mouth to show her lover that she didn't waste any drop, which of course, gets Peter hard again.

The white head is pleased with the effect she is having on Peter and wants him to take her now as she proceeds to turn around and sways her butt at him. Peter instantly lungs at her, unable to contain himself any longer, pushing his entire length into Felicia from behind, bringing out a hot gasp to come out of the white-haired woman. Assuming that she wouldn't want him to hold back, Peter grabs on to Felicia's hips and thrust swiftly with Felicia moaning, "yes, Peter! Give it to me hard!". As a response, Peter pulls her hair and spanks her butt cheeks as he continues to bang her. He almost gets caught off guard when Felicia begins to match his rhythm to where when Peter pushes into her; she would bounce her butt back.

Felicia eventually leans up, wrapping one arm around his neck, kissing him passionately before expressing with a groan, "Peter, I'm getting close." Hearing this sets Peter off, for he is almost at his climax as well, where he pounds his lover harder and faster until they both moan each other's name loudly from climaxing together. Once they clean up a bit, Peter holds Felicia close to him with her back towards him.

"How was I?" Peter asks shyly, feeling more like himself during the afterglow. In honestly, this is the first time in a long time that Peter isn't in his super brooding mood.

Felicia picks up on his tone change and is more appreciative of seeing this side of him come back. She giggles over Peter being adorable when it comes to either her flirting with him when he gets all bashful towards her. "Your amazing and spectacular," Felicia assures him, with Peter instantly sighing with relief.

"I'm glad I was." Peter smiles softly, but Felicia has more to say, for she turns to face him without the mask to continue expressing her feelings.

"I wasn't just talking about in bed, Peter though you do need to give yourself more credit in that department. I meant you are those things in general, mask or no mask, and if need be, I will make sure you remember that going forward." Felicia expresses in a sterner tone yet loving tone than how she usually talks to Peter.

Peter couldn't believe his ears that this is the same Felicia who, at one point, stated she loves Spider-man over his regular self is talking to her like this. Words can't explain how much her statement helps him feel love and wanted, but hopefully, actions will show otherwise. "That means a lot to me Felicia, more than you know. The same goes for you as being more than just a petty thief, wonderful and fantastic."

The two lovebirds lean in and kiss each other passionately with smiles on their face, assuming that their relationship is back to where they want it. Once they pull away, Felicia rubs the side of his face saying, "Thank you so much Peter, for giving me and us another chance. Do you want to go again?" She smirks, feeling something hard press up against her thigh.

Peter slightly blushes from Felicia's effect while she rubs her thigh against his hard manhood. "Let's cuddle for a bit; then we will go for a few rounds to make up for lost time. Deal?"

"Deal." Felicia agrees before kissing him again and taking the moment of sweetness to enjoy having her lover back and looks forward to their future.

Authors note: The final part of this series has finally arrived. I apologize for taking this long. My schedule got mixed up as of late, but I wanted to get the free day theme here as soon as possible. For the plot, I decided to write Felicia as a submissive type who's willing to do anything for Peter since he deserves this type of treatment and shows why she's the best choice for him.

With that said, I want to thank everyone who participated and made PeterFeliciaWeek happen successfully. It's nice seeing other fans of the OTP come together and show love for SpiderCat. Just because the series is over doesn't mean we have seen the last of this pairing, so for my new fans, check the Spectacular Spider-man story and other writers who wrote for the PeterFeliciaweek.
