Aug 6- Heists

Disclaimer: I do not own anything Marvel, D.C or anything I borrowed from other media

Aug 6- Heists

*At a coffee shop*

When it comes to keeping a low profile in Los Santo, you could consider putting Peter Parker as one of the best at doing so. Since making the big decision to move to Los Santos thanks to his new connection with Lamar Davis on Lifeinvander, Peter, aka codename Spider has been living the good life thanks to taking huge risks in life. Thanks to him helping out Lamar weaken the Ballas and Vagos street gangs, Peter gains a particular reputation for people wanting to hit him for jobs.

As he casually drinks his coffee, Peter feels his phone vibrating and checks to see who's calling, only to chuckle a bit when seeing the caller id. "What's up Lester?"

"How are you doing Parker? Listen, I'm working on something... something for a mutual acquittance of ours. She needs a crew to help take on a personal heist, but I don't know any more than the two you work with before to help. I thought maybe you'd be interested." Lester Crest reports through the other end of the line. After helping out, Lamar Lester noticed him and contacted him about doing a major heist at the time. Peter had accepted the offer not only to prove himself and earn more reputation but also a little money couldn't hurt.

"So, what's your take on it Lester? Worth the trouble? and who is this mutual person?" Peter asks, wanting to get more input before taking on the job.

"Personally, it's not my cup of tea to deal with. However, the request is from Felicia. If that interests you, be my guest. I can tell her you want in." Lester answers honestly.

Hearing that name again makes Peter heat up a bit. "Felicia huh? Sure set me up." When Peter took on the first job for Lester, he met some interesting individuals, Felicia, aka The Black Cat. For Peter, he would call her Cat for short, and in return, Felicia refer to him by his codename Spider, and they hit it off pretty well despite some difference in how they handle missions. He notices that Felicia would flirt with him a few times, but he chalks it up as her being playful towards him, but still, it would be nice to see her again.

Lester laughs at his now eagerness. "I figure that would pique your attention. I will send the follow-up info." The two hang-ups on each other with Peter recall the last heist and readily his self for the new one.

"At least I get to see Cat again, plus I got nothing else better to do, so I might as well build my rep up even more. Though I am still curious about what this heist is about."

Once Lester sent over the time and location to meet with him, Peter arrives at the apartment ready for anything and everything. He is somewhat unprepared to see the two familiar faces he met during the heist with Felicia.

"Flash. Brock." Peter greets the guy coolly with handshakes.

"Good to see you again Peter." Flash Thompson shakes his hand, who ironically enough went to high school with Peter. He would never have predicted the two being in the business line, but after settling their difference at their high school graduation, it made the new partnership easier to create.

"So, The Spider couldn't resist the cat's charm of a request." Eddie Brock shakes his hand next. While the two didn't go to high school together, Peter was aware of the former journalist's work and expressed how he did get screw over after revealing a particular company's truth. The conversation led to the two gaining mutual respect for the other despite Brock always giving him a hard time.

"Maybe I came because I miss your dark sense of humor." Peter quips.

"While I do have that, don't try to flex on us when it comes to your true intention here." Eddie pushes with Flash revealing a smirk at his friend.

"Whatever floats your boat." Peter shrugs, not knowing what he is referring to.

"Gentleman, I'm pleased that you all could make it. Especially you, Spider." The boys turn their attention to Felicia Hardy, codename Black Cat, who invited them to her penthouse.

"The pleasure is all mine Cat," Peter states with a genuine smile as the two lock eyes with Flash and Eddie looking at them, wondering do they remember that they are present.

After a few seconds, Felicia escorts them to her operation base, where Lester is already going over the plans. "So boys, the reason I had Lester here contact you is that for this heist, I need people I can trust to go through with it. Since we worked well last time despite not fully knowing each other, we can accomplish this task together. Of course, you all will be paid handsomely for completing the task successfully."

"As long as money is in involve, I'm straight," Eddie claims with no hesitation.

The others shake their heads with Flash saying, "Why am I not surprise that you would say that."

"I'm in." Peter answers. Felicia explains that a famous former thief Walter Hardy aka The Cat, had been in prison and that she wants to bust him out. From there, she breaks the stages of plans on how to successfully perform the prison break, to which, with the four of them working together, she wholeheartedly believes that they can accomplish the task.

Eddie and Flash, for the most part, went with the flow with the ideas while Peter figures a key factor out that the guys miss out on. "Not to go off subject but as far as Walter Hardy go. Am I assume that we are breaking your father out of prison?"

Everyone looks at Peter with disbelief while brings out a look of astonishment over Peter picking up on that crucial factor. "Perceptive Spider. Yes my father has been locked up for way too long for my liking, so I want him free. I was too inexperienced to do even come up with a plan to bust him out in the past. Even though I have gained better skills up to this point, I will need back up. Now, if any of you feel that isn't worth the trouble, I won't blame you if you decide to back out."

Felicia's reasoning for wanting to do this heist makes more sense because she has a personal stake in it. Peter can easily choose not to take place in this, for while this is a heist, it probably won't gain him much favor in the long run. However, a reoccurring flashback of his uncle dying in his arm reminds him why having family in your life is essential and thus shares his decision.

"Felicia, I know what it's like to lose a family member and not be able to see them how I would like to. While in my case, I can never see him again, you have the opportunity to see yours. If getting your father out means that much to you, then I'm in to help out." Peter declares earning newfound respect from Flash, Eddie, and Lester over his morals.

Felicia's heart beats faster with the overwhelming heartfelt speech that came from Peter, for she can't recall a time a man would go through that length for her, especially since he doesn't owe her anything. "Thank you, Spider. That means a lot to me."

Peter sends a smirk expression causing the two to lock eyes again, ignoring the groans that came from the others.

"Ugh, can we get this over with so they can get a room?" Flash asks in a not so serious tone.

"Like I said earlier if there's money involve, then I'm straight." Eddie shrugs but couldn't help but feel amused by the growing development between Peter and Felicia.

* Sometime after the completion of the prison break heist*

After a lot of hard work, dedication, and some team bonding, the prison break ended successfully, with Walter Hardy now free with a new identity thanks to Lester's tech skills. Once they all settle in, Flash and Eddie received and money and say their goodbyes only to let them know when something else comes up, and maybe they could hang out together.

However, Peter decides to hang around a bit, witnessing the reunion of Felicia and her father outside the prison walls no.

"I miss you so much daddy." Felicia says softly in her father's arm, and the two share a sincere hug.

"I miss you too, princess," Walter says back, kissing her on the forehead.

Peter smiles at this, feeling content that he was able to help one family out. He starts to take his leave until someone requests his attention. "Parker was it?"

Peter turns to see Walter now right in front of him. "Um, yes sir."

"I want to thank you for getting me out so I can see my daughter again with freedom now," Walter states in a since tone and extends his hand out.

Peter shakes his hand respectfully. "It was no problem Mr. Hardy."

"Please call me Walter." Walter then pulls Peter close to him and warns in a low tone to where his daughter can't hear him say, "Felicia mentions you before, take care of her for me."

"I will," Peter responds, not catching on to Walters's meaning of the request. Since he has some loose ends to deal with, Walter says his bye to his daughter but promises to come back to her soon as possible.

Now it's Peter and Felicia alone, with Felicia walking over to him with a smile, asking, "So, do I get to thank you properly this time?"

A confused look forms on Peter, considering he's the type not to receive something in return. "What do you mean? Your gratitude is more than enough for me."

"You help a girl save her father and kept me safe on multiple occasions, and you think I'm not going to do something in return?" Felicia approaches Peter some more, making him back up a bit of nervousness.

"I mean, you showing off that smile often would be enough for me." Peter attempts to joke, feeling himself sweat from how close Felicia is to him due to him not being used to having a woman act this forward towards him.

"Tempting, but I was thinking something more intimate." Felicia proceeds to wrap her arms around Peter's neck and kisses him passionately. Felicia can tell that he's in a state of shock but thinks it cute and get can't get over how his lips taste like. Peter, too starts enjoying the feeling of Felicia's lips; whereas she pulls away, he grabs her waist and kisses her back, earning a soft moan in return.

Due to needing oxygen, they pull away while keeping their arms around the other. "That was me saying you're welcome. So this is a thing now?" Peter is the first to speak, unsure if this was a heat of the moment type deal.

"Maybe if you play your cards right Spider." Felicia teases while secretly hoping it becomes something more.

Peter smirks at the use of his nickname. "Honestly, I think I play the game pretty well already Cat."

"We will see about that." The two begin to kiss each other again, thinking of the possibilities of where they will go from here.

Authors note: Day 4 is in the books with this chapter inspired by GTA5 online mode. For those who haven't play or heard about it, GTA5 online allows you to do a heist, but you usually have to like two people even to do most of the time. With the theme being about a heist, I thought, why not have an AU no power SpiderCat teaming up to do a person heist mission.
