Aug 4- Protective

Disclaimer: I do not own anything Marvel or anything I borrowed from other media.

PeterFeliciaWeek Series

Aug 4- Protective

In a universe where the Avengers are mainstream heroes that already have their place in the world, a young Peter Parker sets his sight to not only live by his Uncle's words but to mark his path as a hero. Unfortunately, that's easier said than done when dealing with the pressure of living up to his uncle's motto, proving that's he is not a typical vigilante and life as a college student.

Since trying to adjust to having time as Spider-man, Peter has been missing out on a few classes due to exhaustion from his new nighttime activity on top of dealing with his boss at the Daily Bugle. "For someone like Mr. Jameson to be so against Spider-man, he always asking for photos of him like nothing else is going on in the world." Peter groans as he checks his work app seeing another message about wanting more photos of his alter ego.

"Peter Parker is showing up for class consistently, I see?" A stern voice calls out, snapping Peter's attention away from his phone to see one of his teachers approaching him.

"Um yes, Mr. Harrington, I been trying to do better with showing up," Peter responds with as much politeness as possible.

"Good, maybe now you can start catching up with the assignments that you been missing out on." Roger Harrington suggests with a smug look. He teaches science subjects at the college, and while he does recognize did intelligence that Peter has within him, he doesn't appreciate the no-shows from the student.

"I'm sorry Mr. Harrington, but I do believe I have most of my homework turn-in. Though I did hear other rumors that students do turn in their work and not getting their grades in the system." As innocent as his statement was, Peter manages to offend his science teacher despite the rumors being true.

"Is that right? Well, maybe I need to fix those rumors by giving you extra homework to do." Mr. Harrington threatens, causing Peter to panic and wish he would have put his foot in his mouth.

Out of nowhere, someone else decides to make herself present in the conversation by throwing in her warning shot at her coworker. "Maybe I should report you to the higher officials about those rumors and how you are harassing my student with unnecessary work."

Peter instantly looks up with shock and excitement, seeing another teacher with platinum blonde hair in a messy high ponytail hairstyle wearing a red skirt, white long sleeve blouse with a black vest and glasses appearing a distance. "Ms. Felicia!?"

"Nice to see you attending school more often Parker." As Peter would describe her, the lovely school counselor greets him with a warm smile that makes him get super shy and nervous in a good way.

Mr. Harrington growls over the counselor's interference with Peter's plan, as he would put it, harsh love treatment. "Ms. Felicia, I have this under control for Parker here needs..."

"What he needs is comfort and support, not you harassing him when he's already dealing with a lot." Ms. Felicia cuts him off, but Mr. Harrington isn't going to back down easily.

"What he doesn't need is you trying to coddle him like he's a little child." Mr. Harrington argues, not realizing how his late choice of words has now got him in hot water.

Ms. Felicia's facial expression shifts into a sinister smile before requesting Peter, "Parker, why don't you go run along now. I need to have a private conversation with Mr. Harrington. Meet me at my office before you leave today."

Peter gulps with concern over the way his favorite counselor voice change into an all to calm one. "Are you sure? I don't want to cause trouble." Truth be told, after Peter met Ms. Felicia, and as time went on after meeting her, he starts to slowly notice that she has grown to be protective over him but doesn't understand why and how.

"You are not in trouble or causing anything. I need to talk to Mr. Harrington about knowing what's best for my student." Ms. Felicia states while keeping her green eyes lock onto her current adversary.

Already feeling guilty and not wanting to have two people angry at him, Peter takes the hint and heads to his next class. "Okay, I will see you later then. Mr. Harrington."

Once Peter is out of their sight, Mr. Harrington attempts a soft approach to convince Felicia to let him deal with Peter the way he wants. "Now listen here. I know you care about Peter due to whatever reason, but..."

"Let me make myself clear. Peter's aunt and I had a conversation some time ago, and there are a few things we discuss that I will not repeat about Peter for a personal reason. With that said, I refuse to let anyone make him feel worse about himself or hurt him anyway. If I find out you are continuing to harass, I will make sure you don't work at this school again with the dirt I have on you. Do I make myself clear?" As if another persona came out of her, Ms. Felicia gives a non-debatable proposition to the science teacher in a tone that would have made Mr. Harrington wet himself if he didn't already have to go.

The only answer that can come out of the now frighten Mr. Harrington is, "Crystal."

"Good. Now, if you excuse me, I have work to do, and hopefully, we don't have to revisit this conversation." Ms. Hardy's expression now switches to a more friendly one as she proceeds to walk away as if the discussion never took place with thoughts of Peter going through her mind.

*Later that afternoon at Felicia's office*

"Ms. Felicia it's me, Peter." Peter knocks behind the door leading to Ms. Felicia's room.

Quickly Ms. Felicia opens the door to greet him and welcomes him inside. "Peter! please come in, glad you didn't forget to come by." She chirps before locking the door behind him as he takes a seat in the chair.

"It's the least I can do since you're my favorite counselor, and you ask me to, so how could I not," Peter responds, allowing himself to get comfortable.

"How's your aunt doing? I know we talked on the phone at one point, but I'm curious about how she's holding up." Ms. Felicia asks with genuine interest taking her seat in her chair and finish up whatever she is working on.

"My aunt did tell me that you two had conversed, and despite having her ups and downs, she's still holding on strong and does her best to keep me grounded," Peter answers honestly.

"Sounds like a strong woman to me." Ms. Felicia compliments his aunt, knowing what she and her nephew have dealt with.

"Indeed. I want to say thank you for not only helping me out back there but just being understanding towards me. I know I had been all over the place a while ago, but I'm trying to do better and be better." Peter expresses with pure gratitude since, at one point, he has confided to her about the incident with Uncle and how he set him and aunt back and what he's trying to accomplish in life. Through that time, Ms. Hardy would do her best to be there for him like no one else has.

Ms. Felicia's heart grows with admiration over Peter's kind words about her, as well as witnessing him finding a definite purpose for him. "I know you are Peter. You have a huge future ahead of you, for you are smart, humble, caring as you display when it comes to your aunt. You need someone to not give up on you and encourage you with your goals and dreams."

Peter chuckles at the idea of him having someone like that in his life. "Sounds like you are suggesting that I find myself a girlfriend. Unfortunately, the Parker luck hasn't been in my favor when it comes to that aspect of my life."

At that moment, Ms. Felicia gets up from her desk and walks over to Peter, and softly sits on his lap, freaking him out mentally. "That's because you deserve the best and need the right person to come to you with their best." She proceeds to rub the side of her favorite student face.

"Ms. Felicia, not that I have a problem with this, but how come you are sitting on my lap?" Peter struggles to ask between feeling confuse and his body reacting like any lucky man would in this position.

"I'm showing you what it's like to have someone who wants to be by your side and give you the support that you desire," Ms. Felicia states in a flirty tone that makes Peter's eye nearly pop out of his socket.

"Wait, you mean?" Peter asks until Ms. Felicia places a finger on his finger to help him calm down a bit.

"Shhh, I know that this a lot on you, so I will give you time to think about it." She then kisses his forehead before getting off of him and walks over to her door. "Just remember, whatever you decide, I will still consider you my favorite student."

Peter still is in awe by Ms. Hardy's actions but is grateful that she understands the need to process things. He gets up and begins to walk out, with a bit of a limp, before turning back with a sly smile saying, "Thank you Ms. Hardy, and you will still be my favorite counselor regardless of my choice. Which I do have in mind of what I want."

Authors note: Day 2 is complete, which means five more days to go. So, the inspiration for this one-shot came from a YouTube video called "THE PERKS OF BEING A WALLCRAWLER | Anime Style Spider-man Fan film" by Wendy Fajrin. If you decide to check it out, tell him that Tmeister_Verse, aka NeoTyson on fanfiction, sent you. The plot's basic is that Peter is a student simultaneously. Felicia is the teacher who had me thinking about the theme of protection. It would be interesting to write about an older Felicia protecting a young Peter of legal age. In this case, young Peter is in college, so a teacher/older figure in Felicia isn't let anyone hurt her student/man.

Now the ending made seem abrupt, but that's because I left it wide open if I want to do an alternative version of that scene or make this into a story, or someone wants to take the idea and do their run with it. I wasn't sure if people would be fine with Felicia kissing Peter, so I went with the safe route just if I could change it if people say otherwise.
