Chapter 16: The Phone of Secrets

In the quiet science classroom, Hiroshi sat alone at one of the lab tables, his school bag tossed carelessly beside him. The faint sounds of distant chatter and the occasional door closing echoed through the empty halls as the after-school bustle gradually faded away.

His inquisitive eyes were locked onto the object before him, Sekito's smartphone. With his textbooks pushed aside, he focused all his attention on the device, his fingers lightly tapping and swiping across the screen as he explored its features.

Hiroshi's heart pounded with anticipation as he scrolled through Sekito's smartphone, hoping to find some incriminating evidence or suspicious conversations that would give him an advantage over his nemesis. But to his surprise and disappointment, there was nothing of the sort. Sekito seemed to have been exceptionally cautious and had preemptively deleted any potentially harmful content.

"No conversations with suspicious persons, no compromising photos... He really covered his tracks," Hiroshi muttered to himself, a mix of frustration and admiration evident in his tone.

As Hiroshi continued to delve deeper into the phone's contents, he couldn't help but feel a sense of begrudging respect for Sekito's foresight. It seemed that his rival had anticipated the possibility of someone trying to gain access to his phone and had taken precautions to keep it clean.

"Predicted that someone could take his phone... That's smart, I'll give him that."

Hiroshi was using a pair of thin, black gloves, ensuring that not even a single fingerprint would smudge the surface of Sekito's smartphone. With his cautious approach, he continued his exploration, navigating through the settings meticulously.

As he delved deeper into the phone's system, Hiroshi stumbled upon a section that displayed touchscreen frequency and usage statistics. Intrigued, he tapped on it and was presented with a wealth of information. The data revealed how often and where Sekito tapped and swiped on his phone, giving Hiroshi insights into his daily habits and usage patterns.

Hiroshi's eyes scanned the touchscreen frequency and usage statistics, analyzing the patterns of Sekito's taps and swipes. He noticed that the keyboard showed the most significant activity, indicating that Sekito likely spent a considerable amount of time texting or typing on his smartphone.

With a spark of determination, Hiroshi decided to dig deeper into this keyboard data. He tapped on the specific section displaying the keyboard usage and observed the distribution of taps across the keys. The most frequently tapped keys were likely to correspond to the most frequently used letters or characters.

Carefully, he jotted down the letters and characters that stood out, noting the number of times each one appeared in Sekito's usage data lately. Hiroshi's pen moved swiftly on the notebook as he transcribed the information.

Hiroshi meticulously gathered the letters and characters that stood out from the keyboard usage data. With a keen eye, he noted down the frequency of each letter's appearance, aiming to decipher any potential patterns or clues hidden within Sekito's usage habits.

Once he had recorded the relevant information, Hiroshi's attention shifted back to the smartphone's screen. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small magnifying glass, slipping it onto his finger. Carefully, he scanned the screen, moving the magnifying glass methodically to examine every inch of its surface.

Hiroshi hoped to find any subtle traces of fingerprints or smudges that could indicate the most recent touches made on the screen. The presence of fresh residue or marks would help him determine the order in which the letters and characters were tapped.

On the other side, Frill Shiranui was making her way down the quiet hallway after finishing her classes. Her long, dark hair cascaded over her shoulders, partially obscuring her face as she moved with a graceful, almost ethereal presence. Her sharp, observant yellow-green eyes caught a glimpse of Hiroshi through the slightly ajar door of the science classroom.

Intrigued by the sight of him hunched over the smartphone, Frill's curiosity got the better of her usual aloofness. She pushed open the door silently and approached Hiroshi, her steps barely making a sound on the tiled floor.

"Hey, Shirotaka-san," Frill said softly, her voice carrying a hint of intrigue. "What are you up to here?"

Hiroshi's head jerked up in surprise as he heard Frill's voice behind him. He quickly turned around, his eyes widening slightly at the unexpected appearance of the enigmatic Frill Shiranui. Despite his astonishment, he managed a small smile as he replied, "Oh, hey Shiranui-san. I'm just... uh, working on something here."

Frill's interest piqued even further, and she moved closer to get a better look at the smartphone on the table. "Working on something, huh? Mind if I take a look?" she asked, her eyes glinting with curiosity.

Hiroshi hesitated for a moment, not sure if he should reveal it to Frill. But her presence intrigued him, and he decided to take the chance. "Sure, why not?" he said, sliding the smartphone gently toward her.
"Well, a friend of mine made a bet that I could not find out what he wrote on his phone recently.
You know me, I took that personally.
I was trying to gather some information from his phone, but it seems he was one step ahead. Still, I thought I might find something interesting in his usage data."

Frill took the phone and glanced at the touchscreen frequency and usage statistics. She nodded thoughtfully before handing it back to Hiroshi. "Impressive work, Hiroshi. You're quite thorough. I must admit, I'm intrigued by this.
It is like being some sort of detective. "

Hiroshi found it both flattering and unexpected coming from Frill. He then gestured toward the chair in front of him. "You know, if you're interested, you can sit here and we can look into this together," he offered.

Instead of sitting in front of Hiroshi as he suggested, Frill surprised him again by taking the seat right next to him, leaning in to get a closer view of the smartphone. Hiroshi was taken aback but tried not to show it.

"Uh, alright then," Hiroshi said.
"So, what brings you here, Shiranui-san? I didn't expect to see you in the science classroom."

Frill glanced at him, her aloof demeanor softening slightly. "I was curious when I saw you in here, all focused on something. I thought I'd find out what had captured your attention."

Hiroshi smiled, grateful for her company. "Well, I'm glad you did. Your perspective has been quite helpful."

Frill's lips curved into a small, barely noticeable smile. "You're welcome, Hiroshi. I suppose we make a decent investigative team."

Hiroshi took a moment to collect his thoughts before explaining to Frill what he had gathered from Sekito's smartphone. "Well, based on the touchscreen frequency and usage data, I noticed that Sekito uses the keyboard extensively. There are some letters and characters that appear more frequently than others, suggesting they might be the ones he uses most often."

He showed Frill the notebook where he had transcribed the relevant letters and characters, along with their respective frequencies. "I'm trying to figure out if there's any pattern or clue hidden within these usage habits that could lead me to what he wrote recently."

Frill leaned in, her eyes scanning the notebook intently. "Interesting," she murmured. "Let me see if I can help you connect the letters and decipher any potential messages. I have a quirky talent for improvisation, and I've got a deep knowledge of the vocabulary, so I might be able to make sense of it."

Hiroshi raised an eyebrow, intrigued by her confidence. "Oh, really? Well, let's see what you can come up with then, Detective Shiranui," he teased with a playful smirk.

Frill's cheeks tinged with a light blush at his playful remark, but she didn't let it deter her focus. She began studying the letters and characters, her mind working rapidly to find any patterns. "Hmm, there seems to be a high frequency of vowels here," she observed. "Let's see if we can start forming some words."

As Frill delved into the frequency data, her keen eyes picked up on a pattern emerging from the letters and characters. She paused for a moment, then started to form words based on the most frequently used symbols:

"You... can't... threat... someone... like... me. I... can... do... this... without... your... help."

Hiroshi's eyes widened as he listened to Frill skillfully piece together the message. "That's incredible, Shiranui-san! How did you do that so quickly?"

Frill shrugged nonchalantly, a hint of a smile playing on her lips. "I told you, I have a knack for improvisation and language. It's all about understanding the patterns and making educated guesses."

Frill continued to analyze the data, her eyes darting back and forth between the letters and characters in the notebook. After a few moments of contemplation, she formulated another sequence of words:

"I... am... using... someone... and... I'll... show... him... what... I... can... do. And... you... can... get... away... from... me."

As Frill continued to decode the messages, her eyes scanned the data intently, and she was on the verge of spelling out Sekito's full name and Hiroshi noticed that. However, just as she was about to do so, Hiroshi leaned in closer, intentionally interrupting her not to reveal more.

He moved in such a way that he got nearer to Frill, and his playful, mischievous side came to the forefront. With a smirk, he leaned in even closer, teasingly sniffing the air around her.

Frill's cheeks turned a deep shade of crimson as Hiroshi's unexpected actions caught her completely off guard. Her usually confident and aloof demeanor faltered, revealing a shy and flustered side of her. She stammered slightly, trying to regain her composure, but her words came out in a soft, uncertain tone.

"Sh-Shirotaka-san, what are you doing?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Hiroshi pulled back slightly, still wearing that playful grin. "Oh, just trying to get your attention, Shiranui-san. I thought I'd see if I could catch you off guard for once."

Frill's blush deepened, and she averted her gaze, trying to hide her embarrassment. "Well, you certainly succeeded," she mumbled, her heart pounding in her chest.

Hiroshi noticed the surprise in Frill's eyes and realized that he had indeed managed to catch her off guard. He decided to ease the tension.

"Frill, I have to admit something," he began, his playful demeanor replaced by honesty. "I noticed the pleasant fragrance around you a while ago, and I couldn't help but think that you always smell nice. It's a unique scent, and I've been trying to figure out which perfume you were using."

Frill blinked in surprise, not expecting such a compliment from Hiroshi. Her cheeks flushed again, but this time, it was a mixture of surprise and delight. "You noticed that?" she asked, her voice softening.

Hiroshi nodded with a warm smile. "Yes, I did. It's a good thing, isn't it? You have a pleasant and distinct scent, and it's nice to be around it."

Frill hesitated for a moment before responding, still slightly flustered but genuinely appreciative of Hiroshi's compliment. "Thank you, Hiroshi. I appreciate your honesty."

Hiroshi chuckled softly, trying to lighten the mood. "Well, it's nothing to be embarrassed about. You should be proud of your choices."

Frill managed a small smile, feeling more at ease now that the initial surprise had passed. "I suppose you're right," she said. "It's just that... well, not many people pay attention to such details. So, it caught me off guard."

Hiroshi's smile softened, and he decided to be honest with her about his teasing actions earlier. "I apologize for acting a bit weird before. It was just my attempt at being playful and getting your attention."

Frill took a deep breath, looking into Hiroshi's eyes with a newfound sense of reassurance. "I know you wouldn't do anything weird to me, Hiroshi," she said softly.

Encouraged by Hiroshi's honesty earlier, Frill mustered the courage to voice her thoughts. "You know, despite everything we've been through together, I've been wondering... Are we friends?" she asked, her voice tinged with vulnerability.

Hiroshi's warm smile returned, and he nodded. "Of course, Frill. We've always been friends," he replied.

Frill's cheeks flushed once more, her heart fluttering at the confirmation. "It's just that... having friends is a bit new to me," she admitted. "Sure, I'm famous, and people admire me, but it often feels like they're drawn to my image rather than who I really am. They respect and admire me, but it's not quite the same as having friends I can truly count on."

Hiroshi listened attentively, understanding her sentiments. "I get it. Being in the spotlight can be challenging, but it's important to have genuine connections with people you can trust," he said gently.

Frill nodded, appreciating his understanding. "You're one of the few, Hiroshi," she confessed.

Hiroshi teased playfully, "Oh, really? Do I truly deserve that title of 'friend' from you?"

Frill rolled her eyes, trying to hide her smile. "Don't push it," she retorted, though her tone held a hint of amusement.

Hiroshi chuckled, enjoying the playful banter. "I guess I'll take that as a yes, then."

Frill took a deep breath, mustering her resolve. "Hiroshi, I think... from now on, we should stop using honorifics and call each other by our first names," she said, looking into his eyes with sincerity.

Hiroshi blinked in surprise, not expecting such a proposal from Frill. But he smiled warmly and nodded, agreeing with her sentiment. "That sounds like a good idea, Frill."

Frill's cheeks flushed as she heard him say her name without the honorific. She was both thrilled and slightly embarrassed by the sudden change. "Y-Yes, it will," she replied, trying to compose herself.

Hiroshi couldn't resist teasing her a bit, knowing how much it affected her. "Alright then, Frill-chan," he said with a playful glint in his eyes.

Frill's face turned even redder, and she lightly swatted at his arm. "Don't call me that!" she protested, but there was a hint of a smile on her lips, indicating that she wasn't too upset about it.

Hiroshi laughed, enjoying her reaction. "Frill-chan it is then," he teased, emphasizing her name playfully.

Frill sighed but couldn't help but smile back. "Fine, but only sometimes," she said, trying to maintain a semblance of dignity.

They chatted together simply enjoying each other's company and it seemed that Hiroshi succeeded in making her forget about the phone.
Later on, Frill stood up, ready to leave the science classroom. As she turned to bid Hiroshi goodbye, she felt a sudden tug on her hand, stopping her in her tracks. She looked back, surprised to find Hiroshi holding her hand gently, a mischievous smirk playing on his lips.

"Leaving so soon, Frill-chan?" he said teasingly. "I did say your name without the honorific, but what about mine?"

Frill's heart skipped a beat as she met his playful gaze. Her cheeks flushed, and she tried to find a witty retort, but her mind seemed to have gone blank in his presence.

Hiroshi's smirk widened, sensing her shyness. "You know, it's only fair," he said, giving her hand a gentle squeeze. "It goes both ways."

Frill's mind raced, but she couldn't find the right words to respond. Instead, she simply blurted out, "H-Hiroshi..."

Her voice came out as a soft whisper, and she immediately regretted it, realizing that she had just said his name. Her heart raced even faster, and she looked away, hoping to hide her embarrassment.

Later on...
As the golden rays of the setting sun bathed the cozy suburban house in a warm glow, one of Lala Lie's theatre directors, Toshiro Kindaichi, sat on the porch swing, watching his children play in the yard. It had been a while since he had spent quality time with his family, and this weekend was a much-needed respite from his demanding work schedule.

Just as they were settling into the tranquil moment, Toshiro's phone buzzed with an incoming call. He glanced at the screen and noticed it was from Sekito. Toshiro hesitated for a moment but eventually answered the call, stepping away from the porch to have a private conversation.

"Hey, Sekito, what's up?" Toshiro asked, trying to sound composed despite the intrusion on his family time.

"Kindaichi-san, I'm really sorry to bother you on a weekend, but I've got a bit of an emergency," Sekito said, his voice tinged with anxiety.

Sekito's voice sounded urgent as he spoke, "Kindaichi-san, I'm really sorry, but I won't be able to fulfill my role in the upcoming play. I know it's short notice, and I feel terrible about this, but I had a family emergency that required my immediate attention, and I had to prioritize it over my job."

Toshiro's heart sank at the news. He knew how important Sekito's role was and how much effort he had put into preparing for it. Yet, he also understood that emergencies could not be foreseen, and family always came first.

"I see," Toshiro replied, trying to process the situation. "Thank you for letting me know, Sekito. Your family should always come first, and I completely understand the situation. Is there anything I can do to help with the emergency?"

Sekito appreciated the understanding in Toshiro's voice. "Thank you, Kindaichi-san. I've already made arrangements for my family, but your concern means a lot to me."

Toshiro took a moment to think about the play and the available options. "Okay, don't worry about the play for now. Family emergencies are a priority, and we'll find a solution. "

Though still shocked by the sudden turn of events, he was about to see if anyone could step in to take over Sekito's role. He was aware that it might not be easy to find a suitable replacement, but he was determined to try his best.

After he thought about it deeply he found a solution.
"I think I found it."

Unbeknownst to Toshiro, on the other side of the phone, a sly grin spread across Hiroshi's face. He had pulled off quite the performance, pretending to be Sekito and fabricating the family emergency.

Chuckling to himself, Hiroshi thought, "Tomorrow is going to be quite interesting indeed."

Hiroshi's plan was going well but he knew he had to be careful, though.

Sabotage for the sabotage.
