Chapter 18: Enigmatic Constellation

Hiroshi's POV:
You know, they say I'm a prodigy, a rare breed of excellence that seems to excel at just about anything I set my mind to. And to be honest, they're not entirely wrong. I've mastered various skills, tackled diverse fields of knowledge, and honed my abilities to a level that even I find impressive. But let me tell you something, even perfection has a flaw, and that flaw is boredom.

Picture this: a mind that craves constant stimulation, always seeking new challenges and horizons to conquer. It's like being trapped in a room full of mirrors, surrounded by reflections of your own brilliance, but never finding an exit to something truly novel.

You might think it's a blessing, this remarkable adaptability, but it's a double-edged sword. When you effortlessly surpass every obstacle in your path, the thrill of accomplishment fades away. The taste of victory becomes bland, and the journey loses its spice. It's as if life becomes a never-ending series of predictable events.

Sure, there's comfort in knowing that I can tackle anything thrown my way, but where's the thrill of uncertainty, the adrenaline rush of venturing into uncharted territories?

In my seemingly perfect world, where activities, challenges, and people failed to offer me the excitement I craved, I found myself feeling like a hollow shell, going through the motions of life without truly living it. It was during one of these mundane days that I encountered her, the mysterious woman named Ai.

From the moment I laid eyes on her, I sensed something different, something intriguing about her. She exuded an air of enigma and charisma that instantly piqued my interest. In her presence, I felt a flicker of excitement that I hadn't experienced in a long time.

As I stood there, captivated by her presence, I realized that I had never felt so drawn to a single person before. It was a perplexing mixture of emotions swirling within me, and I couldn't quite put a name to them. Was it love, empathy, admiration, or perhaps even resentment or hate? The more I tried to dissect my feelings, the more elusive they became. It was as if I had stumbled upon an enigma that defied all logic and understanding.

Ai seemed to possess qualities that resonated with the depths of my soul like she held the missing piece to the puzzle of my existence. For the first time in my life, I encountered someone who made me question my brilliance, and I found it both exhilarating and disconcerting. She wasn't just another challenge to conquer; she was a riddle that defied solution.

As I spent days and nights contemplating the enigma that was Ai, the urgency to find a solution intensified. The burning desire to understand why she had such a profound effect on me consumed my thoughts. I delved deep into researching, seeking answers in psychology, neuroscience, and even philosophy. I wanted to know why, in general, this woman could stir such an array of emotions within me.

But with each piece of information, I gathered, I realized that I had no sturdy ground to start. The complexity of emotions I experienced was beyond the reach of conventional explanations.

I knew that her death had only made my mission more difficult, but I couldn't let go of the enigma that she had become to me.

I made a decision. I would not stop until I knew everything there was to know about Ai, even if it meant stepping out of my comfort zone and joining the theatrical company she had been a part of, Lala Lie.

It wasn't an easy decision for someone like me, who was accustomed to being in control and excelling effortlessly. But I was determined to immerse myself in her world, to understand the facets of her life that I had missed before.

In truth, I've spent a considerable part of my life living through different facades. It's not that I'm dishonest, but rather, I adopt these roles to keep myself engaged and to mask the underlying boredom that constantly nags at me. The world sees the prodigy, the one who excels at everything he touches, but beneath that facade lies someone seeking a genuine connection, a thrill that goes beyond just being good at things.

Each new skill I master, each challenge I conquer, it's like donning another mask to hide the sense of emptiness that lurks within.

As I stood outside the entrance of Lala Lie, my mind was already several moves ahead. I had calculated every step, analyzed each person who would play a part in this enigmatic world, and foreseen potential outcomes. It wasn't a coincidence that I knew so much about the theatrical company and its members. I had been observing from a distance, trying to discern their strengths and weaknesses, the dynamics that drove them, and the unspoken rules of this entertainment chessboard.

For me, life had always been like a game of chess. Each decision, every move, had to be strategic and calculated. The entertainment industry was no different; it was an intricate dance of power and ambition. And in this game called Lala Lie, I knew there were only two sides. There was no room for a third player.

Power doesn't come from being sturdy as a rock, striking fear into others, and making them obey you. That was Sekito's side.
Power comes from those who adapt. Those who know how to blend in cautiously without revealing much from themselves. This was that person's side, and I joined it.

You see, the more I observed Lala Lie and its members, the more I realized that true power didn't lie in overt dominance, but in the ability to navigate the intricate web of human interactions. It was about understanding the subtleties, the nuances, and using them to my advantage.

That person was the biggest predator there. A predator who was hungry for attention and being in the spotlight. Someone that could lie even to their own self. I managed to become a close ally with that person, strategically positioning myself to gain their trust. But little did I know that within this theatrical battlefield, I would encounter someone like Akane. She was like a fragile flower amidst all the chaos and ambition.

From the moment I met her, there was something different about Akane. She didn't possess the same thirst for power and recognition as the others did. Instead, her passion lay in her craft, in the art of storytelling, and in the emotions she could evoke on the stage. It was a purity of purpose that I hadn't encountered before.

As I spent more time with Akane, I began to see the world through her eyes, and it was a revelation. At first, I admit, I pitied her. In this cutthroat world of ambition and manipulation, I thought she would be a mere pawn, easily crushed under the weight of the ruthless players around her. But as I got to know her better, I noticed something extraordinary in her-the potential to change the game entirely.

Akane's approach was refreshingly different from the others. While they sought power and recognition, she found fulfillment in the beauty of storytelling and the emotions she could evoke on stage. It was a kind of purity that was rare in our world. She wasn't interested in playing the same twisted games of manipulation, and that intrigued me.

In one poignant moment, she revealed her willingness to sacrifice her own career to protect me, and that was when I felt empathy for a person for the first time. It struck me that despite her delicate appearance, she possessed an inner strength that went beyond ambition and self-interest. She was willing to put her dreams and aspirations on the line for someone she cared about, and that was a concept I couldn't easily dismiss.

She resembles a Violet flower.
I knew I had to protect this delicate flower, not because she was weak, but because she possessed a strength of character that was rare and precious. I couldn't let her be overshadowed or consumed by the darkness of our world.

Protecting Akane will undoubtedly be a challenging task, but I've always been drawn to difficult endeavors.

In my quest to understand Ai better, I stumbled upon two keys that I believed could unlock the enigma she had become. The first was her cherished diary, a window into her innermost thoughts and emotions. I knew that understanding the contents of that diary could provide valuable insights into her past, her dreams, and the reasons behind her enigmatic aura.

The second key was the person she had fallen for. There was a reason Ai was so captivated by this individual, and I was determined to unravel the complexities of their connection. By understanding the dynamics between them, I hoped to gain further clarity on the profound effect Ai had on me.

As the foundation I laid for my mission took shape, I found myself standing at a crossroads of tangled webs and intricate connections. Sekito's threats became a twisted source of entertainment, protected by the influence of that person who held so much power over him. But beneath the surface, I couldn't help but wonder who was pulling the strings, orchestrating this elaborate game of manipulation using Sekito. The person who seemed to revel in my suffering piqued my curiosity even further.

The more I delved into the depths of this enigmatic world, the clearer it became that there was a hidden puppeteer, someone orchestrating events from behind the scenes. But who was this mastermind, and what was their motivation? Was it revenge, a desire for control, or something much deeper and personal that had to do with me?

I never thought I would find someone in this convoluted world whom I would consider a real enemy. But here I am, facing the reality of my actions and the consequences they have brought. The person who has orchestrated these events, Sekito's puppeteer, has made it clear that they hold a vendetta against me.

Their motivations remain unclear, shrouded in mystery, but I can't shake the feeling that this goes beyond a mere thirst for power or control. There's something deeper, something personal that connects us. It's as if they see me as a formidable opponent, a challenge to their own ambitions and desires.

But knowing that someone is willing to go to such lengths to manipulate and harm me has ignited a resolve within me. If they see me as a worthy enemy, then I will prove to them just how formidable I can be. I won't be a pawn in their twisted game any longer.

POV ends.

As the final notes of the enchanting music lingered in the air, the audience erupted into thunderous applause, their hands coming together in a symphony of appreciation. The theater was alive with energy and excitement, a testament to the mesmerizing performance that had just taken place on the stage.

The actors stepped forward, their faces beaming with pride and gratitude. They took their bows, humbled by the ovation they received. Among them stood Hiroshi, a figure previously unknown to many in the theater community but now etched in their memories as the biggest surprise of the night.

Hiroshi's heart was racing as he glanced at Akane. With a playful glint in his eye, he leaned towards her and teasingly asked, "Well, Akane, do you think I've finally made it? Am I famous now?"

Akane laughed, her eyes shining with pride for her friend's accomplishments. "Oh, Hiroshi," she replied with a gentle nudge, "you were always destined for greatness. And tonight, you've proven it to everyone here."

The audience continued to shower the performers with adoration, unaware of the lighthearted exchange between Hiroshi and Akane. The applause seemed to intensify, echoing through the theater as if the spectators were unwilling to let the magical night come to an end.

After the last audience member had exited the theater, the backstage area was filled with a mix of euphoria and exhaustion. The actors were basking in the afterglow of their successful performance when suddenly, the atmosphere shifted as Sekito stormed in, anger etched across his face. The others watched in shock as he approached Hiroshi, grabbing his collar with a tight grip.

"You! This was all your doing, wasn't it?" Sekito accused, his voice seething with bitterness.

Hiroshi's eyes widened in surprise, unsure of what had triggered this sudden outburst from his fellow actor. "Sekito, what are you talking about?" he replied, trying to remain calm despite the tension in the air.

"Don't play dumb!" Sekito snapped, his frustration escalating.

The other actors exchanged uneasy glances, unsure of how to intervene in the escalating confrontation.

As the tension in the backstage area grew, Aya stepped forward, trying to diffuse the situation. With a concerned expression, she approached Sekito and gently placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Sekito, what's going on? Why are you so upset?" Aya asked, her voice filled with genuine concern.

Sekito glared at Hiroshi before turning his attention to Aya. "Aya, don't you see? Hiroshi stole my role on purpose!" he exclaimed, his frustration evident in every word.

Aya looked puzzled. "Stole your role? What do you mean?"

Sekito's anger seemed to intensify as he continued, "It was all part of his dirty plan. Making the others believe I couldn't play the role!"

Hiroshi's expression changed from surprise to disbelief. "That's not true, Sekito! I never did anything like that," he protested.

Akane, who had been quietly observing, spoke up in defense of her friend. "Sekito, you can't just make baseless accusations. "

Sekito scoffed, not willing to back down. "He's just a brat who got lucky to take my role!"

In the midst of the heated confrontation, the director, Toshiro, entered the backstage area. He could sense the tension and immediately took charge of the situation. With a stern but composed demeanor, he addressed Sekito's accusations.

"Sekito, I understand that you're upset, but you can't make such serious allegations without evidence," Toshiro said firmly. "Hiroshi did not steal your role, nor was he merely lucky to get it."

Sekito opened his mouth to protest, but the director raised his hand to silence him.

"Let me explain," Toshiro continued. "During the audition process for the role of Takumi, Hiroshi showcased exceptional talent and dedication. In fact, he surpassed even you, Sekito, in some aspects of his performance."

Sekito's eyes widened in surprise, disbelief evident on his face.

"Hiroshi demonstrated a profound understanding of the character and delivered a performance that moved the entire audition panel," Toshiro explained. "But what stood out even more was his humility and admiration for you, Sekito."

Hiroshi looked at the director.

The director continued, "Hiroshi came to me after the auditions and insisted that he admired your skills and that you were the better fit for the role of Takumi. He requested that we consider giving you the part, even though he had performed exceptionally well himself."

Akane and the other actors exchanged surprised glances, realizing what Hiroshi had done.

"Ultimately, it was the combination of Hiroshi's talent and his genuine admiration for you, Sekito, that led us to choose him for another important role in the production," Toshiro said.

Sekito's face contorted with a mix of emotions, processing the information he had just received. His anger seemed to subside, replaced by a sense of confusion and contemplation. He looked at Hiroshi, trying to gauge the truth in the director's words.

"If you really admired me that much, why didn't you tell me all this before?" Sekito finally asked.

Hiroshi met Sekito's gaze, sincerity evident in his eyes. "I didn't want to come between you and the role you deserved. I thought you were perfect for Takumi, and I still believe that," he replied acting earnestly as all this was part of his plan.

Sekito took a moment to process the situation, his thoughts in turmoil. Just as he was about to respond, Masaya Kaburagi, a famous producer, walked into the backstage area, his presence commanding attention.

"I couldn't help but overhear the discussion," Masaya said, his voice authoritative. "While it's commendable that Hiroshi demonstrated such admiration for Sekito, it's not practical to change the casting now."

Sekito looked at Masaya with a glimmer of hope. "But sir, if Hiroshi really believes I'm the better fit for the role, shouldn't we consider it for the other performances?" he implored.

Masaya shook his head. "I understand the sentiment, but it's not that simple. The casting process was already finalized, and the marketing materials and promotions have been centered around Hiroshi's role in the show. Changing it at this point would create confusion among the audience and affect ticket sales."

Sekito's shoulders slumped, disappointment evident on his face.

Masaya took a deep breath and continued, "Besides, I must admit that Hiroshi's portrayal of his character has had a significant impact on the audience. Social media is buzzing with praise for his performance, and ticket sales have skyrocketed after the first show. People want to see more of him, and it's driving a great income for the production."

Toshiro, who had been listening attentively, nodded in agreement. "Masaya is right," he said. "While I understand your disappointment, Sekito, we must consider the broader implications for the success of the show as a whole."

Sekito sighed, coming to terms with the reality of the situation. "I suppose I can't argue with that," he admitted, his initial anger now replaced with resignation.

Sekito looked at Hiroshi, his initial anger now replaced with a mix of defeat and acceptance. He sighed heavily, realizing that his hope for reclaiming the role had been dashed.

"Well, Hiroshi, I suppose I can't fight against the tide," Sekito said, admitting his defeat.

After he left, Masaya Kaburagi stepped forward, extending his hand toward Hiroshi with a welcoming smile.
"Hiroshi, I must say you've left a lasting impression on everyone here tonight," Masaya said. "Your talent and dedication are evident, and it's clear that you have a bright future in the entertainment industry of Japan."

Hiroshi shook Masaya's hand, feeling a surge of pride and accomplishment. "Thank you, sir. I cannot wait. "

As Hiroshi shook Masaya Kaburagi's hand, his eyes glowed with an ethereal intensity. The red hue in his eyes began to take the shape of six-pointed stars, sparkling like radiant jewels.

In the labyrinth of emotions and ambitions, Hiroshi's journey takes a new turn. As the chapter ends, stars align, and a new constellation of possibilities shines brightly in the theater of fate.
