Chapter 13: Shadows of Deceit

At the theatre, Lala Lie's group was using...
Hiroshi sauntered down the hallway, his easy stride exuding confidence. With a mischievous glint in his eyes, he approached his colleague's door, which bore the nameplate "Sekito Himuro-Room 302."

The door creaked open as Hiroshi pushed it, entering the dimly lit room. He took a moment to survey the surroundings, the walls adorned with movie posters and shelves stacked with books. In the corner, a battered armchair sat beside a small table cluttered with scripts and a half-empty coffee mug.

"Let the games begin," Hiroshi muttered to himself, a sly smile tugging at the corners of his lips. He tiptoed towards Sekito's desk, eyes scanning for any clues as to what he was looking for. He knew his colleague well enough to recognize the meticulously organized files and the penchant for hiding personal items in unexpected places.

He began to rummage through the stack of scripts, shuffling the pages as he searched for any hidden treasures. His fingers danced along the edges of the pages, flipping them open with practiced finesse. As he sifted through, he couldn't help but chuckle at the exaggerated lines and the notes scribbled in the margins.

"Now, where would you hide your phone, my dear Sekito?" Hiroshi whispered, feigning a dramatic tone, the glimmer of mischief still present in his eyes. His gaze shifted to the armchair, its worn upholstery suggesting frequent use. With a devilish grin, he approached the seat, his fingers tracing the contours of the fabric.

As he reached beneath the armrest, Hiroshi felt a peculiar bulge. His heart skipped a beat, anticipation building. He tugged gently and revealed a hidden compartment, concealed within the chair's wooden frame. Inside, Sekito's phone awaited his discovery.

"Now we're getting somewhere," Hiroshi mused, excitement lacing his voice.

Hiroshi's eyes scanned the room once more, ensuring he had left no trace of what he had done.
"Who would hide his phone in such a place?"

Hiroshi held Sekito's phone in his hand, contemplating his next move. A mischievous smile played on his lips. He remembered the encounter he had with the man while he was walking with Ruby just a few days before-a perfect opportunity to acquire an identical phone. With a sense of purpose, he reached into his pocket and pulled out the second phone, the one he had acquired through his cunning tactics.

Carefully, Hiroshi examined both phones, comparing every minute detail. They were identical in every way, from the sleek design to the placement of the buttons. Not a single discrepancy could be detected. Satisfied with his findings, he proceeded with his plan.

He placed Sekito's phone on the table and picked up the duplicate. Hiroshi meticulously replicated the wallpaper, icons, and even the custom settings. To the untrained eye, it would be impossible to distinguish between the two. This was going to be a flawless switch.

Suddenly Sekito entered his room, feeling a sense of relief wash over him after a long day of rehearsals. As he flicked on the lights, his eyes widened in surprise, taking in the sight of Hiroshi standing near his desk. Anger surged within him, and his voice boomed through the room.

"You brat, what the hell are you doing in my room?!" Sekito bellowed, his face flushed with a mixture of frustration and anger.

Hiroshi, caught off guard by Sekito's sudden appearance, quickly regained his composure. With practiced ease, he slid Sekito's phone into his pocket, concealing it from view. A calm smile settled on his lips as he raised his hands in a gesture of innocence.

"Sekito, I was just looking for you!" Hiroshi replied, feigning surprise. "I needed to discuss some important matters regarding the upcoming performance and you are the one with the most experience here."

Sekito's anger was palpable as he glared at Hiroshi, his hands clenched into fists at his sides. "You expect me to believe that? I saw you snooping around my desk!"

Hiroshi maintained his composed demeanor, his voice steady and reassuring. "Sekito, I apologize if it seemed that way. I noticed you weren't at the rehearsal room, and I thought you might be here."

As Sekito's anger reached its boiling point, he lunged forward, grabbing Hiroshi by the collar of his shirt and pulling him closer. His face was contorted with rage, and his words came out in a venomous hiss.

"You deceitful liar! How dare you invade my privacy and try to steal my things!" Sekito seethed, his grip tightening on Hiroshi's collar. "I've heard enough of your excuses. Everyone, come here and witness this lowly thief!"

Hiroshi, caught off guard by Sekito's sudden aggression, struggled to free himself from Sekito's grasp. He could feel the eyes of their colleagues turning towards them as they entered the room, curiosity, and concern etched on their faces.

The sound of footsteps echoed through the hallway as the group gathered around the doorway, their expressions ranging from confusion to alarm. Among them was Toshiro.

"What is going on here?" Toshiro demanded, his voice authoritative yet tinged with concern.

Sekito's grip on Hiroshi's collar loosened slightly as he turned towards Toshiro, his eyes ablaze with anger. "Toshiro, you won't believe what this thief has done! He was snooping around in my room and attempted to steal from me!"

Hiroshi, now freed from Sekito's hold, straightened his collar and maintained his composure. He raised his hands in a conciliatory gesture, his voice calm and composed.

"Kindaichi-san, I understand how this might appear, but I assure you, I had no intention of stealing anything. I was merely looking for Sekito to discuss important matters regarding the performance," Hiroshi explained, his tone earnest. "I apologize if my actions seemed suspicious."

As the tense atmosphere hung heavy in the room, a cheerful voice broke through the mounting tension. "Hey everyone! Have any of you seen Hiroshi?" The voice belonged to Aya.

Aya's arrival brought a momentary pause to the escalating conflict. The group turned their attention towards her, their expressions softening as they welcomed the respite from the tense situation.

Sekito's grip on Hiroshi's collar loosened further as he turned to face her, his expression still clouded with anger. "Aya, what are you doing here? This is not the time. Hiroshi has invaded my privacy and attempted to steal from me!"

Aya's brows furrowed in confusion as she surveyed the room, taking in the charged atmosphere. Sensing the seriousness of the situation, she approached Sekito and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. Her voice was filled with genuine concern.

"Sekito, calm down. What happened?" she asked, her tone soothing and gentle.

Hiroshi, standing a few steps away, observed Aya's reaction with a mix of curiosity and suspicion. He couldn't help but notice a slight flicker of mischief in her eyes as she locked gazes with him, but he played along, waiting to see where this would lead.

Sekito, still seething with anger, took a deep breath to compose himself before explaining the situation to Aya. "I caught this fool snooping around in my room. He was rummaging through my things and trying to steal my belongings. It's a clear violation of my privacy!"

Aya's eyes widened in surprise as she turned her attention to Hiroshi. Her tone was laced with disbelief. "Hiroshi, is this true?"

Hiroshi met Aya's gaze, maintaining a facade of innocence. He spoke with conviction, playing his part in the unfolding drama. "Aya, I apologize if it seemed that way. Sekito misunderstood the situation. I was only searching for him as you had asked me to."

Aya's expression softened as she nodded, seemingly convinced by Hiroshi's explanation. She turned back to Sekito, her voice filled with sincerity. "Sekito, I'm sorry for the misunderstanding. It was my fault. I asked Hiroshi to look for you because I needed to discuss something important regarding the performance."

Sekito's anger faltered for a moment as he processed Aya's words. Confusion mixed with a hint of realization crossed his face. "You asked Hiroshi to look for me?"

Aya nodded, her smile warm and genuine. "Yes, I did. I apologize for not informing you beforehand. I didn't realize it would cause such a commotion."

After the whole situation was explained everyone went their way but Sekito didn't care about apologizing to Hiroshi at all.
The situation got a bit out of hand for Hiroshi but thanks to Aya he managed to not get into a mess.
He thanked her and she was just happy to help him as she said that she knows he isn't the type of guy Sekito thought he is.

With Sekito...
Sekito sat alone in his room, frustration and anger coursing through his veins. The plans he had meticulously crafted to tarnish Hiroshi's reputation and embarrass him had crumbled before his eyes. Every attempt he made to convince others to speak ill of Hiroshi had failed. The money he had offered as an incentive had gone to waste. The rumors he had spread had fizzled out without gaining any traction. It seemed as though Hiroshi possessed an inexplicable influence, one that surpassed his own.

"How is this possible?" Sekito muttered, his voice tinged with disbelief and bitterness.
"I did everything in my power to bring him down. I tried to turn everyone against him, to expose his flaws and weaknesses. But nothing worked."

Sekito's mind replayed the countless efforts he had made to undermine Hiroshi. He recalled the conversations he had initiated, subtly planting seeds of doubt and painting Hiroshi in a negative light. But it had all been in vain.

He clenched his fists, frustration pulsating through his body. "How did he manage to gain such influence? How did he become more popular than me within this group?"

Sekito's thoughts drifted back to the mysterious man who had warned him about Hiroshi, cautioning him to be careful around him. He had brushed off the warning, convinced of his superiority. Now, in the face of failure, Sekito questioned whether he had been wrong all along.

"Maybe that man was right," he muttered bitterly. "Maybe I underestimated that brat."

Sekito's frustration and bitterness grew as he dwelled on his failed attempts to tarnish Hiroshi's reputation. The memory of the mysterious man's warning resurfaced, and a sense of determination washed over him. He felt a surge of confidence, fueled by a reckless desire to prove himself.

A smirk formed on Sekito's lips as he contemplated his next move. He knew he had to be more cunning, more daring, to succeed in his mission. Taking a deep breath, he resolved to carry out the task the mysterious man had given him, no matter the cost.

"Hiroshi," Sekito muttered under his breath, a dark glint in his eyes. "You may have evaded me so far, but I won't let you escape this time. I'll use a person you hold dear as leverage-a risky move that will surely bring you down."

Later on...
As Hiroshi and Akane exited the theatre, the glow of the streetlights illuminated their faces. The air was cool, and a light breeze rustled through the nearby trees, carrying with it the scent of anticipation.

Hiroshi couldn't help but notice that Akane seemed a bit unusual tonight. Her usual exuberance was replaced by a distant gaze, and she appeared lost in her thoughts. As they walked side by side, he nudged her playfully and asked,
"Hey there, what's with the thousand-yard stare? You seem a million miles away. What's bothering you?"

Akane's lips curved into a faint smile, but her eyes betrayed a hint of sadness. She shrugged, attempting to brush off Hiroshi's concern. "Oh, it's nothing, really," she replied, her voice tinged with a touch of melancholy. "Just got a lot on my mind."

Hiroshi wasn't one to easily accept such vague answers. He stopped in his tracks, turning to face her with a raised eyebrow. "Come on, Akane. You can't fool me that easily. I can see something's bothering you. What's eating at you?"

Akane hesitated for a moment, torn between opening up to Hiroshi and keeping her thoughts to herself. She glanced down at the pavement, her fingers fidgeting with the strap of her handbag. The weight of her emotions felt heavy, but she knew Hiroshi wouldn't let it go easily.

Finally, she took a deep breath and looked up, meeting Hiroshi's concerned gaze. "Okay, fine," she said, her voice tinged with a mixture of vulnerability and determination. "There's something I've been meaning to talk to you about."

Curiosity piqued. He leaned in closer, his eyes fixed on Akane, urging her to continue.

Before she could speak, the sound of a car approaching caught their attention. They turned their heads to see a familiar face beaming at them from behind the steering wheel. It was Aya.

Aya rolled down the window, her smile widening. "Hey, guys! Need a ride home? I saw you from across the street and thought I'd offer!"

Akane and Hiroshi exchanged glances, a brief moment of relief washing over them. Akane managed a grateful smile and nodded. "Sure, Aya. That would be great. Thank you."

Hiroshi chimed in, "Yeah, thanks, Aya. We appreciate it."

Aya gestured toward the back seat, urging them to hop in. As they settled into the car, Akane's mind buzzed with conflicting thoughts. She had been so close to opening up to Hiroshi, but the interruption had given her a moment of reprieve.

As the car glided through the city streets, Aya glanced at Akane through the rearview mirror, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. She realized that Akane was different today and tried to brighten up the mood.
"You know, Hiroshi, Akane here used to be one of the shyest person I knew. But look at her now, all buddy-buddy with you." Aya's teasing tone hung in the air.

Hiroshi chuckled, his gaze shifting from Aya to Akane, who sat beside him blushing.
"Well, it's true. We've come a long way, haven't we, Akane?"

Akane's cheeks flushed a deeper shade of red, and she shyly averted her gaze. "Yeah, we have. Hiroshi has this way of making even the most introverted person feel comfortable."

Aya grinned, her eyes flickering back and forth between the two friends. "So, spill the beans. How did you two become such good friends? I want all the juicy details."

Hiroshi and Akane started telling her about their experiences with each other and their conversation seemed to go really well.

As Hiroshi and Akane continued chatting in the car, sharing stories and laughter.
Later on Aya's voice suddenly took on a serious tone. Her eyes met Akane's in the rearview mirror, and the mischievous twinkle had faded, replaced by deep concern.

"Akane," Aya said, her voice filled with sincerity, "I need to ask you something, and I hope you'll be honest with me."

Akane felt a chill run down her spine. A sense of foreboding gripped her heart, and she couldn't help but wonder what could have prompted such a change in Aya's demeanor. She mustered a small nod, her eyes wide with anticipation

Aya took a deep breath before continuing, her gaze unwavering. "Has Sekito been trying to deceive you? To turn you against Hiroshi? To make you doubt your friendship with him?"

Time seemed to stand still for Akane. Her mind raced, searching for answers, trying to make sense of Aya's words. She glanced at Hiroshi, who sat beside her, his expression filled with sadness and worry. The weight of uncertainty settled heavily upon her shoulders, and her thoughts spiraled into a whirlwind of confusion.

Akane's voice caught in her throat, and her lips trembled as she turned her attention back to Aya. "Wh-What do you mean? Why would anyone try to do that?"

Aya's gaze held steady, her voice steady and resolute.
"I've been hearing things, Akane. Rumors. I didn't want to believe them, but when I saw the way you looked just now, something made me wonder if there was more to it. I had to ask."

The car continued to glide through the city streets, but a heavy silence enveloped the interior. Akane's mind raced, torn between the trust she had in Hiroshi and the nagging doubts that now threatened to infiltrate her thoughts. She glanced at Hiroshi again, his eyes searching hers, silently pleading for understanding.

As the scene unfolded, the car turned a corner, disappearing into the night.
