waking up /chp.3\

Tw:talks of killing/death, a bit of blood shown in a drawing

/Kat's pov\

"Slep I know" says a voice

"Then stop pacing around" said Slep?

I slowly opened my eyes then closed them due to the light

"Is it best for me to be here?" Asked slep

"I feel like you are the best to introduce" says the first voice "you're the most... Normal from the group"

"I would say you are" says slep

"I- I know but to introduce this place" the voice explained

I opened my eyes again and got into a sitting position. I looked around to see I was in some hospital room

"Nice to see you are awake" I looked in front of me to see....Bryan?

"W-what?" I looked him up and down

He had a robot arm for a left arm, a piece of his lower right face was robotic. Once of his eyes were too

"Uh- welcome" Bryan says "it's nice to see your are okay"

"True" says slep?

I looked around but realized the voice was from above me. I looked up to see Slep half way though the wall..... He was missing his eyes

(Yes I'm using old art, I didn't feel like redrawing it XD I most likely will at a later date if I feel like it)

"W-WHAT THE HELL!" I quickly got out of bed

Bryan sighed "Slep out the wall... And cover your eyes"

"Fineee" Slep got out of the wall and put his hair over his eyes and was floating a bit off the floor

"Slep meet Kat, Kat meet Slep" Bryan introduced us

"I- I kinda knew his name" I said pointing at slep "I heard you two talking"

"Sorry if that woke you" says Bryan

"You didn't..." I said and he nodded "w-where are we?"

"We are in freddyland" says Bryan

"What? How? The place is blocked off" I say running to the window

"Kat do you remember what happened?" Bryan asked

"What?" I asked

"Before you passed out" Slep clarified for Bryan

I stated to think about it and fully faced the two "I- I was walking into my bedroom when I fell"

"What?" Bryan asked kinda in shock

"I have finished doing everything for the day... David came home and went to the room, I grabbed my laptop and went upstairs opened the door tool a step in and fell" I explained to them

They looked at each other then at me "did anything bad happen? Or was happening?" Slep asked

"No?" I answered confused

Bryan and slep looked at each other again then at me "okay don't freak out" said Bryan

"What?" I asked him

"People that had bad endings in a way come here" Bryan says

"What?" I asked

"Like I'm kinda dead?" He says "it's confusing for me since I'm still breathing but most organs mess up from time to time"

"Huh?" I was confused

He looked at slep "Slep is a ghost.... He was killed" Slep waved at me and gave a nervous smile

"I... So...what?" I was deeply confused

"People who died.... People who had a bad ending to life that had something to do with fazbears ended up here" Bryan put it bluntly

"So why am I here?" I asked him

"I don't know" he said "you fell from the sky" he pointed up

"I...what...this is a dream" I said smiling like a mad man

"I wish this was a dream...but it isn't" said Bryan

"I...I need a minute" I sat down on the chair next to the bed

"Would you like to go to a hotel room?" He asked

"You know what...sure" I said getting up

The three of us left the room and went upstairs, we took a right turn and went down to the end of the hallway

"You can stay in my room for now until we can clean one up for you" Bryan said opening the door

I nodded and went it "just get one of us if you need something" said Bryan and him and slep left

I shut the door and laid down on the bed looking at the roof

I sighed 'this has to be a dream.... Right? This can't be real...'

I turned into my side facing the closet, I left a tear go down my face 'I want to go home...'

I shut my eyes hoping to wake up from this nightmare

Author's note: The character references have been updated, you can now see what Dylan and Iris look like :]
