looking for her /chp.4\

Tw: talks of missing people/dead/death

/Davis' pov\


was pacing back and forth in my office. Yesterday during the afternoon Kat just disappeared? Fell through the floor....

I don't understand how or why this happened

I have called a few people to see if many she ended up with them but nothing

"Pick up pick up" I said still going back and forth

"Hello?" Said Molten

"Hey" I said

He sighed "what do you want?"

"Is kat there?" I asked

"Pffff- what? No why would she be?" He laughed

"Listen yesterday she kinda fell though the floor or well a portal since it kinda had those colors" I explained

"What?" He asked "why didn't you say anything sooner!"

"I've been asking around seeing if she ended up at someone's location or at someone's home" I said

"Listen, I don't know where she is, but I will look into this since it is interesting and can explain a few things" Molten said

"That works for me" I said

"Good" he said and hung up

'explain a few things' I sighed and looked at my chalkboard 'is he talking about the other missing people?'

'but he isn't wrong.... It could explain what happened to the others' I started to write stuff down 'its odd what happened to them'

'maybe that's how I can get more people on board' I realized 'most locations lost people and are still questioning it, and if it's something like with Kat they will help'

I started to write down the people that have gone missing which were Jake, Ivy, Iris, Sabrina, Elliot, King.... Most would think Bryan as well but I already know he is dead

Elliot and king were workers of wonder heart meaning close to Pluto... Jake was pop goes but was mostly close to Dylan and Ivy one that is dead and the other missing so that's no help

Iris was close to Dylan, Sabrina and his co manager McKenzie... But she wants nothing to do with the place and most likely him after what happened

Sabrina was close to Dylan, Ivy and Philip, so maybe Philip would help, I don't know the man well but we will see

Vendi for Ivy I noticed...

And that should be everyone for the most part

Now to get into contact and see how much they all know and go from there

Author's note: Ivy and Jake's refs are now out
