new addition /chp.2\

/Slep's pov\

"Sooooooo" I said "how have you been?"

Dylan just stared at me then nodded "I'm guessing good"

It's difficult to talk to Dylan since he can't really speak in security

"What's going on?" I turned around to see Sabrina walked over

"Just talking" I say

She nodded "floating to be at his level?"

"It makes it easier" I say

"Guess so" said Sabrina

Sabrina is more or less a walking corpse, kinda thought she was gonna be a ghost or something with how she died

But hell... We all ended up in odd positions

Dylan looked at her and nodded "nice to see you too"

"How do you and Iris even talk to each other?" I asked Dylan as if he could answer

"They... Don't" says Sabrina "they just stare at each other"

"Yikes" I said "kinda shocked with how long I have been here I never thought that or seen it"

"It's a big park" says Sabrina with Dylan nodding

"Well got any plans?" I asked Sabrina

"Not really" she said

"Yeahhhh I'm gonna hang out with King later" I say

"That should be fun" says Sabrina with her arms crossed

"Yeah if we can find anything to do" I say

Dylan just looked around not really knowing what to do

"I wish we had parts" said Sabrina "then maybe I could fix ya or give you a voice box"

"SOMEONE IS FALLING!" Yelled.... Jake?

Me, Dylan and Sabrina were at the fountain

I turned around to face the fountain then looked up to see someone "oh- shit"

We all ran around the fountain to see Jake looking up. He was in a panic

Luckily King was there, guessing they were in the tent or something

They stretched out their arms to catch the lady and safely bring her down

King bought their arms back to themself when the girl was laying on the floor

"Does anyone know who that is?" I asked

"She looks familiar" says Jake

"I don't recognize her" says Sabrina

"What's going on?" We all turned to see Bryan walking over from the right area of the tent

"SOmEoNe NeW fElL" said King

"What?" He ran over to see "kat?"

"You know her?" Asked Jake

"Well no but Davis talked about her and had a picture of him and her for his wallpaper" He said

He picked her up into his arms "I'm going to take her to the hospital area"

"O-okay" I say

He nods "you can all join later"

"We will give her a minute" said Sabrina

"I may come along" I say

He nods "yeah just wait a minute for her to adjust"

"Will do" I say

He walks away making his way to the hotel

"I wonder what happened to her" said Jake with Dylan nodding

"Same here" I say
