"While we may seem unfriendly and closed off, know that in the House of Slytherin, we are family and we take care of each other."

"This house has faced more prejudice and disrespect than any other. We are mocked and put down as being the 'evilness of mankind' but that is not what the House of Slytherin stands for. While we are made up of neutral and dark-leaning wizards and witches, this does not make us evil," their prefect added, after he led the first years to the Slytherin common room.

"We are cunning and ambitious people who have proven throughout the ages to produce a variety of successful people, from Salazar Slytherin to Merlin himself. However, in the more recent years, it has seemed that the rest of the Wizarding World has forgotten this and as I said, we have been placed in the stereotype of being evil. The reason why we all hold ourselves to a cold demeanor is because it is our way of protecting ourselves from these prejudices. In this House, you will all find a way to succeed, as that is why you were placed here. However, do not forget that you do not need to accomplish everything on your own. Your housemates will always be there to support you. We do not have many people that we can rely on outside of these walls, but we all have each other. The House of Slytherin proudly welcomes you as the next generation of successful snakes," Marcus Flinch finished.

"The Head of the Slytherin House, Professor Snape will be here shortly to talk to you all," the teen said as he and the other prefect began walking towards an older group of students sitting on some couches.

The Common Room entrance swung open and a man with a permanent scowl etched on his face and robes flowing behind him, giving him a bat-like appearance, entered the room. While his appearance was one that should have made him look unkempt - sallow skin, black-beady eyes, and greasy black hair - his stature screamed authority and power. He reminded Aria of Uncle Nick Fury.

"As of tonight, you are all Slytherins," Snape started, looking at each and every one of the first years. "This is the House known for its pride, ambition, and power. This is the House that people fear and envy, as they do not have the potential you all have to become something great. As I am sure the Prefects have told you, Slytherin is a House that survives on unity and strength. This is something that has been emphasized since Salazar Slytherin founded this House and I expect each and every one of you to stick together."

Aria could only look on in awe at the man, hanging onto every word he spoke. His presence demanded full attentiveness and respect. Aria could tell her other classmates felt the same way, as even Blaise, who had made a joke during Dumbledore's speech, was silent.

"Tomorrow morning in the Great Hall I will be passing out your schedules, so make sure to be prompt for breakfast," Snape concluded as he swiftly turned away and exited the Common Room.

Once in the dorms, Aria had chosen a bed towards the middle of the room, with Pansy on her left and Millicent on her right. As soon as she had unpacked her belongings, she went to the bathroom and took a shower.

The girls in the room were still in awe at the iron suit that unpacked itself and all the technological devices that adorned Aria's side of the room.

Apparently, it was true that Sirius had part in raising her as they they'd seen just as much wizarding and formal clothes as they'd seen trendy muggle ones.

She had small gadgets and trinkets that she called robots, saying that she'd made them herself.

Aria Stark was a whole other specimen. They could agree to that at least.

Aria waited for the girls to fall asleep before finally walking out of the dorm, and sneaking out of the common room.

she headed down to the lawn by the lake. There was a willow tree there that had been particularly special to Sirius, where he turned into an animagus for the first time. It looked exactly like he described it to be.

She found a comfortable seat on one of the tree's wider limbs, took out her two way mirror.

Tony  answered almost immediately. "Hey, mini me. I've been waiting for your call. Tell me everything. What House are you in?"

She laughed. "I miss you too, dad. I made it into Slytherin."

He let out a cheer. "Loki knew you would. I even made a bet with Sirius. He thought you might go to Gryffindor ."

She quickly filled him in on the details. He was particularly proud of how she dealt with the Potters,

"Have you made any friends yet? How was the food? Hey, everyone, it's Aria."

Aria laughed as a large image of the Avengers living room crowded with people she loved appeared. "Hey, everyone. I'm doing pretty good. I'm in Slytherin and have already made a couple of friends. One of my roommates is a girl I met on the train. Her name's Pansy and she's really funny. I think she'll be an okay influence on me, if I don't corrupt her first. I miss all you guys so much already."

Tony chimed in. "So, how's the tech working? Any interference?"

"I've only used the communicator dad , and I'm outside the actual castle. I promise to test it all out and give you a full report when I call this weekend."

The others all took their turns. Pepper, Natasha, Thor and Loki, Steve and Bucky, Wanda, Bruce and Jarvis. Even Sam and Strange were there.

By the time they told her about Thor's latest mishap with the washing machine and Steve's first experiences with a VR mask ; both of which had her laughing so hard she almost fell out of the tree; it was past midnight. and she was starting to feel tired.

It took five minutes more to say good night to everyone, but by the time she yawned, stretched and put away the two-way mirror, she was feeling a bit less lonely and a lot more ready to sleep.

She was just about to head inside when she spotted a shadowy figure skulking through the yard and her head almost exploded with pain.

Fighting the urge to scream, she winced, seeing a second figure following the first.

The first was the purple turban wearing man introduced that night as Professor Quirrell. The second was the Potions teacher, Professor Snape, who had been the Marauders favorite target back in the day.

What were they doing sneaking around at this hour? Never mind the fact that she was doing the same thing. Professor Quirrell seemed too nervous to be wandering at this hour. Why would Snape be following him? It was a well-known secret that he wanted Quirrell's position, teaching Defense against the Dark Arts.

Could this be part of some conspiracy on his part? Was this sudden flash of pain connected to them? It hit just before Snape appeared, but she couldn't remember what Professor Quirrell was doing at that instant. Had he turned around, possibly even in her direction? She wasn't sure.

As they moved away and the pain finally faded, she had a choice between going after them and going to bed.

On this one occasion, she followed the more reasonable option and headed back into the castle.

"Morning Aria!" Harry exclaimed the next morning , in a cheery voice as he took a seat next to her, at the Slytherin table.

Aria growled at him in response.

"So, what do you think of Hogwarts? It's pretty cool, don't you think? Wait till you see all of it, well technically that's impossible, due to the sheer size of it, but the parts that you'll see will amaze you. Then there are the Hogwarts grounds as well..." Harry stopped when he saw Aria put her fingers on each side of her head and began rubbing her temples. The boy looked over to his father, who gave him an encouraging nod.

"Can't you go annoy someone else?" Aria asked the boy wearily.

"Aria, you're new here, and you grew up with muggles. Someone needs to tell you all about Hogwarts. Why not me?" Harry asked as he gave Aria another forced smile.

Aria sighed and let Harry drone on and on about Hogwarts. She knew ignoring him probably wouldn't work but there wasn't really anything Aria could do right now.

She looked at her half eaten toast. She had lost her appetite. The brunette shifted her gaze over toward the staff table and saw James and Dumbledore watching them closely.

"What the—"

Aria turned around, eyes widening slightly as she saw Harry sprawled on the ground, glaring murderously at Theo. She could only assume he pushed him.

"Oops. My hand slipped." The Slytherin shrugged casually, before taking a seat in Harry's previous place.

"How dare you—" The 'savior' started, getting up to his feet, only to pause at the look Theodore gave him. As if that wasn't enough, the tall guy— what was his name? Blaise, suddenly walked toward them too, passing by Harry and giving him an intimidating glare.

"Move Potter." Malfoy appeared as well, pushing past Harry as he took a seat next to Theo.

Overwhelmed with rage, Harry stomped out of the great hall, his father soon running and following after him.

"Eh." Aria shrugged, double tapping on her phone screen as she liked the pictures Natasha sent her.

Dear Mum,

I thought I should write to you because information travels fast in our world and
it is best that you get this information from me before another. Aria is at
Hogwarts. Her hair is brown, her eyes are a brighter shade of blue than dad. She's shorter then me, thank the gods. Her robes look expensive and she looks healthy. She also hasn't made an effort to speak with me.

Also, that rumor is still going around, the one that you both abandoned her in the 
Muggle world because you thought she was a Squib and she ended up
being adopted by the best man there is to ever exist (honestly if I knew that would've happened, I would've wanted you to abandon me instead of her), so I don't know how much damage control you'll have to do.

She didn't speak to anyone but her fellow Slytherins yet- oh yeah, she's a Slytherin to
boot- and Neville heard from some Ravenclaw who was listening in, about it,
and he asked me about  it and I excused myself because I'm not sure what to say.

Let me be clear, if your actions all those years ago make me look bad, there are
going to be problems! You promised that everything was going to be okay and that
I wouldn't have to worry about anything but it seems like you failed. This isn't
going to be good.


Lily gaped in horror all the way until the very end of the letter.

Their youngest had magic. That much was obvious.

And she had known about their family. And instead of contacting them, she started spreading word about how she'd ended up in the Muggle world to begin with. And Hogwarts' grapevine was very fast and reached everywhere on the isle. By now, many would be mailing home about this information and it would be in the paper come morning.

This is bad. This just reeks of Sirius' jealousy. He got to her first and now he's causing drama. She always told James to stop mourning the disappearance of his friend. That man was going to be nothing but a thorn on their side.

Lily was determined to try and get some work at Hogwarts in the coming years.

James was going to need all the help he could get.
