"James! Say something!" The Potter matriarch cried out, gesturing toward the boy ripping the pages of his story book.

"Harry. Stop this instant." James distractingly commanded, though he didn't move from his place on the couch.

"No! I don't wanna read. There are no pictures!" The green eyed boy pouted, continuing to rip away the pages, only stopping once his mother snatched the book away.

"This can't continue like this, Harry, you need to be prepared."  Lily tried again, crouching down so that she was on eye level wither her son. "Darling, you're so special, you're the savior. Everyone loves you, but you have to study to be a good boy."

"I wanna play hide and seek with uncle Moony." The boy whined, aggressively swinging his feet so that he was hitting the chair. Sighing, Lily stood up to her full height and walked back to the living room, where James was reading the prophet. Harry took it as a chance to run away.

"Can't you talk to him or something?! I'm sick of being the only one trying here." The redhead snapped, grabbing the news paper that was in her husband's hand and throwing it on the table.

"It's not my fault if you turned him into a spoilt little brat, Lily." James replied exasperatedly, crossing his arms.

Lily's eyes widened, and a gasp was quick to escape her lips. "How could you say that about Harry? How can you say such a thing about your only son?!"

"My only son? My only son Lily? I'm pretty fucking sure I've got a daughter as well." James reminded, his jaw tightening. God he missed the beautiful little girl who's eyes were the same shade as his own.

"We already talked about this James. Why can't you get over it? You'll be seeing her in four years, besides Harry's the one we need to focus on the most at the moment. Don't forget that voldemort will comeback, and he will be after our son."

Sighing, James nodded while rubbing his eyes.

Four years.

He could wait that much couldn't he? He's already waited six anyway.

Mjolnir was sitting innocently in front of the sink in the penthouse's kitchen. Steve had been going to wash his hands before making breakfast when his foot caught on the hammer and he fell harshly to the floor.

"Thor," The blond muttered, shaking his head. He attempted to nudge the hammer out of the way before remembering just what he was dealing with and stood next to it while he washed his hands.

Just as he was drying his hands off, Aria came running in, her hands covered in a glittery pink sludge that Steve was almost certain had once been regular Play-Doh.

"Hi, uncle Steve" Aria greeted.

Steve smiled and made to lift the girl up so she could reach the sink when Aria stepped on top of Mjolnir. Shocked at seeing the mighty and revered weapon being used as a foot stool Steve didn't say anything while Aria cleaned her hands then ran out of the kitchen, laughing happily.

He didn't get a chance to think about it because not long after Aria ran from the kitchen there was the sound of an explosion - something Steve thought he shouldn't be able to identify by sound alone.



Steve ran to the living room to find his— well, niece, covered in different colors of clay, Sirius' wand in her hand.

"That's my goddaughter!" Said man exclaimed happily, as he walked into the living room and lifted Aria in the air. And not long after, Tony walked in, snorted when he saw the mess his daughter had made before continuing to walk toward his room.

Steve shook his head, a soft, amused smile tugging at his lips.

"Are you sure about this?"


Pepper nodded.

"Sirius, could you bring Aria here please?" Pepper called out from the couch where she was sitting next to a tense Tony.

"No problem," Sirius answered.

He swaggered out of the kitchen with his goddaughter on his back, both of them covered in flour and egg shells - neither of them seemed to have any actual eggs on them however. Steve trailed after them, completely clean and clearly trying not to laugh at them.

Sirius waved his wand in a familiar pattern and seconds later both he and Aria were spotless. The young girl thanked him, jumping down from his back, and moved to squeeze between Pepper and Tony. "Yeah, mum?"

Pepper smiled, though the edges of her eyes were tight. "Aria, your father's decided that you're old enough now to make this decision."

Aria looked between her father and mother in confusion, her nose scrunching up. She reached out to grasp her father's hand for comfort. Some of the tension left Tony's shoulders.

"What is it, dad?"

Sirius and Steve moved to sit together on the large armchair to the right of the couch, their attention on their niece and goddaughter and the couple she was sitting between.

Tony gazed down at his daughter intently. "Aria, do you want to go to Hogwarts when you turn eleven?"

The brunette's eyes widened at the question.

"Are we even sure she's going to get a letter from Hogwarts? I thought they only had jurisdiction over the British Isles?" Steve asked hesitantly.

"That is true but there have been cases where a child born on British soil moves away and still receives their Hogwarts letter. Since Aria was technically born in Britain her name would have been automatically added to the book of students." Sirius explained.

"So," Tony started. "What do you want, kiddo?"

Aria sighed.

She had always known it was a possibility for her to go to Hogwarts but it had never seemed real before now. It was just something that was brought up and set aside every once and a while. Sirius told her everything about it, and Tony had gotten her a couple of personal American wizarding professors to get her ready in advance— in case she ever wanted to follow a magical profession. Of course, she also took normal muggle classes at home because who doesn't?

Now faced with a choice she wasn't sure what she wanted to do. She had gotten used to seeing her insane family everyday and didn't know how she would handle suddenly being on her own in a strange place surrounded by strange people.

Aria had just started third grade and if she decided to go to Hogwarts she would have a couple of years worth of magical education over her year mates, thanks to being magically homeschooled. It didn't take much for her to realize that that could cause problems, either by her own boredom or by confusion and resentment from others.

And she didn't know if she could leave her family, leave her dad, and go all the way to another country practically on her own. They'd probably agree to come with her though— wouldn't they?

Pepper wouldn't be there to teach her manners or how to deal with the press, or watch funny movies in pajamas with her. She wouldn't see vision run into walls because he was lost in in thoughts. Steve wouldn't be there to ambush her with a funny hat or vintage dress and take pictures of her - though that may not be much of a bad thing.

Living in a castle would mean no more sneaking into the lab and letting Tony use her as guinea pig while Bruce watched on in resigned amusement, no more Clint appearing out of nowhere to shoot net launching arrows at her then taking her out for churros.

Pranks wars with Natasha and Sirius would be near impossible - they could probably sneak into the castle whenever they wanted but their brand of mischief wasn't exactly subtle. It would only be a matter of time before they got caught.

Thor wouldn't be there to regale her with stories of grand battles and the beauty of Asgard and Loki's many pranks. Loki himself wouldn't be there to give her lessons in magic and professional mischief. (He'd always say that his pranks are much more sophisticated than Sirius' ones)

Being away from her dad would be the worst. She was already feeling off center just thinking about what it would be like to be separated from him for months on end. There would be no building mortal robots that freaked Clint out or spars and duels designed to teach her how to use her slight build to her advantage. There would be no making chocolate pancakes together in the middle of the night or watching him dance to the best songs. She wouldn't be there to crawl in bed next to him and Pepper after he got back from a hard mission or to show him what she learned that day.

But she couldn't forget about the stories Sirius had told her throughout the years - about the exploits of the Marauders, the brilliance and snark and hidden mischief of the professors, the no holds barred Quidditch matches, the awe inspiring castle itself.

It was where Sirius and her...biological parents, became friends. Aria didn't want to think of those people. It had taken her two whole months to get over the fact that she was abandoned because they thought she didn't have any magic. And even if she didn't— how could they do such a thing? They weren't her family. Tony and the avengers were.

Aria didn't want to leave everyone but she didn't want to regret not going either.

"One year," the girl said with finality. The others looked at her with knowing eyes. "I'll go for my first year and see how it goes. If I don't like it I won't go back."

Pepper pulled her into a tight hug.

"Are you sure?" Tony asked intently.

Aria nodded. "Yeah, I'm sure, dad."

Tonyran a hand through his daughter's hair. "I'll ask you again when your letter comes to make sure but for now I'll take your word for it. But until then you're going to keep up with your school work and training."

"Who do you take me for?." Aria questioned cheekily.

Sirius smiled brightly, the expression taking the forced years off of his face. "Hogwarts won't know what hit it." And neither will Dumbledore and the Potters.

Aria wiggled out of Pepper's grasp and looked at everyone with large innocent eyes. "Do you think Uncle Loki could pretend to be Merlin for me later?"

"I'm sure he will be delighted!" Thor announced with his booming voice as he walked inside the living room.

Everyone laughed.
