Tony caught up with them when they were nearly done, carrying his own bags that had been expanded and lightened with charms which were nevertheless still full to the brim.

Aria was holding the bags that held her Hogwarts supplies barring the cauldron and telescope. Sirius had a stockpile of cauldrons at home that she could choose from and she planned on using the star gazer Thor had gotten her for her birthday.

Natasha had her supplies for the elementary school, a study planner that would make Pepper proud, and a book she had found that explained the differences between the American Magical Community and the British 'Wizarding World' - something none of them necessarily needed but could come in handy if she seemed to know too much for a foreigner.

All she had left to get was her wardrobe - and possibly an owl, cat, or toad - and her wand.

"Hey, dad!" Aria greeted happily.

Tony made to reach over and ruffle Aria's unruly hair, but the several bags in his hands prevented him. "Hey, mini Merlin . Quick question, you think I could upload JARVIS into these handy little mirrors?" He shook the bags for emphasis.

"If anyone could, it's you dad." The girl praised before taking on a thoughtful expression. "Of course, that's only if JARVIS agrees. I don't think he would set himself up for Man in the Mirror jokes." The blue eyed girl added with a grin.

"We already know who the fairest in the land is." Tony preened at his own compliment.

Aria giggled at the display of mostly mock narcissism. "Yeah, just don't let Uncle Loki hear you say that. He might think you were interested in more than his magic."

Natasha sent the man a vicious smirk and Tony looked at his daughter with a combination of disgust and betrayal, the man's hazel eyes wide and expressive. Aria was having none of it and instead pointed out that they were at the wand shop.

"I wonder what my wand will be like." The brunette wondered as they walked into the shop, a tinkling sound announcing their arrival.

The other shoppers glanced at them, but none of their gazes lingered long. Though one woman did have to elbow her girlfriend to get her to tear her gaze away from Natasha.

"I was wandering when I'd be seeing you...Aria Potter." A man with long grey hair suddenly spoke, dramatically walking out of the shadows.

Aria and Tony glanced at each other for a moment, the girl shrugging at her dad before turning back to the man.

"It's Aria Stark actually. But that's beside the point. I'm here to get a wand." She said casually, leaning her arm against the counter, and sending the man a deadpanned expression.

"Oh my, of course. Let me just gather a couple of wands that could be compatible." The shopkeeper chuckled jovially, returning back to the shadows.

After at least two hours of trying out wands, Ollivander finally passed her one that didn't make the place explode. He then took it back and put her wand back into its box and wrapped it in brown paper, muttering "Hmm...this is quite curious."

"Are you sure we're in the right place?" Bucky whispered, to which Natasha shrugged distractedly to. She was too busy looking around the shop for anything suspicious.

"I remember every wand I've ever sold, Miss Stark. Every single wand. It so happens that the phoenix whose tail feather is in your wand, gave another feathe. It is very curious indeed that you should be destined for this wand when your brother is supposed to be the savior."

Tony glared at the man and came in front of Aria. "I only got one daughter. Aria doesn't have any siblings." Not anymore. Aria was his daughter. She was the avengers' ray of sunshine. No one else was allowed to consider her family.

Bucky seemed to be thinking the same thing, since he tossed the shopkeeper a couple of coins, snatched the wand and ushered everyone out of the shop with him.

"You're destined to many great things Aria. The real child that has been marked as his equal is y—" Tony slammed the shop's door shut, not allowing the others to hear the rest of that sentence.

"I think that's enough shopping for today." Natasha mused, exchanging a knowing look with Tony and Bucky. Aria looked between the adults, sensing that there was something they weren't telling her.

"I thought getting my wand would be more exciting." Aria grumbled, looking inside the bag with her wand in it. "But since I've been using Padfoot's since I was a kid, it's not really as wonderful as it's made out to be." She added, watching the excited eleven years old leave and enter the wand shop with big and amazed smiles adorning their faces.

Honestly, growing up with a family like hers, consisting of norse gods, sorcerers, mutants, geniuses, assassins and super soldiers made it hard for the girl to be amazed at many things, really.

"Okay let's go back to the hotel then. By the way, Loki, Clint, Steve, Strange and Wanda checked out the school in secret. Apparently it's huge, and kind of creepy but according to Sirius, it's much better when students are present so. He also went with them to give them a tour. Thanks to Loki's magic they weren't detected."

"We should also start looking at mansions in London. And connect the floo to the stark tower so it makes it easier for us to travel from New York to here." Natasha spoke, remembering the plan her and Sirius had concocted.

Soon enough, the group started making their way out of Diagon Alley, hundreds of strategical thoughts swirling through their minds.

"Dad! Pleasee!" Harry begged, pulling at James' robes, while Ron, his childhood friend, pulled at Arthur's ones.

Both boys were pointing toward a store that sells magical toys and comics.

"I said no Harry, you've already got many of those." James felt like jumping out of a window. His mood was already really bad due to the visit at the Dursleys, and now his son kept pestering him about this new avengers magazine or whatever.

He honestly didn't understand why kids these days were so obsessed with that group of American people. Maybe because he was a pureblood and didn't know much about them, he didn't really care.

And this one guy, his son was obsessed with, Tony Tarsk? He wasn't sure, but apparently the guy was filthy rich. Not the normal rich, or upper class, like James, but the kind of rich that wiped off the dirt on his shoes with dollar bills.

Arthur seemed to be having the same problem, since his son was whining and pulling him toward the shop.

Remus didn't come with them today, too busy taking care of his furry problem. And Sirius...well, Sirius disappeared many years ago, and since the argument they'd had about Aria, James had never seen his best friend again.

If James were to be honest, his life had been ruined the day he gave Aria away. Not only did he lose his one and only daughter, but he'd lost his brother in all but blood as well, he and Lily kept arguing non stop, their son was a spoilt little brat, money was getting tight, and now he had to deal with a crying Harry.

"Shut up Harry!" James yelled, grabbing his son's arm, causing the boy's screams to get even louder and attract attention all around them. Of course people were going to turn around and stare, probably curious as to why their beloved savior, and boy who lived was crying.

It felt like Harry wasn't even his son anymore.

Dumbledore had more authority on Harry than James ever did.

"Holy shit, these kids are so noisy." James heard a small, childish like voice complain from behind him, causing him to turn around.

The sight that greeted him was kind of odd— a group of four, a man and woman wearing black, tough looking attires, as if they'd carry weapons with them wherever they went, a guy with a suit and tinted glasses, and a little girl holding his hand, who James assumed was the man's daughter, where all walking toward the exit of Diagon Alley.

"You're the same age as them, mini me." The strangely familiar man reminded the girl, sending her an arrogant smirk.

Then out of nowhere, striking blue eyes, the same shade as his, suddenly met his own, and James' heart instantly dropped.

