Chapter 1

Olivia wiped her eyes as she walked out of her room. The house was cold and quiet. Olivia was alone. She was alone and sad. Harry hadn't sent her any letters all summer, Ron had broken up with her, and Hermione sent her letters that had mean meanings behind them.

Olivia's father had gone to the school a week ago and she was alone. Olivia wiped her eyes on her jumper, than hugged herself.

Olivia grabbed some food before making her way back to her room. She made it half way before she heard the front door open. She froze and took out her wand.

She shakily walked quietly to see who or what it was. There was no one there. Her blood froze. 

The door was wide open, but no one was there. Olivia took a bite out of her pizza and closed the door. She locked it and searched the house for anyone.

No one was there. Olivia walked back into her room and sat on her bed. Liv held her pizza in her mouth as she wrote a letter to Harry.

Dear Harry,

My life is somewhat falling apart. Ron broke up with me and I don't think Hermione knows that what she writes hurts. My dad has gone off to Hogwarts and I'm left at home.

You still haven't sent a letter back and this will be my last letter to you. I don't want you to be mad at me. Anyway I hope you are ok and health. I guess I'll see you at school maybe?


Olivia sighed before taking a bite of her pizza. After she finished the slice she whistled loudly. Her owl, Marky, an Eastern Screech Owl, flew over. He landed on her arm and she tightened the letter to his leg. "Take it to Harry." He opened his wings and flew out the window.

She laid down as Snowball jumped onto her bed. She snuggled up on Olivia's stomach and fell asleep. "Guess I can't get up now," She mumbled to herself. Olivia sighed and closed her eyes. "Guess I'll take a nap."


Harry heard pecking in his window. He looked up from some homework and saw an owl. He opened the window and the owl hopped in. Harry took the letter from the leg.

Harry read the letter and the owl left before he could finish reading it."Oh Olivia."

Harry was absolutely livid at Ron. He know that Olivia really did like Ron. Harry decided to write a letter to Hermione to tell her what Olivia had told him. Plus he wanted to tell her to be nicer to Olivia. He understood that Olivia could take something the wrong way, but this was his sister.


Olivia shook her head as tears filled her eyes. She changed into her lynx form and ran. She ran out of the house. She had sent one last letter to Harry before she left. 


Harry heard the knock on his window again. He opened it and Olivia's owl hopped in. He took the letter and the owl left.

Dear Harry,

This will truly be my last letter to you. I'm going crazy in these house alone. I have this feeling that someone is watching me. I saw a rat a couple of days ago. It might be Pettagrew but then again it might just be a regular rat.

I don't know anymore. I'm scared Harry. I don't feel so good. If you run into my dad tell him it's not his fault.

Harry I love you. You are the best brother a person can ask for. Please don't change.


Harry did not like what he read. He bolted up from his chair and started to pace. He didn't know what to do. Olivia lived so far away. Harry wrote a letter to the only adult he know who was close to were Olivia was.

Dear Mrs. Weasley,


Mrs. Weasley opened the letter from Harry. Once she finished she called the whole family down. "Listen up Olivia Snape needs help and no one can find her." The twins smile dropped and they glared at Ron.

Ron looked down at his feet. Hermione, who was staying there, froze. "What do we need to do?" The twins asked, their eyes full of determination.

The Weasley family split up, the twins and Ginny went to check out the Snape house and the woods around. Mrs. Weasley sent a patronus to Olivia's father. 

Snape was in a meeting when the patronus entered the room. He thought nothing of it until it faced him and opened its mouth. "Olivia has disappeared. We can't find her." That's all that need to be said.

He didn't care about any of the looks from the other teachers. Dumbledore nodded and Snape jumped up and race off. He apparated to his house. The house was cold and dark as Snape walked around and saw a rat scurry away.

With a scowl Snape followed the rat, he know who it was. The rat stopped and started to grow. Pettigrew looked down, he couldn't look Snape in the eyes.

"What. Did. You. Do!" Snape demanded, his teeth clenched in anger.

"It it wasn't me. I... I had... I had orders... I." He didn't finish his sentence. Snape glared at the man.

"Where is she!" He growled and Pettigrew shrunk back.

"I don't know!" 

"Get our of my house!" Pettigrew ran out of the house.

Snape ran out the back of the house to look for his daughter. 

Olivia was depressed, she really didn't think that anyone cared that she was gone. She looked out at the river and watched the fish swim. She got up and stretched out her cat legs.

She wandered around the forest and found a spot to lay down. It was an opening in the trees and there was a huge rock that started in the ground and lifted up. She decided that, that would be her spot. So she climbed the rock and curled into a small ball.

She let out a content meow. Olivia let her mind wander. She know she shouldn't have left and how the letter sounded like a suicide note. It was to late to do anything now. She was out in the woods with no care in the world.

Her mind when to the day that Ron and her broke up. 

"Why do you hang out with that weasel so much?" Ron asked her and Olivia looked over to him with wide eyes."I hate it, Slytherin are terrible people." Olivia's hair changed to a red color.

"I hang out with him because I've known him my whole life. He's one of my best friends." Ron's face matched the color of his face.

"I don't care. I don't want you to hanging out with him. He's no good." Olivia was trying to calm down her anger. She didn't want to start fighting.

"You can choose who I hang out with, Ron." She said sharply and Ron huffed.

"I told you! I don't want you hanging out with at snake!" Olivia gave up on trying to not fight.

"I am not someone you can control. I am human and I have my own will. I don't care what you think Draco is my best friend." Ron growled at her and Olivia took a step back in fear.

"I'm done! Ron!" Olivia turned her back on him and started to walk away.

"Fine! Like I care anyway!" Olivia walked away from him with tears in her eyes.

Olivia shook off the memory and looked up at the night sky. She always loved the stars. She was happy that she didn't have to worry about school or if her friends are really her friends. She didn't have to worry about grades.

Olivia closed her eyes and let the moon watch over her small, cold body. 

Snape growled as he made his way through the forest. "Olivia!" He yelled, but got no response. He know he wouldn't get one but he still hoped. The night sky looked down at him, almost like it knew who he was looking for.

He just wanted his daughter to be safe. Snape made it to an opening in the trees and saw a huge rock. On top of the rock was a Lynx, she was a little smaller than the pure breeds.

Snape let out a relieved sigh, he ran over to the rock and climbed it. Olivia was curled up in a ball, fast asleep.

Snape sat next to the small animal and ran his fingers through her fur. Olivia yawned and looked up. She saw her father and changed back. She couldn't look his in the eyes. "I'm sorry."

"Olivia I'm not going to say I'm not mad. I am a little mad that you ran away. But most of all I'm just glad you are ok. I... I though he-who-must-not-be-names had taken you." Olivia scouted into her fathers side.

Snape wrapped his arm around Olivia and she relaxed in his arm. "Wanna tell me why you ran?" Snape asked her as she sighed.

"I missed you. I didn't like being alone and it was taking a toll on me. I tried to make myself feel better, but it didn't work. So I decided to leave." Olivia told him and he nodded.

"Just please don't do it again." Olivia nodded her head. "Now let's go home. We need to pack your stuff and get you your school stuff." Olivia gave Snape a small smile.

Snape took in what his daughter looked like. Her hair was black with light pink strips. Her eyes had bags under them and were red. 

Her shirt had stains on it and her jeans were ripped. Snape know he had to keep an eye on her during the school year.  The two got off the rock and started walking out of the forest.
