PART - 17



( Most of the part is Abhigya's )

Abhi was missing pragya and same with pragya.
Both were lying on bed and were trying to sleep but there brain was  not allowing them to sleep as continuously the moments spend with each other were flashing infront of their eyes .
Abhi thought to call pragya .

" I am really missing her, should I call her , yes yes I should call her " said Abhi and took his phone to call her.

As he was going to dial a number he thought

"  But to whom i will call , I don't have her number only as purab gave me wrong number of her " said abhi sadly and frowned on purab.

Ranbir arrived at home and he was going to his room slowly slowly without making any noise while crossing through the corridor he saw his chief sad. So he went in his room.

" Chief what happened " asked Ranbir

" Hmm nothing much  I wanted to call pragya but I dont have her phone number " said abhi

" OMG!!  chief you don't have aunty's number" said ranbir jokingly and was gigling

" Why are laughing so much , should I say prachi to block your number " said abhi smirkingly.

Ranbir got feared if really abhi will do that then what will happen he would not be able to talk with prachi

" Chief what are you saying , I was just kidding don't take it seriously haa" said ranbir sweetly and pleading abhi not to this .

" I know " said abhi

" But why you want aunty's number " asked ranbir while sitting beside abhi

" Hmm I was missing pragya so I thought to call her " said Abhi
"Ohh " said ranbir

" You are very lucky you have prachi's number but tell me one thing if she doesn't pick your call then what you do " said Abhi

" Hmm simple I go to her house  through window " said ranbir unknowingly but later understood what he said .

" What ! " Said abhi

" C....chi.....chief " said ranbir in terrified voice

" Arrey don't worry I will not say anything, I also used to do such things . " Said abhi

" Really , but chief promise me that you will marry Prachi to only me " said ranbir

" I can't promise you " said Abhi

" But why " asked ranbir

" First I have to ask prachi then pragya then only something can happen " said abhi

" I am sure pragya aunty will be ready but about" said ranbir

" How you are so sure that pragya will say yes only " asked abhi

" Because dad told me that if we want to Marry a girl then for that we have to impress the girl's mom so I have already impressed her. " Explained ranbir

" Wow I never thought that Vikram will give such a good idea " said Abhi and both hi  - fied and were laughing .

" But chief please you say to aunty  that she would get me married to prachi " requested ranbir

" Yes I will but for that I want her number " said abhi

" Arrey take it " said ranbir and immediately gave him the number.

Abhi called pragya
Pragya picked the call.

" Hello pragya " said abhi

" Arrey aap " said pragya in excitement

"One minute haa"  said Abhi to pragya

" Why are sitting here , go to sleep now " said abhi

" Hmm carry on, I will go ,enjoyyyyyyyy " said ranbir teasingly

"Enjoy ke bache" said abhi and threw a cussion on him but he ran away from there.

"Helloooo " said pragya

" Haa pragya , I was really missing you " said abhi

" Same here I was also missing you " said pragya

" then please come in this house as soon as possible " said Abhi

" Yes I also wants to come there,  live with my family but Prachi don't know the truth and also Rhea didn't accepted me " said pragya while teary eyes.

" I know but I think we should tell prachi the truth , do you know she called me today and asked my help because she thinks that I can guide her and she also wanted a father. " Said abhi

" Really then we will tell her the truth as soon as possible, but first tell me how you got my number " said pragya

" Hmm number , I have my own ways I can find anything " said Abhi with attitude

" Tell na how you got my number " said pragya

" Arrey ranbir gave me " said abhi

Pragya thought of asking abhi about ranbir

" I want to share something with you " said pragya

" Hmm tell " said Abhi

" You know ranbir since childhood right ? " Said pragya

" Hmm " said abhi

" See I really like ranbir , and I think he is perfect for prachi but I don't know does he love her or he love someone else " said pragya

Abhi was very happy to hear this.

" What , I was also going to talk the same with you " said Abhi

" Really then what do you think of this alliance " asked pragya

" I am totally okay with it and I also have a good news for you " said Abhi

" Which good news " asked pragya

" Ranbir loves prachi and he wanted to marry her , infact he only told me now to talk with you on this matter " said Abhi

" I knew it that he loves her but what about prachi " said pragya

" She told me that she also love  someone but she didn't told me his name " said Abhi making pragya jealous

" What she told you but not to me " said pragya

" Yes ofcourse she will tell me only na , I am her father " said Abhi lifting his imaginary coller, " anyways it was our secret but I told you so don't ask her about this , let her only tell you herself " said abhi

" Hmm okay " said pragya

" But what about Kohli family, will they be ready for this alliance " said pragya

" Yes infact they were only giving suggestions to ranbir about how to propose prachi " said abhi

" What really that means ranbir proposed prachi " asked pragya

" No no he was going to propose her in the celebration party of the business but you know na what all happened there " said abhi with dejection.

Pragya was also sad about remembering her second daughter's deeds.

" I am so sorry pragya I was not able to give the good teachings to our Rhea. Whenever she asked me anything I gave her in a minute so due to that she never realised it's value , I didn't even realised when she became so stubborn that for her so called obsession she would try to hurt her own sister. " Said abhi

" Please don't blame yourself , its not your mistake , it's all my mistake that left you and Rhea " said pragya while crying.

" No pragya it was all my fault I would have stopped you and  I am so sorry " said Abhi

" But now let it be, just forget what all happened in past , now we will  only consantrate on our daughter's present and future." said pragya

" Yes you right " said abhi
" I love you " said abhi shamelessly

" I love you too" said pragya shyly

" Okay now bye good night " said pragya

" Okay bye good night " said abhi

And the phone was disconnected.

Good night


