PART - 26

Hello everyone , I am back , after a short vacation 😅 , as my exams got over yesterday so I thought to update the next part . Also I wanted to know should I add purab 's family or not ,  And if yes then tell me the character for sunny and kiara .


" Hey what happened now , why are you feeling shy , your choice is just perfect , I loved my would be jiju " said shahana teasingly
Prachi was startled to hear jiju from her and glared her " shahana keep quite  " .

" Why should I be quite " argued shahana

" Ya ya prachi , why should she be quite , will you not marry me " asked ranbir with a smirk , prachi was controlling her anger and shyness and gave him death glare

" Dekha mummy kese dekhti hai mujhe jese ki mujhe maar he dalegi  , bechara main " said ranbir and made a innocent face

" no no aunty , he is saying anything " defended prachi

Pallavi came near prachi and cupped her face
" Will you become my daughter in law " she asked expecting for yes
Prachi looked towards her mother for an answer , as this was the most important decision of her life .
Pragya simply smiled and nodded in approval ,
" Yes "
Everyone were happy now , specially the soon to be groom , finally his love will became his wife . He had no bound to his happiness .

" Yeah me toh bohat nachungi tere shaadi me , aur is baar toh tere papa aur family bhi hogi na , bohat maje karenge " said shahana in excitement making prachi confuse ,

Others were highly scared , by thinking what would be prachi's reaction , shahana cursed her tongue for blabbering out the truth

" What did you said " prachi asked shahana to repeat her last words

" What , nothing I just said I will dance in your wedding " lied shahana

" I heard it , you said that my papa will also be there , do you know him " prachi asked  narrowing her eyes

" No "

" Why would I say that , I even don't know your dad "

" Yaa prachi we too didn't heard it " lied Sarita aunty

" No but we heard it " said Ayan and nia

" Ayan and nia , I didn't said it , mujhe lagta hai prachi ke saath rehkar tumhare bhi kan bajre hai " said shahana

" shahana enough ! now I think we should tell her the truth , Prachi I want to tell you something important " said pragya in a serious tone , abhi was frightened what would if she denies to accept him ,
Prachi's words were haunting him
" I hate my dad "

" What maa " asked prachi

" Actually , I want to tell you about your father " said pragya , listening to it prachi was mix of emotions , anger , happiness , shock .

" what , Who is he , where is he , tell na ma who is my dad " she asked emotionally

" Chief " answered ranbir as pragya signed him to tell the truth .
Prachi was taken aback , listening to the truth . She was not able to believe that  Mr Mehra , to whom she always consider her father figure , was actually her father .

" What ? " She spoke out in shock

" Yes prachi he is only your father " pragya made her believe the truth

She was still in shock as she got her Father , to whom she was longing to meet from childhood . She got him , she looked towards at him emotionally , her eyes were filled with a layer of tears . The moments she spend with him , the day when they first met , the trust he had in her , which made him one of the most precious person of her life , he was the one who always supported her in her difficult times . Although she was angry with him for not coming to meet her in these past year's , for leaving her and her mom , but she knew he was a kind man , as her mom told her that they seperated due to the situation . The love she got from him was enough for her to forget the past bad memories . She didn't took a second and walked towards abhi and hugged him tightly .
Abhi ,  he got his daughter back ,  he thought she must be angry , but what she did he never excepted . He too engulfed her into a protective hug .

" i missed you " prachi called her dad papa for the first time ,  giving him immense happiness .

He broke the hug to apologize her " I am so sorry
I know I don't deserve your forgiveness but please , I know I did a big mistake by leaving you and your mom , I couldn't give you the love ,  every child needs from there father , I am sorry for not being there with you when needed me . I am sorry princess "

" No please don't say sorry , you were always there for me , even not knowing our relation , you helped me , you trusted me , you fulfilled every responsibility of a father in my life in this last year . " prachi said making pragya smile 

She was the most happiest person present there , she got her husband back , her daughter accepted him , but somewhere she was sad , as still her other daughter have not accepted her .
Her thoughts broke due the guards voice

" Excuse me , everyone the time is over " he announced

The place and time stroked them ,
" Hey come let's go to our house Mehra mansion " said abhi to prachi and Pragya
And they all headed towards there house , Sarita aunty didn't joined them .


" Buji what took them so long " she was hell frustrated 

" Sweetheart you know na , how that prachi is , must be crying somewhere , and bhai must be consoling her , why to think about her now as she hates ranbir right " Aaliyah said

" Right buji but what if prachi and ranbir unite , I will not leave her if she again tries to snatch my ranbir  " said rhea

" Nothing will happen , now ranbir is all yours " said Aaliyah with smirk but there all dreams shattered as they heard

" Mitali bring the thali fast pragya and prachi are coming , I am very excited to meet my great grand daughter " said dadi showing her happiness

" Dadi coming just a minute " answered Mitali and brought the thali

Rhea and Aaliyah were hell shocked as there respective enemy were coming in there house .
Before they could ask dadi , they heard the voice of laughter and talks coming from the entrance .
Both were 😨😫😵
Dadi and Mitali went near the door and dadi did there welcoming rituals .
As soon as prachi entered her new house , rhea came near her and was going to insult her but prachi pulled her into a hug .

Prachi was so happy to see her sister , to whose photo she used to talk everyday . She got her sister , her twin , she had many expectations from her sister but never in her wildest dream she thought rhea would be her twin , to whom she dislike the most , but she forgot everything in her past and accepted rhea as her sister , she pulled rhea into a hug , the first hug of the two sisters , after knowing there identities , rhea felt emotional , as she too longed for her sister but then she got remembered her buji 's manipulative talks

" Rhea don't become a emotional fool , she will try to act as your sister , but remember she snatched your love rhea , remember it she snatched you parents , your family "   with a jerk she pushed her , prachi was about to fall but ranbir held her .

PRECAP :- ranbir and aryan 's fight

