PART - 13


Ranbir was very sad to see prachi with ayan. He was driving car but he was only thinking about prachi and ayan.
Somehow he reached his home safely .

Pallavi and dida were sitting in the living room
Bell ranged

"who might have came." said pallavi and went to open the door.

She saw ranbir and was happy to see him.

"ranbir how was your day beta ." said pallavi in full excitement

" it was good mom" said ranbir in sad tone and went inside.

" ranbir what happened " asked dida by seeing sadness on ranbir's face.

" nothing dida" said ranbir and directly went in his room.

" what might  have happen mummy ji,  why ranbir is so sad" asked pallavi

" I think that my idiot son might have given him lots of work so he is tired now,  let him take rest " said dida

" I think you are right mummy ji ,vikram always trouble my son " said pallavi

" hmm let him come home I will not leave him today " said dida and pallavi smirked naughtily.

In Lake view cafe

" ayan why you brought me here" asked prachi

" arrey just have a break na, how much chik chik will you do " said ayan

Prachi heard that word chik chik and a smile crept on her face.  She remembered how ranbir used to tease her by saying chikchikki.
She was lost in her World.

"areey what happened "asked ayan and made prachi break the chain of her thoughts.

" hmm nothing. You tell, why you brought me here" said prachi

" arrey ha, okay just listen to me, I am in that " said ayan shyly

" that means" asked prachi confusingly

" that means bus hogaya yaar" said ayan

" but what happened " asked prachi

" understand na pehla pehla " said ayan

" ayan please talk straight forward I am not getting anything " said prachi

" arrey I am in love " said ayan In one go .

" what " said prachi in shock

" how is it even possible " asked prachi

" what do you mean by that " asked ayan narrowing his eyes towards her

" just tell me how, when, with whom " asked prachi

" arrey just wait how many questions will you ask" said ayan

" then tell me fast " said prachi as she was very excited to hear her friends love life.

" actually I met her in my college, at the first confrontation I felt something for her,  then I started to talk with her then it became like a life time love. But the problem is that I am little bit nervous . Whenever I talk with her I fell nervousness. But the fact is that I wanted to say that three magical words to her. Please help me in this" said ayan

" oh, my friend need my help" said prachi cutely

Ayan cutely nodded in yes.

" but you came to a very inexperienced person in this field " said prachi

" what does it mean " asked ayan

" I don't know anything about this as I have never proposed anyone " said prachi

" then now who will help me" said ayan in tensed form.

Both started to think that who can help them and after some time prachi understood to whom she should ask.

" I know a person who can help you " said prachi

"who" asked ayan in excitement

"you just wait I will ask him, he is very experienced in it,  I am 100% sure that he will definitely give some idea💡 " said prachi

"okay " said ayan

" arrey but you didn't told me the name of girl " asked prachi

" hmm you know her very well" said ayan

" was she in our college " asked prachi

" yes " said ayan

"hmm let me guess  is she nia" said prachi

" hey how you came to know " said ayan

" because I am very intelligent, did you forgot or what you only told me that day that you like Nia. " said prachi
Ayan only gave a shy look

" oh my God what all is happening today you are only giving me shocks " said prachi

" I didn't understood which shock did I gave you " asked ayan

" see first you told me that you are in love and then you are blushing also " said prachi in a teasy way.

" hmm it happens when we are in love,  you will also feel the same when you are in love" said ayan
Prachi again gets lost in her thoughts that how she feels special when ranbir is near her. While  thinking about ranbir a smile crept on her face.
Ayan noticed it. He snapped his finger to bring her in her senses

" where are you lost " asked ayan

" hmm no where " said prachi

"  okay now please can you drop me to my house then you can meet shahana and maa also" said prachi

" yes I really want to meet them,  come let's go " said ayan and went with prachi

Evening time

Vikram and abhi came and both sat on the sofa
Pallavi brought water for them.  Dida was already sitting there.

" vikram why you gave so much work load to my son" asked pallavi

" your son is just a lazy person,  he never do any work in office " said vikram in a very causal talk.

" hey vikram don't utter word against my ranbir,  I know you might have only done something " said dida

" what bheji you also, today I have not even gave him a single work" said vikram in defense.

" then why he was so sad when he came home " asked dida

Vikram and abhi understood

" actually dida he was sad due to prachi " said vikram

" prachi ! but why? what happened ?" asked pallavi

Abhi narrated them the whole incident

Pallavi and dida were very angry on vikram.

" but let it be , I will go and talk to him" said abhi

In ranbir's room

Abhi knocked the door

" Chief you " said ranbir after opening the door and sat on the bed

" hey champ what happen " asked abhi

" Nothing Chief, just I am not feeling well. " said ranbir

" I know what happen to you, you are sad for prachi right " said abhi and ranbir nodded in yes.

" but why are you sad, only because prachi went with that ayan " said abhi

" Chief I didn't felt good when she was talking with him" said ranbir

" hmm jealousy " said abhi

Ranbir only made puppy face and nodded on yes.

"do you really love prachi or just an attraction " said abhi

" no Chief it's not an attraction, I really love her " said ranbir

" see if we love someone truly then we should never demand the same love from the person,  we should never feel like insecurities towards our love one. Take an example of riya she was only obsessed with you and due to her insecurities she tried to harm prachi to get you. And this not called the love. Love is selfless feeling. In which you only think of your love one's happiness " explained abhi

Ranbir felt his words he remembered how he himself told prachi that he will not force her for this relationship.

" Chief I think you are right,  thank you so much, and from now onwards I will not be sad if prachi's love would be with someone else also " said ranbir

" that's like my ranbir" said abhi

" but Chief I really love her,  I want her to be my wife " said ranbir

"oh I have a secret to share with you " said abhi

" which secret Chief? " asked  ranbir in excitement

" I think she also loves you " said abhi

And ranbir jumped in air and was very happy

" really Chief " said ranbir

" might be" said abhi while making confused face

" Chief " said ranbir and both of them giggled

" come have dinner with everyone " said abhi and both of them went to have dinner.


