Training: V

Heya! How's it going? You know that I've been promoted to next class. Cheers for me. Let's get started.

The clones made with yellow chakra had something fundamentally different from normal clones. Those clones don't flinch. He thought. They don't care about pain. They don't get bored or lose concentration. They're more precise in taijutsu, and have faster reaction times. They don't have any qualms about sacrificing themselves, and they don't make stupid mistakes. They are like ROOT ANBU BLACK OPS. They'll have the type of personality which Naruto would dictate them to have. He was smiling. His precious innocent smile showing that he was really very happy. Yeah! Cue the creepy laugh inside his mind.

Suddenly Young Naruto felt that this world was violated in some sort of way. This cold feeling wasn't normal.


Today Naruto died. Let's pay our respects. Because a shinobi may die in one or 2 ways however our most unpredictable ninja died in almost 2000 ways. You want to know how is that possible. Well here's the thing.

Over 4000 copies of Naruto cover the clearing a moment later. 2000 made from blue chakra and 2000 made from yellow chakra. That's incredible. Old Naruto chuckled.

The real Naruto scratched the back of his head and said, "Thanks!" He turned back to the clones and shouted so they could all hear him. "Everyone needs to blindfold themselves! After that spread out in the woods around here and try to eliminate each other. After killing 1 clone stop. Any way of killing is allowed."

The reply was a deafening roar of, "Yes boss!"

Naruto sat down in the middle of the clearing a few feet from where old Naruto was deep in thoughts and crossed his legs. He closed his eyes and fell into the breathing pattern that he learnt to keep yourself calm in any situation. Young Naruto cleared his mind and tried to mentally prepare himself for the onrush of memories. He had barely started to meditate when the memories of the first clone slammed into him.

The first clone had decided to take to the treetops and let the competition thin out. Unfortunately it had missed the branch it had meant to perch on and took a bad tumble back to the ground. Another memory assaulted Naruto, this clone had noticed the kunai hurtling towards it's back a moment to late. Naruto died in hundreds of different ways over the next four hours.

Some where really crafty. Since the order was to stop as soon as you killed one clone many clones were deliberately waiting baiting their enemies that they already killed a clone and when an unsuspecting clone approach them, they kill him.

Naruto-niichan deliberately told him to make his clones weak so that Naruto may understand how even a single kunai can kill you. Otherwise it would have been a bloody red bath. Not to mention he can get memories faster or else his clones wouldn't die. One interesting fact about shadow clones is the amount of smoke they produce. It actually depends on ninja to produce more or less smoke. Yeah! Chakra control plays a big role however if you had full control over your clones then you can telepathically produce more or less smoke. It can be provided as great cover. Most ninjas have the misconception that the more bad chakra control you have or the more chakra you pour into a technique the more smoke is produced. It is true to some extent that if you don't have good control over your chakra then the amount of smoke produced in involuntary but it's not necessarily true. Despite having a bad control Naruto did form a clone without handsigns and without smoke during the mission of Stone of Gelel.

The last of his clones had outlived their competition by being crafty. He had memories of waiting hours barely drawing breath for fear of noise while waiting for the sound of battle nearby. Then sending a kunai into the back of both combatants. That clone had been dismissed by another using the same method to hunt him down. Another clone gave him hours of experience stalking a foe while staying carefully downwind. That clone had preferred to finish his foes with a stab in the back.

Naruto looked up sharply. The last few clone's memories had been strange. The memories were full of little flashes of light. Naruto felt a pounding headache gathering and wondered if the strange memories were the result of using shadow clone past the limits his brain could handle. He scratched his head and decided that strange flashes were a great deal better than giving himself a stroke. He took a deep breath and reflected on the memories before deciding he needed to force the clones to practice close combat while blindfolded next time.

This practice helped him to fight any opponent without his eyes although his performance was really very poor. This really showed him despite not being an Uchiha, he was also too much dependent on his eyes. Shit! That was bad. Naruto-niichan was currently addressing how to utilise his senses better. According to him, his senses were beyond human's imaginations.

Enhanced senses are when a user has physical senses such as sight, smell, hearing, and touch far above what is normal for the user's species. Compared to humans, many other animals such as dogs (smell), bats (hearing), and birds (sight) would have super senses.

There are more than five senses available to human beings, but beyond the five classical ones (sight, hearing, smell, taste and sound), the remaining are mostly internal senses, such as the sense of being aware of the position of your body parts, like legs or fingers or spatial awareness, etc. This was the basic explanation.

He had-

Enhanced Awareness where all senses are attuned to nearby activity. They sense the very presence of anything whether it's an animal or human but not on the basis of chakra.

Enhanced Hearing where ears pick up every single sound, and can decipher layer upon layer, ability to pick up a conversation from a mile away in a busy city. But this tends to headache. Oh boy!

Enhanced Vision can help you to see very clearly from incredible distances. Many different types of eyesight enhancement may occur. In Naruto they were as follows:

Ultraviolet Vision: The ability to see light humans cannot although Naruto couldn't say he understood it. Was there some hidden lights or what?

Supercolor Vision: The ability to see in a wider range of color. OK! Colourful vision. Great. What was he supposed to do with it?

Telescopic vision: The ability to see great distances. Maybe helpful. He doesn't really peek so he don't need it although now he doesn't need telescopes like other ninjas need to look faraway distances.

Microvision: The ability to see very small items. So he will see germs? Great. A useless ability.

Night Vision: The ability to see without light. This will be useful especially during the missions at night although he never had one. Well life is a long one.

FTL Vision: Ability to see things before light from them has reached the eyes/the ability to see FTL or MFTL objects. Okay! FTL meant faster than light and MFTL meant massively faster than light. This explains how he was able to see the rays of sun entering through his window in slow motion. Holy Shit! If he has all 5 Chakra Natures and has photographic memory with eyes that can see FTL objects, then in a way he has a makeshift Sharingan. Naruto patted himself on his back for the discovery.

Enhanced Smell by which users can detect specific smells, and locate their origin. Some may even be able to tell if someone is lying by which hormones they excrete. There is just one problem. How the hell would he know the smell of particular hormones excreted when someone is lying? Although he has already surpassed the Inuzuka clan by long shot.

Enhanced Taste: Users may be able to detect poisons or other problems, usually accompanies enhanced smell. Enhanced taste enables them to taste things down to the very texture, sensation, and flavor. This was by far the greatest ability. You ask why, because ramen will taste more tasty.

Enhanced Touch: Some can feel so acutely that to rub the users hand on a paper would be like reading the page, sensing every bump, ripple, or wave. Some may even be able to tell of distant occurrences felt through vibrations in the earth. Great! Although niichan said when he would master all 5 elements he could extend it further. He could sense heat in someone's body on improving his control over fire element. He could feel fluid in someone's body on improving his control over water element. He could feel the vibrations in air in case someone approached him by improving his control over air element. He could feel vibrations on Earth on improving his control over Earth element and he could also detect the electric signals given by brain to other parts of the body in case of improving his control over lightning affinity. According to niichan this was just on the surface. The 5 elements were far more stronger than that. No one really knows their full potential.

Oh boy! Finally done. So yeah, this is why I'm doing it. Let's continue. Older Naruto muttered something in young Naruto's ear. As every clone disappeared he against made the cross sign. With the shout of Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu filled the clearing with 3000 corporeal copies of Naruto.

"All right guys! New plan. Make groups of 6. One guy will be in middle blindfolded surrounded by other 5 who can see. They will attack the clone in the middle and he has to defend himself." This time the clones were made strong. Too strong. That was because it served two purposes. First since it was made from yellow chakra Naruto can focus on other training as slowly the pain and experience would pour into his brain. He anyways already exchanged the clone in real world with the clone made with yellow chakra so there was nothing to worry about their either. Second, since they won't dispel after a single hit, young Naruto would experience pain along with all 500 different Narutos. This way he won't only receive the experience of his clones but also of his attackers who would tell him where he was lacking.

Time for training to be taken up a notch. According to Kakashi-sensei who devised the Shadow Clone training for Naruto, 168 Naruto when trained together with the original caster, he gained experience of a week. Considering that there are 4 weeks in a month, give or take a few days, in six months there would be 4×6=24 weeks. That means if 168 clones give experience of 1 week then 168×24=4032 clones would give him experience of at least 6 months. We round it to nearly 70 in case of counting the number of days there are more than 4 weeks in a month be 6 [It cannot be 7 days as it's equal to a week. Also considering six days to be maximum and there are six months, so 6×6=36]. So, 4032 + 6×6 = 4068 then, rounding it to nearest 10s place, we've 4070.

Great! Considering that in order to master the element affinities the first is leaf exercise which takes even a talent Chūnin months to master. People say that average chūnins learn it in at least 6 months. Even though Naruto completed and mastered the Rasengan he never though of himself to be a master or genius. Being humble and dense always helps. But before that he has to pull some other strings as well. Motioning for young Naruto to come near him as he obliged, he gave some instructions to him. Naruto who seriously nodded took a deep breath.

"MULTI-SHADOW CLONE JUTSU!" On other side of the field, as far as eye could see, there were horde of Naruto all made of yellow chakra. Old Naruto clicked his fingers as a deep dense forest started to grow out of nowhere. "You guys know what to do, don't you?" At this everyone nodded. Man! He forgot. They were just like mindless drones, just how Danzo wanted everyone to be under his thumb. Oh boy! Well whatever. This meant that they will take their training very seriously. Nonetheless it hurts to see his younger counterpart's clones like that.

Naruto told his younger counterpart the ways to control chakra using the pores of your skin. The exercise were suggested by Lucius. They were not hard to understand in theory but it was tough to do in practical. The concept of chakra control is same but it's fundamentally different. For humans who have adapted to chakra to manipulate and mold them using coils, it was very difficult for them to use it directly from the pores of skin. The coils in human body acted as filters and thus the raw, pure, potent and unadulterated chakra was filtered out in its finest form although the density and potency were reduced drastically. There was no human who could actually control chakra without coils. Yeah in special case if they are trained before they reach the age of 13, they might be able to do it. Well, for older Naruto it was beneficial. Because his soul was an anchor between his and and young Naruto's body, whatever young Naruto learned that wasn't known to him was automatically learnt by him. Of course he never thought about it because it guilt-tripped him that while a young innocent child was about to die in near future, he was upgrading himself in a way. He felt disgusted at himself. Like he was more vile than Danzo or Orochimaru. His breathing did fastened but he controlled himself quickly or young Naruto would notice.

The first step was to release chakra from every pore of your skin and then hold it in a way that it forms blue hue around your body. You've to make sure that it clinges to your skin. You cannot let it go. Good thing that bonding with chakra helps. Bonding with your own chakra wouldn't sound very impressive at first glance but actually it formed the base of Ninshu. Chakra is connected. By bonding with your very own chakra you're capable of using someone's else chakra to your advantage. The normal advantages such as great control, manipulation, extraordinary chakra sensory skills and the capability of masking or hiding any amounts of chakra, even as big as that of Kyūbi were normal advantages. In fact, until now no one has truly mastered chakra other than Naruto himself. This is because he received the Six-Paths Senjutsu due to which he learnt everything about it. Heck, one of the interesting facts about chakra that people tend to ignore is that it's made up of physical energy and spiritual energy meaning one who can truly master chakra can bend space to his will, he can travel beyond the limits of time and space. Even the veil to other dimensions are removed as the third eye chakra activates. He receives the basic psychic skills. Yamanaka clan doesn't even have the inkling how much far they manipulate their chakra. But the only guy who manipulated chakra enough to bend space is Might Gai and boy, Naruto does respect him alot for that. People say to practice chakra control but they truly don't know the power of chakra. Someone who can control even 10% or no rather 5% of chakra in its real and raw potent form can easily scale above time and dimensions. People casually say that chakra has both spiritual and physical energy and they miss such simple concept is pathetic. More reasons why Six-Paths Senjutsu is overpowered.

Chakra is simple yet complicated at the same time. One cannot even know the divine presence of chakra. It is a divine force. The language behind it is complicated. The reason why fuinjutsu was considered so sacred and so powerful at the same time because it discovered the celestial tongue of chakra and it was fearful. Chakra bonding in a way could be stated to be awakening of chakra in its real form. In its raw form. In its most potent form.

So the training that Naruto is doing now is to control his senses, chakra control, chakra manipulation and now he's going to push him to learn element manipulation or you could say change in chakra nature. Wait! He also has to teach him taijutsu, doesn't he? Heh. It'll be interesting. Because in real world only 4 days have passed. He was also slowly increasing the powers of resistance seals. What do you know? Naruto was getting faster every second. Okay! For now he should take the real Naruto to make him habitual to basics of Shinobi. Six Paths Senjutsu was OP. Absolutely so. Because that's when he learned that when you completely bond with your chakra, you could rather than substitute with anything including logs which wasn't true in normal substitution where you only substitute with a log and only you can substitute. Man! For someone who gains every knowledge is a god in Shinobi World.

Yeah! For people who don't know basics of Shinobi covers many arts which are useful for Shinobi in real life and also help them in training and make them progress faster. Some of them are to change one's own voice completely different from original, to mimic anyone's else voice by hearing it only once, to speak without moving one's own lips or what you call ventriloquism, to stop your breath for hours or days or do the same with your heart {although it's almost impossible with only exceptions being Jiraiya and Naruto himself}, to live without chakra, to survive without even a drop of chakra, to be faster and stronger without chakra, greater espionage skills than any Kage {although none of the Kages have it}, sensory technique but without chakra, to fake one's own death, to read habits, personality or nature of a person like an open book, masking emotions, etc. Man! The list would go on but for now he has to teach all of this Naruto. Not to mention he might help in his studies in each and every field so that Naruto won't have to study after being Jōnin. Although Iruka-sensei is a great teacher, studying is boring no matter what you say.

God! He might hate his life right now. How can he forget? One of the most important things other than the training. The Rasengan. Oh yeah! After he has taught him all of the above mentioned he'll teach him Rasengan as well. Who knows, he also has to take him on a training trip in Uzushiogakure so he could learn Sealing Arts. They were really important after all. Yup! He's gonna fuck his life. HARD!!!

So as usual. See you in next chapter. For those who don't know where is Uzushiogakure, here's the proof and answer :-
