Shikamaru's doubts and a summon

Yo! You are starting to like this fanfiction. I'm as well. Just three small arcs and Naruto would be ready to be finally OP.

Oh yeah! Before I forget, many people said that I'm changing the personality of Team 10. I'm not. Like seriously. All those scenes that Naruto, Choji, Kiba and Shikamaru are best buddies are just a bunch of non-canon anime fillers.

You want to know their real personalities then go and read manga. You'll find there that Shikamaru himself said that he wished that Team 7 would die in Forest of Death. Not only that but he also thought that Naruto wasn't worth wasting his breath on. Wanna know more? You say Choji never disliked Naruto.

Read the Chūnin exams arc. There you'll see the truth about him. Why read? Let me provide you the picture.

Shikamaru is Naruto's best buddy and never disliked him. No. That part was also filler. It was retconned in Shippuden. Here's one of Shikamaru's monologue about Naruto.

Yeah. Here are the so called friends of Naruto.

So no. I'm not changing their personalities. And sorry about the rant.

Shikamaru Nara. He considered himself to be smart and a bit above average. He believed that you could get out of any situation if you are calm and smart enough. To be honest, he didn't like to use his brain much. He's really happy without using it. Using his damn head make things troublesome and he doesn't like works which are bothersome. For the very same reason, he remains calm and observing. To be honest, it's almost impossible for anyone to make him active or to snap him out of his lazy stupor.

Yet this one incident shook his world. Currently he was outside ICU waiting for Naruto to wake up along with hid team. Asuma sensei quiclky carried Naruto to reach the hospital. Soon Choji, Ino and he himself followed him. They quickly left their gears at home, freshend up and reached the Konoha hospital where Naruto was supposed to be admitted.

They of course took their sweet time because they knew that Asuma sensei was already with Naruto at the hospital and all of them reaching with him won't do anything about his current state. So they just went home, freshened up and ate their dinner before coming to the hospital. No that they could do anything about it by reaching hospital earlier. There were better people in hospital who were more suited to heal him than them.

Of course the news naturally reached the other members of Team 7 as well. Sakura reached hospital as fast as she could when she heard the news. Not that she had to waste her breath or anything. She also got the news that Naruto was in stable condition so she didn't had to leave in hurry for Naruto or anything. She knew that Naruto was tough.

As soon as Kakashi got the news of Naruto being admitted, he didn't saw anything else. He quickly dressed up in his Jōnin dress and disappeared in the fastest body flicker. It didn't matter whether Naruto's condition was stable or not. He was worried about him. Even though he doesn't show it for that kid as he does for Sasuke. He cares alot for him as well. He's the son of the man he respects the most. Naruto grew up in an interesting way. He was always smiling and he was the glue that held this team together. He was alot like Obito.

It's true that Kakashi shows care for Sasuke. That's because unlike Sasuke on whom the effects of massacre could be seen such as bare minimum interactions, not showing much emotions other than revenge or anger and just a little bit of jealousy (although Naruto was always able to make him laugh, make him smile, make him feel haughty while at the same time give him the feeling of a brother). Kakashi could see the pain of Sasuke as open as a book because both of them are quite similar unlike Naruto whose blinding smile and blatant attitude hides his pain. Kakashi doesn't want Sasuke to get the feeling that everyone cares for him only for the Sharingan. In this respect, he may have ignored Naruto a little. Not that Naruto minded even a bit. His training with his older counterpart made him emotionally mature. However.... let's not talk about the averse effects.

Sasuke and Naruto both went through intense pain throughout their lives however unlike Sasuke's pain is known to everyone, Naruto's pain is known to no one.

But that doesn't really matter as Naruto was the son of his sensei. He had to take care of him. It was his responsibility as the last surviving student of his sensei. A short summary of the whole thing. Kakashi cares for Naruto. Alot. He might not show it but he's always rooting for him just as much he roots for Sasuke.

You wanna know what happened when the news reached Sasuke?! He calmly wore his blue T-shirt with Uchiha crest embedded on the back. He then slowly wore his shorts.

It was Naruto. He would be fine.

He reminded himself. There was no need to worry. He looked in the mirror and wore his usual Uchiha scowl.

That lunkhead is not that dumb. His skin is too thick for any danger get through him.

He wore his sandals and calmly left his house and locked the door. He turned around and......
Everything went in drain as Uchiha Sasuke didn't care about anything at the moment. He didn't care that he did tiring D-rank missions. He didn't care that anyone could see him jumping off the roofs at blinding speed and that he was nothing more than a blue blur. He didn't care that his food was uncooked and he was low on chakra. He didn't care about how worried his expression looked. Nope forget that. He didn't care that Naruto was stable.

Forget it. That guy is super dumb. With that loser, even stable might go unstable.

He didn't knew why he was so worried. For a moment, Uchiha Sasuke only knew one thing. He has to reach hospital no matter what. His Sharingan subconsciously activated, he quickly disappeared in the direction of hospital. Because naturally, he was worried. Alot.

At hospital,

Uchiha Sasuke and Kakashi Hatake reached the hospital together. Kakashi looked absolutely fine but Sasuke looked a bit tired. And as he was naturally drained of his chakra, he might need a long rest after. Ino who first saw Sasuke stood up and squealed.

"Sasuke-kun!!!" She ran to hug him. Oh wow. She was seeing Sasuke after a long time. Looks like he grew more handsome. And look at him, looking all stylish and cool. His face might have matured a bit.

But before she could hug him Sakura came out of nowhere between her and Sasuke as a mountain impossible to cross. "Not so fast Ino-pig." She declared with a smug aura radiating confidence. She then turned around and sweetly said, "Right Sasuke-kun?"

But both of them looked that Sasuke was not there. He was instead standing at the door of the room where Naruto was admitted. He could be seen together with Kakashi who were talking about Naruto's condition to a medic that was just passing by.

"I see." Kakashi said. "That's a relief, isn't it Sasuke?"

"Hn...." Sasuke replied in his usual Uchiha monologue. It was amazing how Naruto was able to understand that single syllable.

"Kakashi-sensei!" Sakura approached him. "What did he say about Naruto's condition?"

Kakashi gave an eye-smile as he replied. "Maa.... they said Naruto is in stable condition. He passed out from exhaustion."

Exhaustion!? Shikamaru thought incredulously. They were thrown by the explosion so far away and Naruto was only suffering from exhaustion?! Heck, if Asuma-sensei wasn't there, he was pretty much sure that their backs would have been shattered if they collided with a tree or anything, while Naruto who was the closest just fainted from exhaustion.

Still he has to be fully sure, so he asks again. "So there wasn't any physical injury, was there?" There was concern in his voice. Well barely detectable. He wasn't good at acting like Ino.

Shikamaru then saw Hiruzen Saru-..... HIRUZEN SARUTOBI!!! What in the name of mother of laziness was the Hokage doing here? He knew that Hokage and Naruto were close but he never knew why? He thought that the Hokage was kind enough to tolerate Naruto but he never knew that Hokage-sama was this close to Naruto that he would even visit him.

Everyone straightened up.

"Hokage-sama!" They all bowed a little.

"At ease." He said calmly as he went to talk with the medic. That just confirmed it. Something was wrong in this picture. But the things here are too troublesome to think about. So Shikamaru dropped the topic altogether. Why should he go to such lengths to think about Naruto? Things would only get bothersome from here.

"So we can meet him?"

"Yes you can."

15 minutes later,

Naruto opened his eyes. Damn. Everything looked blurry.

White ceiling, huh!

Man. Give him a rest. Not a hospital again. He blinked a few times. Alright, his head feels a bit heavy but rest everything is fine. Even though he feels like he was crushed under a mountain and then thrown in hot lava. Phew. That got dark soon enough.

He looked around and almost jumped out of his bed when he saw Jiji, Ino, Sakura-chan, Shikamaru, Choji, Sasuke, Kakashi-sensei and an adult with black beard. He looked similar to Jiji. His facial structures somewhat matched with Jiji.

He stared at them.

They stared at him.

He stared at them.

They stared at him.

He stared at them and then looked under the blanket. Good at least he was wearing a pyjama. He then again stared at them.

And before the staring contest could go further Kakashi broke the tension. "Yo!" He greeted. And thus the tension was broken as they all face faulted.

"Ahem!" Hokage coughed as he rose up. "Naruto-kun..... we would like to ask you something."

"Shoot Jiji."

Jiji huh! Shikamaru thought. He always thought that Naruto was just disrespecting the The Third Hokage or maybe it was the lack of basic sense of courtesy. Now that he looks at the scene.... they might be close after all.

"What were you doing in the forest?"

Naruto pointed towards himself. "Me. What are you talking about?"

"You were doing something in the forest...." the Hokage urged him to remember. "......something with your chakra...."

Naruto's eyes scrunched up. He looked like he was trying hard to remember. After getting the story from Asuma, even Kakashi's and Sasuke's eyes widened. He knows that Naruto is not so powerful. Kakashi personally asked Asuma if there was a trace of that thing's power but Asuma declined.

So now everyone was focused on Naruto. Maybe a new jutsu he learnt by any chance. Hokage and the Jōnins were worried if an outsider was influencing Naruto because he was their Jinchūriki and their doubts pointing towards the vigilante. Was it a cover to actually sway away their Jinchūriki. Though Third wanted that his tongue would melt while he says this but it's the bitter truth.

Minato..... you made your child a slave. A living weapon ruled under the thumb of Konoha. While you and your son protected the village, everyone can see only the Nine-Tails' destruction or its tremendous power and value.

That's why he wanted a successor. Someone who could uphold his values and stop Naruto's innocence from fading away. He considered Naruto someone special. Not as the child of Fourth but rather someone with unshakable will and determination.

"Don't remember." Naruto said.

"Huh!?" Everyone said at the same time.

"I don't remember....." Naruto said unsurely. "It's all kind of a blur....."

Hmmm..... now that was a problem. "Doctor! Results of check up and report should be known to me."

The doctor bowed. "As you wish Hokage-sama."

Outside the Room,

The doctor came out with report. Needless to say that Naruto was perfectly fine physically which rose Shikamaru's doubts exponentially. They expected that all along that Naruto would be fine. But then he asked Asuma a question.

"Did Uzumaki-san-" he barely hid his distaste although it looked like the children were not able to detect it. "-hit his head during the incident?"

Now that Asuma thought about it. His back painfully collided with the tree. Might be that his head collided with the tree at the same time as well. He nodded.

The medic shook his head. Hokage asked him to continue. "Hokage-sama. It feels like Uzumaki-san is suffering from Transient global amnesia."

Hokage had a small frown on his face as his eyebrows were knitted together. So it was Shikamaru who asked the question that every genin present there had. "Uno..." he raised his hand. This was a bit bothersome. "What is this transient global amnesia you spoke of?" Every genin nodded. The medic explained.

"Transient global amnesia (TGA) is a sudden, temporary interruption of short-term memory. Although patients may be disoriented, not know where they are or be confused about time, they are otherwise alert, attentive and have normal thinking abilities." Doctor explained line by line.

"Unlike patients experiencing dementia, TGA patients keep their personal identity, consciousness and the ability to perform complex routine tasks."

Bullshit.....Shikamaru thought. There was no way for them to know if Naruto had the so called amnesia. For all they know, he might be lying and not telling them the truth. The medic had no way to confirm this. Of course but Ino can do it.

"Boy." Hokage spoke in a steely cold voice. "Don't even think about using your Yamanaka teammate to delve inside Naruto's mind." Shikamaru flinched. It felt like Hokage just read his mind. "I must warn you that if you or your teammates tried anything like that then...." he released a bit of KI as the genin present there went down on their knees.

What is this pressure?

They all thought at the same time.

".....I'll make sure that the results won't be pretty." Shikamaru backed down. He didn't know why Hokage suddenly went so hard on them when he was having a good full proof plan but now he intends to find out. He'll back down but he won't stop himself. He'll find the truth. All right. Maybe after he gets time after his nap or cloud watching. The Hokage might not want them to invade Naruto's privacy. Of course Shikamaru was curious but he was no fool.

If Hokage didn't want to investigate it, he won't. That would be too troublesome for his sake.

Hokage had his own reasons. They never delved inside the mind of a Jinchūriki. From what they could conclude from reports of Kushina and Mito-sama is that a Jinchūriki has their own mindscape. They might carry the heavy risk of releasing Kyūbi from the seal without breaking it. That's why he had to stop that boy's line of thought. But it was indeed troubling.

They have no clue to find out what actually happened.

With Naruto,

Naruto smirked listening onto the conversation between 3rd Hokage and the doctor through the seal he secretly put on doctor while he caught him in a genjūtsu.

He called the seal listening seal. All right. He admits that the name is pretty lame but does it matter. It does what it has to do. Maybe if someone can give him a better name for the seal he might call it that.

[This is for readers. Give a good name for this seal.]

So it does what it sounds like. No matter how far is Naruto, he could hear every voice around the person or around the thing he placed the seal upon. Even if the person by mistake goes in another dimension, it doesn't matter.

Man. Even though it was a small victory it was a victory nonetheless. He played his cards right and voilá, he forced everyone in a stalemate. And the good thing is that he didn't use the help of his niichan at all. This plan was thought at the very same moment the Hokage asked him the question about what was he doing in the forest. Now he could concentrate on his training. Because he finally got the hang of it. Now he knows what he has to do to complete the Rasengan.

He formed a half ram seal and the seal disappeared from the doctor's body as if it never existed. He created a clone and substituted it with himself as he went out for training.

Few moments later,

Naruto looked around himself. Something was definitely wrong here. He glanced around. Either he was too fast or time was somewhat slow here.

"KAI (Release)." Sure enough Naruto felt it. It was like a distortion in space or wormhole in time or tearing temporarily the fabric of reality. Something like this needed immense control and mastery over genjūtsu. Not someone with mere mastery but with 80% mastery or a natural energy supply  while using it to amplify genjūtsu powers.

There was a difference between using Nature energy to amplify jutsu and using Nature energy as an element in itself to perform complex jutsu.

"Show yourself." Naruto said harshly with a kunai in his hand ready to tear apart his enemies.

"See!" A very sarcastic voice replied to him or maybe it replied to another creature which was coming out with him. "I knew he would recognize the genjūtsu."

"Shut up!" The other creature harshly replied. "You don't need to tell me twice."

"Guys..... let's keep it together." The third one said trying to diffuse the situation because it was really bad. "He's looking at us."

The three creatures started to stare at the human as Naruto was also staring at them bewildered. Because the three creatures that were staring at him were -"Foxes?!"

Ha ha ha ha ha ha..... Got you good there didn't I? As I said we need three more arcs and we'll be ready for Chūnin exams. Don't worry. Those three arcs won't be boring training arcs. And mind you this isn't one of those three awesome arcs.

Comment so I can know more about your thoughts on this fic. I know that many people will be thinking of how slow pace this story actually is. Believe me! I know. I'm going through the same pain. My fingers are twitching to write the Chūnin exams arc. Believe it.

So be patient and I promise you that you'll get one hell of a chapter.

So comment more and more and don't forget to read my Boboiboy fanfiction as well. Peace.
