The unofficial mission I : Start

God Arc I : Mission that changes destiny *Brawn*

Let's get started. To be honest, I'm really excited starting my fangic again after a long time.

Sorry that I wasn't able to upload sooner.


You know sometimes Naruto thinks that he's too dumb. Like literally it was so simple. That part of Rasengan that he felt he was missing. It was ao simple. Really.

His problem was that he was thinking about Rasengan as a 2-dimensional jutsu which was arguably wrong by a large extent. Many jutsus are like projectiles and involve 2-dimensional motion. Famous example are Fireball Jutsu, Water Dragon Jutsu, etc. However, Rasengan was different. It wasn't really a 2 dimensional but rather a 3-dimensional technique. It involved 3 types of motion in a single glance namely circular motion, rotational motion and motion on a circular path i.e., revolutionary motion.

Think of it as a bangle rotating around a fixed axis while moving on a circular path. Once Naruto figured that out, it was merely a pinch to figure out Rasengan. Like wow. It was far too easy. Who would have thought that he was overthinking such a simple jutsu.

But it was.....WRONG. Although niichan was right. He couldn't really use those techniques on anyone he likes. He might destroy the whole planet itself. His palms were shaking. Just a wrong move and he could easily destroy this planet. Oh. You're thinking what he's talking about. Let's peer in the past to know the answer.


That's it. It's nearly done. That's it. Naruto cheered.

"YEAHHHH!!!" Of course he was going to shout. He finally did it. His hardwork and sweat finally payed off. God knows how many restless nights he spent trying to figure out the Rasengan.

There. There it is. In its full glory and perfection his own Rasengan. The swirling orb of blue chakra was spinning wildly in all directions compressed to the size of his palm. This Rasengan was different. He though that why not he adds his nature releases to his Rasengan to make it stronger.

Older Naruto informed him that his Yang release is really strong. Strong enough to overpower his Yin release completely.

So there was his invention. His pride.

"Yang release- Rasengan."

It was a bit different from a regular Rasengan. Naruto could feel it. Not only it was in different colour but it also had a different touch to it. One couldn't even see the swirling of chakra in this dense ball of life force. It didn't even had that 'swiss' sound that a basic Rasengan had. The sound of a storm, the chaos and the terrifying power it held within himself. No. It was calm and moreover it was quiet. As quiet as a ninja.

So Naruto happily whistling showed it to niichan. Niichan's looked at the gentle ball. Somehow it felt that the life force or in better words, aura was itself spinning in one's hand.

His posture suddenly changed as he started to concentrate. As he opened his eyes, they were no longer blue but rather in lemon yellow with black cross patterned slits. He formed the same Rasengan on his hand.

"Hmmm....I see. Using pure Yang release to form a spiralling sphere. Not a bad idea...." he appreciated it. Naruto felt a smile coming on his face. ".....however you cannot use it." He said his voice immediately serious and on edge.

Young Naruto frowned. "What? But why?" He finally learned Rasengan after a long time and made his own new Rasengan and now niichan said that he wasn't allowed to use it. Needless to say he started arguing.

"I will. After a long time I finally mastered the Rasengan and made a new one on my one. There's no way I'll-"

"Naruto!" He said calmly cutting off his rant in between. Young Naruto looked at him sourly. Older Naruto pinched the bridge of his nose. This was going to be awful to explain it to him.

"Do you know what this attack can actually do?" He asked his eyes locking on his younger counterpart. Young Naruto nodded in denial. Taking his silence as an invitation, he started talking again.

"This attack while beautiful as you say...." he looked at Naruto's eyes looking at him expectantly. With a serious look he continued, "....It's the most lethal jutsu I've ever encountered." Naruto raised an eyebrow. Yeah. His chakra is far more dense than a normal human and can easily destroy a few villages in one shot but it really couldn't be that bad than that.

Older Naruto shook his head. "The user of this jutsu bypasses the laws of reality." Naruto's eyes widened. "This jutsu's end result is the target being engulfed by a destructive energy wave, or simply disintegrating into an agonizing nothingness, becoming nothing but dust. Yang stands for physical energy and life force. You somehow reversed it and made an ultimate kinjustu."

He waved his hand as the surrounding around them changed. "Let me show you its full power." And Naruto found himself levitating in space.

"Wow. What the hell niichan?" Naruto nodded his head and signed him to look down. "Woah!" He exclaimed. He saw that the Earth was beneath his feet. Niichan changed the surroundings of this dimension.

"Come. Let me show you its destructive capability." He made a small Rasengan. Not any Rasengan but rather Yang release Rasengan. It was really small, as if it was the size of a nail. "How much do you think this Rasengan would damage Earth if I let it loose and barely give it any chakra?"

"Uhh.... probably destroy a few mountains." His chakra was alot dense than anyone could imagine. He already understood that fact during chakra control lessons. Niichan's chuckled. "Look." And he left the Rasengan as it started to descend towards the surface of Earth. Slowly it's speed started to increase as it went down the surface. "See!" He pointed to him. "My justu is basically harmless." And what happened afterwards shook Naruto to his core. Because such a sight was something, even he didn't knew himself how to describe.

The lands started to crack as the magma started to rise from within the cracks. The lands split apart and in span of a few seconds the whole Earth was destroyed. "As I said, it can disintegrate anything and by that I mean anything. Even immortal men and undead zombies. As soon as it went inside the surface it disintegrated the core and the result is as you see."

This was horrible. Naruto swallowed the lump in his throat. Just what did he invented? This sight was going to give him nightmares forever.

"No....." Older Naruto breathed calmly at the sight of horror growing up in Young Naruto's eyes. This just can't be possible. "How could just adding Yang Release to my Rasengan could create something like this?"

Older Naruto looking at the destruction replied. "True Yang release when reversed becomes a weapon of destruction. Any physical being whether mortal or immortal would be erased to nothingness. Similarly when you add true Yin release to Rasengan you can erase any ethereal being." He made a Rasengan but it was red in colour. No. More like it was maroon in colour. 'It's beautiful.' His mind supplied and he wholeheartedly agreed.

A super destructive jutsu. Straight path to Hokage. 'Yeah.' Naruto thought and then suddenly shook his head again. 'Stop thinking that.' Dark smiled on inside.

An example would be anything that comes under Yin such as someone's mindscape or a soul or Mother nature's powers." Young Naruto nodded.

"See what happens when you make it the size of a normal Rasengan." Older Naruto left the ball of chakra from his hands as it easily fell off from his palm and started descending towards the newly created Earth.

'As time passes, this will grow more stronger. Your all abilities and capabilities will increase exponentially every month. Honestly I fear for you Naruto. Whether I'm taking the right path or not.' Older Naruto thought as he looked at the face of Young Naruto.

Young Naruto looked at the ball of chakra that collided against the surface of Earth. An omnious second passed. And this happened.

The whole Earth blasted apart giving no warning or reaction. As if the whole Earth was a nuclear bomb, the energy travelled throughout the dimension making the hairs on his neck stand.

Older Naruto clicked his fingers and the dimension changed to his normal surrounding. "While I forbid you from ever using it I know that it's simply impossible for you to hold back your curiosity." He sighed. "Promise me you won't use it in any random situation but only in dire situations." Naruto nodded.

Older started again. "In case you did any damage using either Yang release Rasengan or Yin release Rasengan, use the opposite one to negate the damage. It means if you started to disintegrate someone using Yang release then use Yin release to save him and vice versa."

Yeah. Young Naruto nodded. He would use it only against troublesome opponents. Still he thinks that there might not be any opponent who could stand against something like this.

Oh how wrong he is when he doesn't even know that his soon going to be arch-enemy or more like arch-nemesis would simply crush him with the current amount of power he had.

Flashback end

He has to be careful with his power. He cannot tell everyone that he has a jutsu which will simply destroy anyone or more like the whole Earth. Naruto took a deep breath.

You know he told niichan about his summon and he pat him on the back for his cunningness. Yeah. He felt proud. However there was one good news and one bad news.

Flashback -

"So Ibo, tell me something!" Naruto said as he pondered on his question. "As you said that my current level of chakra control is not enough can you teach me something else? Anything would do. Like seriously anything."

"Hmmm....." Ibo started to think on the question. Since Naruto was newly recruited, he cannot learn any techniques of fox clans until and unless he becomes trustworthy in eyes of respected elders. So that was a no. They cannot teach him Senjutsu as he already told Naruto before. So now..... 'I wonder.'

"Come with me." And Ibo took off dashing with Naruto right behind him. For someone who trained with niichan, no matter what sort of physical environment might be there, he can easily adapt. But alas our protagonist still doesn't know about the seal holding back his strength and speed.

14 minutes and 35 seconds later,

"Yes lady elder!" Ibo said bowing down to esteemed leader lady Hikari. "I confirmed it myself. He has a strong chakra. So strong that we can easily use it to cherish our clan. His chakra is denser and far more potent than our previous failed to be summoners."

"I see." Lady Hikari i.e., one of the esteemed leader of Foxes nodded. "I want to see him." Ibo nodded and signaled Naruto to come in. Naruto went in front of the esteemed leader of Foxes.

Honestly looking at her, Naruto was confused. 'How the hell foxes know whether someone is male or female?! No scratch that. How the hell they recognize whether someone is old or not?'

Well, keeping his curiosity at bay Naruto bowed to the leader. Ibo did tell him that Lady Hikari held herself in high regards and liked if someone gave her appropriate respect. Well a little buttering and who knows he might learn a few genjūtsu tricks from them.

"Uzumaki Naruto...." She intoned as Naruto nodded. "I heard that you show curious nature towards learning from our clan. Is that true?"

At this Naruto answered. "Why yes, esteemed leader Lady Hikari." Hikari nodded satisfied with his answer. "Tell me what you'll do with this knowledge."

Now that threw Naruto for a loop. What could he answer? Looking at the silence between them Lady Hikari continued. "I cannot teach you anything until and unless you reach a clear answer." She stood up as she used her paws to clear a patch of bushes.

"Sometimes in our quest to know more we forget about ourselves."

Looking back at Naruto she continued. "The greatest thing that a fox can teach you is the wisdom and cunningness along with keen observation. Something that Shinobi of today's world lack." Signaling towards Ibo to come forward she whispered something in his ear. Ibo's eyes widened for a fraction of second and returned back to normal however Naruto caught that microexpression.

"You've something that you lack. When it's ripe, come again. Ibo you meanwhile teach him that." Ibo nodded as they both left.

Meanwhile, Naruto was replaying her words in his mind. 'Was that a trick question? I've something that I lack myself. What did she mean I should return when it's ripe? I don't even have a clue.'

"Come Naruto! Let me teach you something that only Fox summons are able to do."

12 minutes later,

"So what was that eye-thingy you spoke off, again?" Ibo sighed. The other Foxes did say that Ibo understood everything without much help to the very basics however he was very bad at explaining anyways.

"You do know that when summoners learn Sage Mode or Sage transformation from their summons, they get some sort of characteristics of their summon signifying their clan." Naruto nodded at this.

"While Foxes were not able to teach humans Senjutsu we learned to teach humans something no other summons could do. We made our own dojutsu. While saying it dojutsu would be wrong, what we could name it is eye mutation. It's a very basic eye mutation but with alot of advantages." Ibo mentioned with pride. While, Naruto was slowly getting its implications.

"You mean to say that unlike with dojutsu, I wouldn't need to spend chakra on it or have any side effects while I could keep it whenever I want." Naruto said, the pure incredulity in his voice rising. This was what a eye mutation was for. An example would be the orange pigmentation around eyes and horizontal slit in golden eyeball, signifying the process of Senjutsu learned from Toads. They do not require chakra and can be activated on whim.

"Okay....let me bite. What is its name?"

"We call it the 'Divine eye'." Ibo huffed in pride. "These eyes enhance human senses to abnormal levels...." Naruto made a deadpan expression. Not senses again.

"Not only that but it acts as a natural barrier against Illusionary arts and also when active user can perform any complex genjūtsu easily provided how strong is his Yin release. It also helps to see the flow of chakra along with extraordinary perception and precognition which will improve depending upon the fact how much you practice. 97% of the genjūtsu are powerless against it and you could reflect any genjūtsu without handseals. You can also access the World of Shadow like the Shadow Foxes and control shadow. Even when you're blind, you can access them to see around."

'Like Nara clan....' Naruto thought.

With a wave of his paw Ibo created an image in air.

"First and foremost you'll acquire this mark on your forehead signifying our strong pact and then-" with another wave of his paw another picture came out of nowhere.

"And finally you'll acquire the Divine eye."

Yeah. That just set a few things for his next few mornings. But oh well. You win some, you lose some.

Flashback end!!!

To learn the eye mutation was hard but not impossible for a guy with lots of Shadow Clones. He really liked the new sort of mutated eyes. Maybe he could discover more about these eyes. But for now he had some work to do.

Wearing his disguise of the mysterious Masked man who saved children from fire, Naruto jumped from building to building at breakneck speed but at the same time he was quite stealthy. Hey! Who knew that Uzumaki Naruto who always tried to gain attention from everyone, never got a single shred of it while as his alias of mysterious masked man, he got it in one night.

But that was a topic for different time. Now it was time for something else. By pure coincidence Naruto discovered an abandoned warehouse near the borders of the village. It looked unused however it was weird. There were footprints that were going inside the warehouse but there were no footprints coming out. The thing was why would someone in middle of night visit an old abandoned warehouse.

Hey, he was just curious. Just a little curious. Nothing more. Nothing less. Something was actually wrong on inside. Despite being dusty and walls covered with spiderwebs and dust, there were seals on the walls.

Chakra suppression?!

Naruto carefully looked around. The seal looked fresh. Like it was recently carved on the wall just a few weeks or months ago. Running his hand on the intricate writing, Naruto grew more curious. Hey, maybe someone was practicing fūinjutsu here.

A smell hit Naruto's sensitive nose.


Naruto carefully started walking. By pure mistake he stepped on a fūinjutsu writing. Suddenly 100s of kunais were thrown at him from all directions. Naruto looked bored at that. The kunais were still approaching Naruto at hypersonic speed while Naruto just yawned. All the kunais were suddenly thrown away. Not from any jutsu but rather from colliding with Naruto's skin. Some of the kunais were bent at unnatural angle.

This was because Naruto's body was as hard, as if he has eaten 3 Godfruits. Because of the Bijū Seal, his every capability was increasing by a godfruit including physical capabilities. Meaning that someone could only hurt Naruto now if they destroyed 3 planets in one shot.

A kunai was straight heading towards Naruto's pupil and..... Naruto well......

He didn't even acknowledge that kunai as a threat as the kunai bounced off from his eyes. Not only the Bijū contract but also the natural energy that was slowly dripping inside Naruto's system was making him strong from both inside and outside. It meant that not even internal damage would affect him.

Looking at the kunai scattered around him. Naruto picked one of them.

Something is wrong.

Naruto took out one of his kunais and approached the door which was inside the warehouse.

Henge. A cloud of smoke and Naruto transformed into the Shinobi that saved children from fire in the circus.

Something was definitely wrong now. Why such a harmful and deadly trap?

He slowly opened the door with kunai in his hand in front of him.


So much for stealth. Suddenly someone kicked Naruto's hand from the side of the door swatting away the kunai in his hand. The kunai was thrown from his hand rolling on the floor.

The man looked at him with recognition and without any hesitation used his own kunai to bring it down in a arc ready to cut his head off or at least insert that metal inside his neck. Naruto in an instant caught the kunai that was in his hand and the next instant he was behind the man with his own hand bent and his own kunai behind his neck.

So fast..... thought the man in shock. He was a Jōnin level opponent but to be defeated by just a boy of age 12-years. And that boy looked bored if not anything else.

How pathetic..... were his last train of thoughts before he received a chop to his neck and went down on the cold floor like a sack of potatoes.

What the hell was this guy's problem? Naruto thought confusedly. He didn't look all that menacing, did he? He shook his head.

Can't be.... I look cute. Then again he didn't really thought about looking cute in the first place. Well maybe when he was small but not now.

But the coast was now clear. Suddenly someone stepped out from behind the corner and shot a bullet through a gun. Apparently the invention of gun wasn't that big deal for a ninja world, especially where people casually breathe out fire, summon lightning, kill on daily basis, yada yada yada.....

However, civilians demanded a way to defend themselves against ninjas if they ever found themselves in pinch and Voilá!!! They created a fucking gun which has a kill rate of 90%. Why you ask? Tell me how can a genin or chunin or even Jōnin who doesn't have great speed or elemental justu defend themselves. Yeah, battle-hardened instincts and all but what about who are fresh. Since it's not a war time, you might not find battle-hardened shinobi everywhere and thus we have guns. Woo-hoo. Yay.

So yeah, for Naruto the bullet was moving at impossibly slow speeds and Naruto didn't even felt like dodging. So the bullet hit Naruto's eyes and Naruto didn't even felt like blinking. The rest was as they say.

Used a Body flicker.

Went behind the man.

Gave a chop on his back.

Muttered "Good job!!!" in his ears.

Took his gun. Or guns. He had two. Wow.

And went inside.

Seriously there even was a tunnel here. Just how many people were practicing fūinjutsu here? Or maybe they were doing something else? Naruto was in the mood of jokes today. Helps you calm down.

The smell of food flooded his nostrils again. Naruto reached a basement following the myriad of tunnels twisting and turning. Yeah there were a few grunts here and there and Naruto couldn't possibly care less about them. So giving a few chops here and there Naruto entered the basement. More like he was about to enter when he heard two voices.

"Oi Godai..... you sure checked the warehouse properly, didn't you? The boss is gonna kill us otherwise. I haven't told him about you anyways. My neck is in danger."

The other man Godai presumably answered. "Yeah!" With a disinterested tone he answered. "No need to tell me." Naruto looked at the two men. There was no one else there. And there was food on the floor. More like leftover food.

Were they partying?

Naruto looked at the floor and suddenly something caught his eye.

Is that....? Naruto's eyes widened a bit.

"We're so gonna enjoy after this.....Ha ha ha ha ha...."

Godai, whose eyes showed pure disgust for a moment crinkled for a bit until they became neutral again. "Yeah!" His eyes looked downcast. "We will." He said in a resigned tone.

"Why the long face, man. Those bitches got what they deserved. I wonder-" before he could continue, he felt something stinging on his neck. Before he could think more over it, his eyelids started to feel heavy and blackness spread all around his vision. The man collapsed on the floor.

Godai was startled by the sudden fainting of his subordinate as he saw that a senbon was sticking out of his neck. Before he could even think something slammed him with such a heavy force that he was on his back not even knowing what happened with him.

He was looking at the floor which was looking far more exciting than his chatterbox subordinate or more like his boss. But the next instant he felt the hard surface on his back and he was looking at the ceiling.

What happened....? A face came into view. A masked face.

Hatake Kakashi.... No. He looks young. A mini Kakashi.

"Just one question. And for answer, only the truth. Where are the people that were here?"

His eyes widened and Naruto caught it. He was right. There were large number of people who were drugged and kept here.

"Who are you? What are you talking about, shithead!" He shouted defiantly. He was showing futile resistance, thrashing all around. And then he spits on Naruto's face. If it was the young old Naruto, he would have beaten the shit out of the guy until he spoke. But he wasn't.

He showed a medicinal bottle to the man. This was what caught Naruto's eye in the first place. These are special medicines that induces sleep as well as prevents sea sickness. The large amount of leftover shows that there were alot of people who were kept here. Large amounts of food were fed to the people here after inducing them with drug. They must be taking the men through the sea route.

The man despite getting the hint refused to answer. However this time Naruto started. "You know that you yourself hate what you're doing." The man's face didn't even move a little. Taking this as a cue to continue, he says again.

"You wouldn't have left the warehouse open in the first place." Now this got a little emotion out of the man's eyes as for one millisecond it looked like it cracked but then they were back to their stony facade.

Naruto sighed. Since he wasn't telling him anything, he might have to do this. He punched the man on the nose. The man outright laughed. "Do whatever you want. I won't tell you a-" he looked in the red eyes of Naruto and was entranced by those blood red ruby eyes.

The fox eyes were great after all. Now to look where are the other men. And putting Godai in genjūtsu, Naruto made him spill out everything.

Yo! Sorry for not uploading sooner. Now I'm finally excited. The sooner I finish the God Arcs, the sooner we move onto the Chūnin exams arc for which I'm excited.

Comment more. I love reading them. Peace. ✌ ☮ 🕊 🏳
