My Sacrifice For You

{{Reader's P.O.V}}
"" I stuttered out while my tears continued to fall but only the only thing heard was silence I leaned my head onto his bloodied chest checking if his heart was still was still beating
His heart beat was slowly fading away "" I said once more as I made my final decision
"I guess that'll be okay to do" I smiled as tears still ceased to fall, I stood up and gently placed King on the ground and I walked towards the dead knight's body and took his heavy sword, I struggled to raise the heavy sword up but wanted to really do it
"D-Don'{N-Name}..." King's voice interrupted what I was about to do "I..need to save you.." I said as I readied my magic to do it



The sword sliced through the most precious thing a fairy could have
It's wings
The bloodied cut wings fell to the ground as if they were petals torn from their body.
I collapsed to the ground while blood gushed out of the holes in my back, I then slowly stood up while limping and gathered the pair of bloody wings and slowly limping towards the crying King who was so beaten up and sad I chuckled at how stupid I was for making such a decision
I slowly raise my hand up and gathered up the last bit of my strength to use my magic while trembling from the pain
I casted my spell upon the wings and they immediately turned into a pink liquid and landed unto King's mouth making him drink it "W-Why would you do such a thing {Name}?" King said as his wounds slowly healed and his lifespan was increased "I-I..w-wanted..t-to.." I said with a close-eyed smile not giving a care that I was losing large amounts of blood, I then collapsed onto the ground King then hurriedly crawled towards me.
"W-Why {N-Name}?" King said as picked me up and made me lean on his shoulder "I-It's..b-b-better..if..t-the..k-k-king..o-of..a-a-a-all..f-f-fairies..l-lives..i-i-instead..of..m-m-m-me.." I stuttered out as I held his hand while softly smiling even if the pain was too much
The pain felt like absolute hell.
But I didn't care as long as he was here with me.
I then felt tears drop onto my blood tainted cheeks "K-King?" I asked while my vision started getting blurry "I-I-I'm..r-really sorry for e-everything I have done w-wrong.." King said as he tried to wipe his never-ending tears "T-There'" I stuttered trying to keep awake
"" I said once more as the life in my eyes faded away and closed to never see the world anymore and my hand dropped to the ground lifeless.

{{King's P.O.V}}
"Why do you need to leave?" I ask nobody while clutching her lifeless hand.

My cries went unheard for days. Until people people came and rescued me but knights found out that I was being hid the people who took care of me were arrested and so was I.
Being locked up in jail was the perfect time to enjoy the new increased lifespan she gave me
I wanted to die so bad. I wanted to see her. I wanted to have more fun with her. I wanted her to be happy.
I spent 5 years in that prison trying to cherish those last moments I had with her

Invisible tears were unheard in that crooked cell.
Invisible cries were never minded.

Love really does drive us insane.

[A/N]: well I pretty much hope the last chapter doesn't suck at all
Thank you for reading this book
This is the last chapter crazies
So sorry for making y'all cry
But yeah.. Last chapter guys
I really don't know what else to say in this author's note at all lol um..I guess my mom wasn't here at home so I decided 'heh why the hell not secretly write a chapter?'  While I'm a little sick
Anyways my sister is studying for a test bla blah blah
I don't wanna talk about family problems because that would make me even more depressed
Later crazies!~
