They Deserved It, Didn't They?

{{Reader's P.O.V}}
"I killed them.." My eerie voice echoed throughout the little prison that contained bodies of my fairy at were..all laying on the ground lifeless "It's all my fault isn't it, Harlequin?" I asked the fairy king that had his eyes wide open in fear with a little bit of blood on his cheeks, tears started to form in his golden-brown eyes "Isn't it?!" I yelled as I laughed hysterically while tears poured out from my eyes
'What am I even feeling?!..
..sorrow?' I thought as I continued to wait for King's response "Well?" I asked with a little sorrow in my voice
"I'm sorry.." King said as he slowly walked towards me, but I was then filled with confusion "For what?" I asked
"I'm sorry for even leaving you alone...I'm sorry for not accepting your true feelings.." King continued as he stood in front of me with a small smile "You think an apology from you would be accepted by me?" I said feeling a bit of blood drip from my blood-tainted wings "I know you won't accept so easily..but..please..atone for your sin" King spoke "I-I.." I stuttered "Enough!!" I shouted as I bolted out of the dungeon with blood dripping from my {Color} dress and wings
'Why did I even choose to love him?' The question kept echoing into my mind as I flew out of the dungeon only to find chaos.

{{King's P.O.V}}
"I'm so sorry my friends.." I muttered as I prayed for them. I floated out the prison door when I heard small sobs, I then turned to see Helbram in the corner shaking while countless tears poured as he covered his ears to try escape their screams, begs..pleads..for mercy.
Even if he didn't cause it he was still scared of what had happened, I pitied him but when I tried to comfort him "Leave me alone!!" He shouted. I sighed as I went the other way to the exit to find {Name} at the entrance with wide eyes "I forgot to tell you about that.." I said as I looked at the chaos infront of me
The once beautiful tall trees were now in complete ashes, pools of blood were on the ground tainting the green grass
But the victims weren't fairies. They were humans
Even if they weren't our own kind, it was just painful to see such a bloodshed. But it was interrupted by a chuckle coming from the {Hair Color}-haired girl beside me

"They deserved it, didn't they?"

[A/N]: I deeply apologize for the long wait!!!!!!!
I am so sorry for making you all wait for such a short chapter!!!
I promise to make the next one longer!! (Which will maybe be the end if I make it longer)
I'll make the next one tomorrow since it's already late in the evening here and I need some sleep!
Sorry if there is no cover pic for this chapter, I couldn't really find a good one
