It's All My Fault, Right?

{{Reader's P.O.V}}
It's all my fault. I looked all around me, countless bodies of fairies in a pool of blood. Only two including me was left standing.
Helbram and Me. His eyes shed countless tears while covering his mouth even if his eyes had an insane look. I, just stared wide-eyed at the horrible sight before me "HELBRAM! {NAME}!" A voice interrupted making both me and Helbram to look up at the source. We both looked up at an injured King who was bleeding badly, but it looked like he didn't reallupy minded it "K-King?" I asked as I stood up and walked through the pool of blood even if I was bare-foot
I just sent shivers down my spine while walking in my friend's cold pool of blood "I-Is t-that y-you?" My voice cracked
King's eyes widen at my figure, my {Color} dress was tainted with the blood of my friends. "You Monster!" Helbram yelled as he flew as fast as he could out the dungeon leaving me and King. "A-Are y-y-you okay?" King said as he tried to endure the pain, clutching his injured soldier.
Tears then started to form in my eyes. I smile. Realization hit me as I remembered what I had done.
Tears poured out of my eyes

"I killed them"

[A/N]: umm..this was only supposed to be one page one-shot
I guess I'll continue this
5 chapters are enough right?

Later crazies!~
