Chapter 19 - My Dream Has Finally Come True

(Y/N)'s POV

I finally arrived at the park and it looks really neat and I can only see a few people here. I started to walk around the park and thought, 'Wow, the park looks like a good place to meet him. He sure has tastes'. I looked around for a bit and I saw different things. Ducks swimming on the ponds, friends chasing each other for fun, dogs running around, and a couple having the time for themselves. I blushed looking at the couple and thought, 'Hmm..I wonder where's my secret admirer. He said we have to-'. Just when I was about to continue, I stopped by tree cause' I saw the same yellow note with the same handwriting. I grabbed the note but suddenly I heard footsteps approaching me but it's not walking but running. I turned around and I couldn't believe my eyes. My eyes widened when I saw none other than Kagamine Len running towards me. He's wearing a different outfit which I never seen before. He's wearing a baby blue jacket with a 'I love music' white t-shirt and his Vocaloid headset around his neck, blue cargo shorts, and black converse sneakers. What's Len doing here? I wonder what's the occasion just by looking at the outfit he's wearing. My eyes sparkled and Len approached me with a smile. "Hello (Y/N)-chan!!", he greeted and gave me one of his usual hugs. I blinked a few times and blurted, "Len!! What are you doing here?! And what's with the outfit?". He giggled and said, "Oh..that's a secret. Hehe~". I rolled my eyes playfully and we let go slowly. Come to think of it, this the second time I've seen Len going outside without me. Still not knowing what to do next, Len grabbed my hand tightly. I blushed suddenly and muttered an 'Um..'. He looked at me with his blue eyes and I said, "U-Uh!! Len-kun, what are you-". Just when I was about to continue, he started running for some reason. I got a chance to run to with him and exclaimed, "Len! Where are we going?!". He chuckled and said with a shy smile, "Well, I-I'm taking you somewhere a date, (Y/N)-chan!!". My mouth was open when said 'date'. 'Did he just say like a date? But wait a minute...what about my meeting with my secret admirer?!', I thought and continued running.


I still can't believe my ears, Len said 'date'. This day has totally been an unexpected one for the first time in my life cause he said date. Anyway, we arrived at a nearby cafe/ice cream parlor a few blocks away from the park. It's been popular lately and so many people get to hang out there with their friends cause the parlor's ice cream is really yummy. We stepped inside and the employees greeted us with a smile, "Welcome!". We bowed and walked towards our table. He let go of my hand and both of us sit down. There was a slight slience between us and people around us are chattering about. I looked at Len and asked, "So, um...why are we here for?". He placed his hand on his chin and replied cheerfully, "For our date, of course. Hehehe". Oh, right, wrong question. I looked around and thought, 'Man, to think that Len will take me on a date today. Is this really happening? What if I'm dreaming again? Because this almost felt like the same dream I had like a few weeks ago'. Questions flowed through my mind and an employee approached us to take our orders. Len and I looked at the menus and I decided to order a banana split since it's my favorite. The employee gladly got my order and went back. When she left, I said, "Uh...". He hummed and I continued, "Sorry, if I'm not wearing an appropriate outfit...for a date. I just came out from school today". He smiled and replied, "It's totally fine. Besides like I said, you look cute on your school uniform anyway". I blushed and looked away slowly just to hide my face. "T-Thank you", I said which results Len giggling. I looked at him again and decided to speak, "Len-". I was about ask him something until the same employee approached us with a tray of one banana split in her hands. She place the desert down and said with a bow, "Enjoy your meal!". She walked away and I started to observe the banana split. I placed my hand on my chin and thought, 'Wow, this looks delicious'. I grabbed the spoon but Len grabbed my hand and said, "Let me do it". I looked at him and muttered a 'Huh?'. He smiled and took the spoon from me. He got a spoonful (not to much to be precise) of ice cream and said, "(Y/N)-chan, say aaah!". I blushed even more and replied, "'re gonna feed me?". He nodded with a smile and I said, "O-oh okay. Ahhh...". I got a spoonful from Len and swallowed the ice cream. My lips turned into a grin and I said, "This is so good!!!". He laughed and said, "I'm glad you like it. Wanna give you some more, (Y/N)-chan?". I giggled and nodded with delight. He gave me another spoonful of ice cream and I smiled. Then a few minutes later, the banana split was almost gone. Just when I was about to wait for another, Len looked at me with a look. I blinked a few times and asked, "What is it , Len-kun? Is there something in my face?". He smiled and nodded, "Yeah, there's a bit of ice cream over here". I touched my face and I couldn't find the ice cream stain. "Here?", I asked. He shook his head and said, "A little to the left". I still didn't get the ice cream stain so instead Len got closer to me and removed it with his finger. I blushed bright red and said, "O-Oh, thank you". He chuckled and said, "You're cute as always, (Y/N)-chan whenever you make those faces. Hehe". I covered my face slightly and Len continued feeding me.

After that, Len and I payed for the banana split and went outside the cafe/ice cream parlor. So far, this day just got even better although I'm starting to think that I have forgotten something but I'm not sure what is. Anyway, Len and I started passing by a few shops and Len suggested we should check it out. I agree with his idea and we stop by a nearby store full of cute things like accessories, gifts, t-shirts, key chains, bracelets, and other things. I was browsing for a while but suddenly I saw a pair of matching bracelets with a mixture of blue and yellow and it has a G-clef attacthed to it. I glady took it and examined it. 'This looks cute. Maybe I'll buy this for me and Len', I thought and smiled to myself. But I gotta surprise him though, so I better I buy this quick. I rushed to th counter and paid for the bracelets. I bowed to the counter and placed the bracelets on my bag. When I get back, Len seems to be browsing quite a lot. I smiled and said, "I'm here. The items here are cute, don't you think?". He looked at me with a cheerful smile and replied, "Yeah, I heard some people came here just to buy for gifts". I nodded with a nervous laugh and he asked, "So, did you find something? I'm sure you like the items here in this shop". I gasped and said, "Oh! Well, uh...". I tapped my foot and he hummed. I gave him a playful smile and said, "It's a secret~". He was startled by my response and said, "Huh? Aww...come on! Please tell me, (Y/N)-chan!". I laughed and shook my head. He pouted and blushed for some reason which is really cute. People started looking at us and some were even smiling and giggling. I blushed and hugged Len. He gasped and asked, "(Y/N)-chan?". My eyes widened and thought, 'What am I doing?'. I looked up and said, "Uh..I'm just...hugging you?". He chuckled and hugged back gently. Len hugged back. Great, now we're showing affection in public. I only did that just to hide my blushing face but I guess I really wanted a hug anyway. My face flushed and I said, "Anyway, are you done browsing, Len?". He nodded and patted my head. "Yeah. Oh, wait. There's one place I can take you. Let's go! I'm sure you're gonna love it!", he said and grabbed my hand. He started running again and I muttered a 'Woah!!!'. Len really is fast in running but I was able to keep up my footing. Both of us chuckled and our run continued.

We stopped by the same park and I realized the sun is about to set. We started walking hand in hand and Len seems to be looking for something. My face is still red and somehow I got used to Len's cute actions like hugging and holding his hand. I felt my hair blowing from the wind and the sky is orange and purple. I smiled and suddenly Len said, "(Y/N)-chan! I found it!". I looked at him and asked, "Found what-". I was about continue but eventually I stopped when I saw a beautiful Sakura tree right in front of us with a bench under it. My eyes sparkled and he pulled my hand. We walked towards the bench and sat down gently. I looked up and some of the petals are falling down. It was such a beautiful sight and I feel like I wanna look at it forever. I sighed softly then a realization hit me. I totally forgot my meeting with the secret admirer, it must have slip my minds while I was having my date with Len. I started to look around and Len asked, "What is it, (Y/N)-chan?". I looked at him and replied, "O-Oh...I'm just looking for someone". He tilt his head and asked, "Someone? Who is it?". I gulped and thought of a way to answer. Things are gonna get awkward if I tell him, I guess I don't have any other option. Oh, great, here goes nothing. I looked away slightly and replied, "M-My secret admirer...". He gasped slightly and I continued, "He sent me a bunch of love notes which forms a love letter and he told me to meet here at the park". When I finished, silece entered and I knew this might happened. I gulped again and looked left and right. Just when I was about to do something, I felt my hand being squeezed and I looked at Len immediately. He cupped my face and said, "If you're looking for you secret admirer...". His face got closer to mine and  finally he answered, "...his right in front of you". He placed his lips into mine and my eyes widened. My heart started beating and I felt goosebumps on my arms. Len was my secret admirer all along, what a plot twist. Is this real? Is this a dream? Only one way to find out. I touched his cheek and that results him smiling into the kiss. This is real, this definitely real. I kissed back and wrapped my arms around his neck. He gasped softly and continued. We let go and he looked at me deeply. A blushed formed on our cheeks and I asked, "You are my secret admirer, Len-kun?". He nodded with a smile and brought me closer. "Then, why didn't you tell me?", I asked. He chuckled and kissed my forehead. "I just wanted to surprise you. Hehe", he replied. My eyes widened and I said, "So, that means you...". He smiled sweetly and confessed, "I love you". I gasped and he continued, "I really do. Cause' the first time I met you, you were my first friend ever had and I was happy. The times we had fun together made me smile and I'm glad you had fun too". I was speechless and he continued again, "Everytime I hug you, I feel like I wanna hold you forever, when I hold your hand, my robot heart starts to skip a beat. If your asking I have a heart the yes, I have a heart which I might explain to you next time, kay?". I chuckled and he said, " I may be a android, but I have strong feelings for you like a big wavelengths carrying on my circuitry inside my body. So, I love you! I really love you! I want to be with you, (Y/N)-chan!". I didn't know what to say but his words made my heart melt. I smiled and I felt like my dream has finally came true, I get to be together with my crush. "I love you too, Len-kun", I replied and gave him a hug. He gasped and I felt tears coming out from my eyes. He hugged back and stroked my hair gently. "I knew you might say that because I know you have a crush on me for a very long time", he said. I smiled and cupped my face again. He was stunned when he saw my tears and gently wiped them. "Why are you crying?", he asked with a concerned look on his face. I giggled and replied, " dream has finally come true and I'm happy for that". He chuckled and gave me another kiss. The kiss was soft, my dad sure knows how to make Len's lips soft. Anyway, he gently wrapped his arms around his waist and I placed my hanf on his right cheek. We exchanged kisses and sometimes we giggle in between. Our kisses last like 2-3 minutes and eventually we stopped just for me to get some air. Wow, I gotta admit though, Len is a really good kisser and I pretty sure it's part of his features when he has a girlfriend or something. He kissed my forehead and said, "I love you, (Y/N)-chan. Hehe~"? I smiled brightly and suddenly I forgot something again. I let go and took out the bracelets that I bought from the store earlier. I gave Len the bracelet and said, "Here, Len-kun". He gladly took it and examined it with curiousity. His eyes sparkled and he asked, "Is this for me?". I nodded and replied, "Yeah, I bought it from the store we stopped by just to surprise you". He looked at me and said, "Oh, I see now. So, this is the one you bought". He smirked and started tickling me. I laughed and tried to let go but I failed. "L-Len!! Hahahaha!!!", I blurted out and Len started laughing too with a playful smile. He stopped tickling me and brought me close to him. I panted softly and asked, "What's that for?". He chuckled and replid, "For buying it in secret". I pouted and brought the other bracelet. "I have one too just in case you didn't know. Actually, it's a pair of matching bracelets", I said and showed it to him. He grabbed it and looked both of them. He gentlu grabbed my hand and wrapped the bracelet around my arm. I gasped softly and thought, 'Oh, Len. You're so sweet'. He smiled and I took his bracelet too. He noticed and I said, "Let me do it just to return the favor for putting my bracelet on". He nodded with delight and I wrapped the bracelet around his hand. Afterwards, he looked at his hand and said, "Wow, this is really cute. It also has a G-clef on it". I giggled and said, "I'm glad you like it. That makes us a couple". He looked at me and said, "Yeah, but speaking of couples, I have something to tell you". I nodded and replied, "Sure. You can tell me anything". He kissed my lips again and asked, "Will you be my girlfriend, (Y/N)?". I gasped and replied immediately, "Of course!". He blinked a few times and chuckled with delight. "I'm glad", he said and gave me more kisses. I chuckled and we spend most of our time kissing under the Sakura tree. I'm so happy and I'm gonna cherish this moment forever.
