Chapter 16 - Movie Night With Len

(Y/N)'s POV

It's been a while since the three of us started our dinner and the one cooked was Len and, of course I helped him just for support. Trevor, on the other hand, got a message from my dad and he said that their business trip was extended (basically more than a month) cause something came up at work and mom said that I should take care while they are still not here which I'm okay with that since I'm with Trevor and Len. The others are waiting for the food at the dining room with their plates, utensils and utensils (including mine) and they are having their conversation about the pillow fight that we just had. Anyhow, today our dinner is going to be mac and cheese with a side dish which is mashed potato and 1-liter orange juice. It's pretty awesome dinner, right? I used to have this kind of dinner before with my parents and it was really good. So, since I was so inspired at my mom's dinner combo, Len and I decided to cook that one for our special sleepover. Len is making the macaroni and cheese while I'm handling the mashed potato.  I looked over Len and he's just smiling while cooking the macaroni. I smiled and went back to my work. Len seems to be having a good time tonight which I'm really glad.

Moments later, I finished cooking and I heard Len calling me, "(Y/N)-chan!". I looked back at him and said, "Yes?". He giggled and said, "The mac n' cheese is done!!". I smiled and came closer to me while bringing out his masterpiece. My eyes widened and I thought, 'Woah, that was fast and better yet it looks so good to eat'. I licked my lips and got closer to the mac n' cheese. He giggled softly and said, "It looks delicious, right?". I nodded and said, " does. I feel like I wanna eat it". He placed the mac n' cheese down and afterwards he patted my head. He looked at my 'work' and said, "Oooh. This looks delicious too, (Y/N)-chan". I smiled and replied, "Really? Thanks, Len. I'm just glad I have the skill to cook". He ruffled my hair and gave me one of his usual hugs. I gasped slightly and he chuckled in a cute manner. I blushed and thought about his laugh which is kinda adorable. I hugged him tight and said, "Seriously, I'm going to say again. Len, you're so cute!!". I squealed softly and nuzzled against his chest. He giggled and suddenly he stroked my hair gently. I stopped and a split second, I began to relax at his touch. "You know, I'm not the only one who's cute here", he said and still stroking my hair. I blushed bright red and looked up with curiosity. He smiled and caressed my cheek softly. "You're so cute, (Y/N)-chan. Hehe", he said and giggled again. I was speechless and I feel like my heart is beating faster. 'Len...', I thought and my lips turned into a gentle smile. Just when we are about to continue, we were interrupted by a certain someone who is saying, "Oh, (Y/N)-san~". I gasped and both of us turned to see Josh and Yumi smiling beside the kitchen door. We let go and I rubbed my shoulder softly. I felt my cheeks flushing and Josh said with a snicker, "Oh, did we interrupt something?". I waved my hands in the air and said, "Well, uh... it'". Yumi giggled and joined in, "Hehe. Anyway, dinner is ready, right?". Len nodded and grabbed the mac n' cheese. "Yup! We just finished it a few moments ago", he said and went inside the dining room with the food on his hands. I grabbed the mashed potato from the counter table. "Great! And, the food smells delicious!", Yumi said and smelled the aroma. I smiled and followed Len. We placed the food on the dining table and everyone were amazed. "This looks really good!", Patty said and Len went back for the juice. All of us sat down and Len eventually came back and placed the juice on the middle. We placed our hands together and said in unison, "Ikadakimasu!". We started to serve ourselves the mac n' cheese and ate it. We smiled brightly and Patty exclaimed, "This is so good!! Len, did you cook this?". Len nodded and replied, "Yup!". Patty squealed cause of the taste and she continued eating while everyone nodded in agreement. I smiled brightly and thought, 'As usual, Len's cooking is really good'. I drink my orange juice and Len asked, "(Y/N)-chan, how's my cooking so far? Is it good?". I nodded and replied, "Of course, Len-kun!". He giggled and got closer to me since both of us are seating together and he watched us eat in our hearts content.


Dinner has passed by and Len and I took care of the dishes and stuff. Afterwards, we decided to do another activity aside from our pillow fight which is movie night. We're inside the room and all of us are picking a movie for us to watch. So, far no luck on finding a single movie. We're still thinking what genre we will choose. Yumi wants romance. Josh wants sport-related movies. Kazuo wants sci-fi. Patty, of course, wants Japanese movies. I ,on the other hand, will be either romantic-comedy, action and fantasy movies. We searched every movie we could find on my shelves full of movies and my downloaded movies from my computer. It took us like 10 minutes to decided until someone exclaimed, "Guys, I got one!". All of us turned to Patty with a bright smile on her face. We walked towards her and Kazuo asked, "You got something?". She nodded and showed us the DVD case. It looks like she chose a romantic movie from my stack full of movies and the title was 'A Fault In Our Stars'. Everyone gave Yumi a thumbs up and Yumi said, "Oh, my gosh! I read that book last month and I cried like for 3 minutes!". Kazuo nodded in agreement and replied, "Same here". Same goes for me too, I was able to read the actual book of A Fault In Our Stars and of course, I cried but 1 minute only. I wonder how will this turn out, I heard it's a good movie but will I cry again? Anyway, I thought about it for a moment and eventually I snapped my fingers and replied, "Sure, let's watch this one. This would be interesting". They cheered on my reply and I set the DVD player while my friends decided to sit down. I turned on the DVD player and placed the CD inside. Len switched on the television and I grabbed the remote from the desk. Len and I sat down and pressed the play button from the remote control. The movie started playing and suddenly a realization hit me, I forgot the popcorn. I stood up and paused the movie. "Uh...I forgot the popcorn! I'll be right back, kay?", I said and they nodded in response. When I came back with the bowl full of popcorn, Josh stood up and said, "Wow, another treat!". I told him to sit down and I sat down on the bed with Len. Josh got some popcorn and same goes for everyone else. I sighed and ate one popcorn anyway. "Are we all ready?", Len asked while holding the remote. We nodded and he unpaused the movie. Everyone were pretty excited to see it and I can't help but smile.

Moments had passed since the movie started playing and so far, my friends started enjoying it and Patty was like 'When are they gonna kiss?! Come on!'. We kinda laugh at her response and just continued on. Josh and Patty mentioned that they didn't read the book which surprised me, Yumi and Kazuo. I guess this is their first time to hear about A Fault In Our Stars. Anyway, Yumi was giggling for some reason whenever Hazel and Gus are together in one scene. I smiled and the scene changed where Hazel and Gus entered the Anne Frank House. We watched and got some popcorn from Josh cause' he always take the bowl everytime. The two main characters got up from the ladder and viewed. I looked over Len and it looks like he's enjoying too. I smiled and decided to call him out softly, "Hey, Len". He looked at me and replied softly with a gentle smile, "Yes, (Y/N)-chan?". I smiled back and said, "How's the movie so far?". He ruffled my hair and replied, "It's good and I'm glad I get a chance to watch it with you". I blushed and suddenly Patty and Yumi squealed loudly. I gasped and looked at the screen. My eyes widened when I saw Hazel and Guz kissing passionately on television. I heard some murmurs from Kazuo and Josh that were like, 'This is hot', 'Man, I wish I can do that someday', 'Now I really want a girlfriend'. I blushed brightly like a tomato and thought, 'Oh my gosh, this is so cute yet passionate at the same time. I wonder though...'. When I looked over Len, he was looking at me as well which results us having eye contact. I gasped softly and thought, 'Wha? Len is looking at me too. What's on his mind right now?'. He held my hand and gently squeezed it. I wasn't sure what's going on but from what I know right now, Len is getting closer to me. I looked away a little to hide my blushing face which made Len giggled in response. "You're so cute when you blush, (Y/N)-chan. Hehehe", he said gently and softly. I looked at him and said, "O-oh...hehe". I don't what else to say but eventually I heard more squealing in the background. Both Len and I laughed and continued. The scene changed yet again but this time, this is where things will be hot and it will make our cheeks glow red. The next scene was Hazel and Gus are continuing their love making session in the bedroom/hotel room. I blushed and covered my cheeks with my hands. 'Okay, this is really passionate than before', I thought and smiled brightly. Although, it's still making blush cause' Len is sitting next to me and I'm thinking some fantasies on my head right now. My friends were like 'OMG...things are heating up'. Just when I went back on the screen, Len squeezed my hand, again. I looked over to him and saw him watching with a smile and a blush on his face. My eyes sparkled and I giggled softly. 'You're so cute, Len-kun', I thought. I get the feeling Len is likes this scene throughout the movie I believe cause' he looks like he's really enjoying it. 

We're almost done with the movie, and you know what that means, here comes the feels. The next scene was Hazel crying on the bed when her lover, Gus, died eight days ago. Yumi sniffed and said, "Ah! N-not a-again!". Patty was tearing up too and she wiped it with her finger. "T-this is so sad. I feel so sorry for Hazel! Wah!", she said and started crying. Kazuo and Josh, even though they're men, well, started crying tearing up and Kazuo distributed tissues to everyone just to wipe their tears or blow their noses. I, on the other hand, of course I was crying too. I wiped my tears and suddenly Len gave me a side hug. I gasped softly and looked over him. My eyes widened when I saw his expression fell and he gave me a sad smile. I hugged him back with tears falling out from my eyes while Len comforted me by soothing me gently. This is the first time I see Len being sad and I can't help but hug him tighter. Also, I gotta admit, I love the film even though it's sad at the end. A few scenes had passed and the next scene was Hazel reading a paper written by Gus. All of us stopped crying when that scene played. Len, apparently is still making me feel better after the scene we just seen. Then, Hazel lay down the grass (just like in the start of the film) and said, 'Okay'. When the movie ended, everyone clapped their hands and Yumi said, "Bravo! Bravo! That was romantic yet sad". We nodded and I said, "Yeah. Now that we are done, what shall we do next?". We thought of something what do for our next activity but eventually Len spoke, "I have an idea". All of us looked at Len and Josh asked, "What is it, Len?". He smiled and answered, "You'll find out". We weren't sure what he's idea is but I hope it will be fun.
