Chapter 3 - Kagamine Len

Note: This is edited (07/17/15)

Note: This is edited again!!! (06/20/17)

Note: I re-edited it...again haha xD (07/8/18)

(Y/N)'s POV

My eyes widened when I recognized that person inside the container. 

It was Kagamine Len, my favourite Vocaloid and crush. I was speechless and there were no words coming out of my mouth. 

'N-No way!'

My dad looked at me and said, "Amazing, right? I got the exact same features of him from the 3D image you showed me last time and it was perfect. Man, it took me like a month to finish it and here it is, (Y/N)". 

I looked at dad and asked hesitantly, " he an android?". 

He nodded in response and said, "Yeah, this baby is pretty high-tech. I worked very hard on it for a long time and it took me a while to assemble the parts, bit by bit". 

I smiled and exclaimed, "Wow, it does look exactly like him and it almost looked like a real human. You have no idea how happy I am, Dad!". 

My dad chuckled and ruffled my hair playfully. 

"Well, I'm glad your impressed and happy with it. Okay, now to activate him", he said and got closer to him. 

He grabbed the body of Len gently and opened something from the back of his neck. Then, a keypad showed up with a switch on it and with that, my dad pushed the button. 

Afterwards, I heard some robot sounds coming from Len and suddenly his eyes were open. My dad stepped back and Len got out from the container smoothly. 

I gasped when he looked at me with his cute baby blue eyes and said, "Hello there!". 

My eyes widened and I said, "O-oh hello". 

He got closer to me and said, "My name is Kagamine Len! It's very nice to meet you!". 

I smiled shyly and said, "Nice to meet you too, Len. My name is (Y/N)(L/N)". 

He giggled and said, "(Y/N), huh? That's a cute name! Hehe". 

I blushed at his sudden response and thought, 'Wow, this is truly amazing. My dad really is a genius. He can speak English well too!'

My dad walked towards me and I decided to ask, "Dad, this is so amazing. How did you make it? Also, why did you make it even though I didn't ask?". 

He put a finger on his chin and answered, "It's like this, (Y/N). I always take a glimpse of you listening and playing Vocaloid stuff. And, you always use Len as your character all the time. Also, your mother heard that you have a huge crush on him". 

I blushed even more when he said that and he continued, "So since you like him so much, I decided to make him into an android and he will make you happy". 

I smiled and said, "Wow...I didn't know that". 

He chuckled and said, "Alright, about how I made him. Remember the Vocaloid voice synthesizer of Len that I bought for you on your 12th birthday?". 

I nodded in response and my dad continued explaining, "Well, I used that program and installed inside of him to sound like exactly like him from his voice bank and he can sing many songs as long as you want and it can be any language". 

I nodded and said, "I see. What about his speech? Can he change language as well? Because originally he speaks Japanese but you made him speak English". 

"Yeah, he can speak any language he wants to", he said and gave me a thumbs up. 

I nodded and said, "Cool! So, that's it". 

My dad smiled and said, "Yup! Oh, yeah here's the instruction manual". 

He gave a thin booklet and I said, "An instruction manual?". 

The booklet says Kagamine Len ver. 01 and when I opened it, there were a ton of info on it like specs, basic information and cautions.

"Yeah, just to let you know if you want to know more about his android form and it can also help you if you need extra details", my dad explained. 

I nodded and said, "Okay, thank you, dad for the special gift you gave me. This is wonderful!!". 

He smiled and gave me a gentle hug. I smiled and hugged back. We let go and dad said goodbye and enjoy the gift then he went back up. 

I was left alone with Len and I decide to take a good look at him from head to toe.

His outfit is exactly like the game I was playing and his face....he looks so cute up close! 

Len noticed that I was looking at him and he decided to approach me. 

"Hey (Y/N)-chan!", he said and gave me a big hug. 

I was surprised at his actions but I returned the hug anyway. 

"Hello Len. How's it going?", I said and asked. 

"I'm pretty awesome!", he exclaimed excitedly.

He let go and I was wondering what to say next. Then suddenly, an idea popped in my head. 

I looked at him and said, "Hey Len...let's be friends!". 

I smiled while waiting for his response and when he did, he smiled at me.

"Sure! I would love to be friends with you, (Y/N)!!", he said and gave me another hug. 

I laughed and returned the hug gently.

Len and I got out of the basement and we towards my room. I was about to go there, but suddenly I felt something nuzzling on my legs. I looked to see my Japanese spitz. 

I smiled and Len said, " this your pet, (Y/N)". 

I nodded and said, "Yup, this my dog, Hazu". 

My dog barked and it waged it's tail. 

Len giggled and said, "Wow, your dog looks hyper". 

I smiled and nodded in agreement. Afterwards, both me and Len proceed to my bedroom.
