Merry Christmas!

Well, I hope everyone had a merry Christmas! I know I did. I gave my brother a movie called The Sandlot, plus also a Batman lanyard (he loves Batman and claims to be him...yes he's 17). I got one of my sisters an iTunes gift card, and my other sister Title by Meghan Trainor (she loves her). They got me a robe (Andrew), a painting (Sylvia), and a curling iron (Isabelle). The robe is literally so soft and snugly...and I picked it out.😅 I knew what almost all my presents from the fam were because I go Black Friday shopping with my mom and she buys me a bunch of stuff. And I went shopping with my brother as well, which is when he/I picked out my present. I also picked out his gifts for our sisters, but that's a story for another time. I'm getting off track here. Where was I? Oh yes. My gifts. Well, my parents got me a few things, including Just Dance 2016 for Xbox 360. They couldn't get me too much, because they also paid for my haircut and all that, and they're also letting me redo my room next week. Buuuut oh well. My aunt and cousin got me a really cute mint green purse. And my grandma and grandpa on my mom's side got me two books which I really wanted, and a gift card, and the Thomas Rhett CD. My grandparents on my dad's side got me the new Fantastic 4 movie, fuzzy socks, lip gloss, nail polish, and a couple gift cards. I ended up with THREE gift cards to Rue21 (!!!!!!!!), one to Walmart, one to Taco Bell (!!!!), and one for iTunes (which I already used to buy a bunch of Zach Seabaugh music). I had a lot of fun giving and opening presents this year. It was a pretty great Christmas. How was yours? What was your favorite gift? Did you get what you really wanted? Comment if you want! Merry Christmas!
