
You might want to read this.

So, I have a confession to make. I have too many stories. I'm trying to update as much as I can but it's just not working out for some of them and that's not fair to you guys. So, for that reason (mainly), I'm putting a few books on hold. These will include the following:

-The Selected Fandoms


-Electric Love

-Clichés Are Overrated

I love all of these stories, but I've put too much on my plate and it's stressing me out. So for a little while, the only thing I'll be updating is Our Story. I forgot to do a self-promo for that one, actually, so if you didn't know, it's my newest teen fiction. It's sort of Christian fiction as well but mostly teen.

That brings me to another point. I really miss writing Christian fiction. It brought me so much closer to God every time I started one, and it really increases my faith each time. I haven't written a Christian fiction since 7 Days, or maybe 7 Days of Camp. But 7DOC was also a fanfiction so that doesn't count.

Anywho, I just really miss it, and I have a couple ideas. I want to start working on them. I don't know if I'll publish right away, or wait a bit and then go back to my other stories. But either way, I'm going to go back to writing Christian fiction real soon (like in a few minutes 😂), because that's what my true passion is. I want to glorify God through this process of writing and have stories completely centered on Christ, because He's the one who gave me this gift in the first place.

So for these reasons, I will be putting four of my stories on hold. Again, Our Story will be continued through this process, as well as Star Crossed, my collab with @iwritetoinspire. I hope you understand and will start praying for me as I begin the process of writing Christian fiction once more. Pray that these stories reach people, especially the lost. Pray for my heart as I continue to seek Him and His glory.

Thank you for always supporting my decisions and being patient with me. I have some of the best fans on Wattpad. Please remember that these stories are not going to be written so that I may get credit, but so that all glory may go to the One who deserves it. I love you guys.
