Chapter 24: The Fallen Bomb

"YEOREUM-SSI, do you remember about the report I asked yesterday?" asked Mr.Lee, her head department.

Yeoreum that just sitting on her chair after sign in nodded, "Yes. You said you want that report by tomorrow morning, right?"

"I did but the director want to see the report by today. Can you give it to me by 12 today?"

"By lunch hour?" Yeoreum looked at her watch. She has approximately 3 hours to finish the report she usually did for a whole day but of course she couldn't say no when the request from the director, "I will try my best then."

"Good. I know I can count on you. Please print out the report and send to my room later."

Yeoreum nodded, "I got it, sir."

"Suddenly getting busy in the morning, huh?" asked Jeni, her colleague that is sitting beside her.

"I guess there's no time for my morning coffee as well," Yeoreum put her phone in vibrate mode before keep it in the drawer to make sure nobody will disturb her. She positioned her chair and the keyboard to make sure she's going to feel comfortable for the next 3 hours.


JENI is doing a simple stretching after facing the screen for a long time. She sip her remaining morning coffee while scrolling her SNS for a short break. She almost spit out her coffee when looking at the trending issue on the internet.

She immediately turned her head towards Yeoreum but looking at Yeoreum serious look she's forgetting her intention. Yeoreum is doing important report and Jeni knows she shouldn't disturb her friend at the moment. Jeni realize some of the staffs that also saw the article are going to approach her but Jeni giving signal to them to not disturbing her at the moment. Yeoreum that was too focus on finishing report didn't saw how weird the atmosphere in the office at the moment when all focus actually now at her.


Jeni flinched when suddenly she heard Yeoreum's voice. She immediately turned her head to talk to her but Yeoreum then standing up, "After printing out I can send the report to Mr. Lee."

"Yeo- Yeoreum, I..." Jeni couldn't finish her words when Yeoreum already walking fast to the printer. She sighed, "I guess I will ask her after she came back later."

Yeoreum took the printed report to the stationary station to get stapler.

Ahrin, her colleague flinched to see her, "Yeoreum-ah..."

"Oh, Ahrin-ah! Do you see the stapler?"

"Yeoreum-ah, is it..."

"Ah, here it is! Sorry, Ahrin. I need to go to Mr. Lee's room to send this report. I will talk to you later," said Yeoreum before walked away while flipping the report for one last time. She still didn't realize how the staffs are staring at her when she walked pass their work station.

She knocked the door and enter after hearing Mr. Lee's voice, "Come in."

"Mr. Lee, this is the report that you asked," said Yeoreum while handing out the report.

"Oh, thank you..." Mr. Lee took the report and looks hesitated as if he's trying to ask something.

"Is that something wrong somewhere?" asked Yeoreum.

"No. I... just read that article and... yeah, I know as your boss I have no right in your personal matter," said Mr. Lee in hesitate.

Yeoreum frowned, "What do you mean?"

"You know... about the article that released this morning."

"What article? Sorry, I still didn't read any article yet because I was too busy to see my phone," told Yeoreum.

"Oh, really? Okay then. Emm... maybe you can have a break and read the article. Well, thank you for the report!" said Mr. Lee.

Yeoreum walked out from the room in confuse feeling, "What is he trying to say?"

As she's walking from Mr. Lee's room to her work station she realize that people are whispering while looking at her. She looked at her outfit, 'Did my blouse or pants have any stains?'

Yeoreum let a big sigh when she's sitting on her chair. Jeni turned her head, "Have you sent the report?"

Yeoreum nodded, "But Jeni-yah... why everyone is looking at me strangely? Mr. Lee also acted strangely."

"I bet if you look at your phone now, you're going to receive tons of messages and missed calls," told Jeni.

"My phone?" Yeoreum took her phone and saw her mother is calling her. She's going to answer but the call already ended. Her eyes turned wider to see 250 messages from kakaotalk and 12 missed calls.

"Woahh! What with this flooded messages and calls?"

Yeoreum then found the reason of all those sudden flooded messages and calls when one of her friend in her group chat sharing the article title 'YUGYEOM IS DATING JYPE'S FORMER TRAINEE'.

"How... why... what...?" Yeoreum stuttered as she's reading the title.

From that article, the reporter said someone that close with both of them exposed their dating news. There are also few pictures of Yeoreum and Yugyeom during their camping last week. Yeoreum recognize the pictures are from the pictures she took using her own camera. It was nothing look like somebody stalking them or took the picture in hide. But... how this reporter got these pictures?

"Yeoreum-ah, so is it true you were trainee in JYPE? Is it true you are dating Got7's Yugyeom?" asked Jeni.

Yeoreum lifted her head and she not only saw Jeni. It looks like her colleagues are surrounding them including Mr. Lee that she just met just now. Her head department is pretending flipping the report she sent while his ear pointing towards the crowd. No wonder everyone is acting weirdly to her. Everyone must be surprise with this article that like a fallen bomb as she never shares with anyone about her past stories and dating life.

"Mr. Lee,"

Mr. Lee startled when hearing his name get called, "Y-yes?"

"Can I ask half day off today? As you see I have something that I need to take care of," said Yeoreum.

"W-well... sure. You may go but... is the pictures real?" asked Mr. Lee trying his luck to get the answer.

"Thank you. See everyone tomorrow," said Yeoreum before took her bag and left the office.
