Chapter 2: Her Man

"WHY are you smiling?"

Yeoreum flinched, "Oh? Nothing. Just remembered old memories."

"Which memories? I know that I must be there in all of your old memories," said Yugyeom.

"Just forget it. So what about Dami? Is she good nowadays? I don't hear you talk about her for a while," said Yeoreum as she took another big bite of her hamburger.

"I broke up with her last week," said Yugyeom as he's drinking his drink.

Yeoreum's eyes turned wider, "What? Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"You were busy with your first job. Of course I won't disturb your focus. It was nothing big to fuss about anyway," said Yugyeom.

Yeoreum slapped the table, "Yah! You're my friend. How can it be considered as 'disturb' to me? What use of friend if I'm not there to listen to you story?"

Yugyeom grinned before eating his fries, "Don't worry. I'm okay."

"You're not okay, right? You like her a lot anyway." Yeoreum stared at Yugyeom's face.

Yugyeom looked at Yeoreum, "Is it that obvious?"

Yeoreum sighed, "Yah, if you want to feel sad then say! If you want to cry then just cry!"

Yugyeom chuckled, "Why should I cry here suddenly?" Yugyeom let out a deep sigh before continued, "I really thought this time gonna work. At least longer than I expected."

"Wanna share what the reason of the breakup?" asked Yeoreum.

Yugyeom have a thought for a moment before said, "She said... I'm a pushover."


"I just... doing my best as her boyfriend. I tried my best to spend as much as time with her as my past relationship taught me that my job as idol tend to limit my personal time. I tried to fulfil everything she wants and agree with anything she wants. I don't expect she saw me in that way," Yugyeom lowered his head.

Yeoreum felt sorry towards Yugyeom. She knows that Yugyeom just too kind that make those people mistaken his kindness. It's been a while since Yugyeom had girlfriend before Dami and she thought this time Yugyeom might really found 'the one'.

Yeoreum stroked his hair, "Aigoo... poor our Yugyeom. It's okay. You're doing great. There's a lot of other girls out there and not mentioning you got millions of fans out there that willing to die for you. You will found the right girl one day."

Yugyeom smiled. He couldn't say anything when suddenly someone coughed beside him. Both Yugyeom and Yeoreum turned their head and saw a guy with suite standing beside them.

"Oh, Jaehyuk oppa!" Yeoreum that just realize her hand on Yugyeom's head quickly pulled her hand, "What are you doing here?"

"I happened to meet client around here. I don't expect to see you both here," said Jaehyuk.

"I told you that I meet my friend, right?" said Yeoreum.

"I don't expect the friend you're saying is... Yugyeom," said Jaehyuk as he looked at Yugyeom.

Yugyeom smiled awkwardly, "Long time no see, hyung."

Jaehyuk nodded a bit to Yugyeom before looked at Yeoreum again, "I'm going back now. I will ride you back home."

Yeoreum that flustered with that sudden offer that sounds more as an order looked at Yugyeom. Yugyeom that can read the situation at the moment wipes his mouth with tissue before standing up, "Oh, great then! I need to go back to company anyway. See you later, Yeoreum-ah."

"O-oh... see you again later," said Yeoreum.

Yugyeom then left the restaurant and walked away.

"Let's go then," Jaehyuk reached out his hand. Yeoreum smiled before grabbed his hand and they left the restaurant.

"I feel thirsty. How about we grab some drink?" said Jaehyuk.

"Why don't you tell me earlier? We just came out from restaurant. You can order some before we go back."

Jaehyuk shook his head, "I don't want to go back yet. I want to drink some milk tea."

"But you're the one who said you want to go back home just now."

"Are you disappointed? You don't want to have date with me?" asked Jaehyuk.

Yeoreum that flustered quickly let out awkward laugh, "Of course not. Okay then. Let's have a drink at the cafe front there."

'He's the one who wants to send me home quickly just now. If not I should able to have chat with Yugyeom much longer,' whined Yeoreum in her heart.
