Chapter 23: I Swear...

GAEUL is drying her hair after had a shower when suddenly her room door opened and Yeoreum walked in her room.

"How dare you just barge in my room?! Don't you know how to knock?" yelled Gaeul.

Yeoreum crossed her arms, "I want to warn you."

Gaeul smirked. She turned off the hair dryer before looking to Yeoreum with crossing legs and arms, "What a loser girl like you dare to warn me."

"Don't disturb my relationship with Yugyeom. You've destroyed my relationship once and I don't care about losing that jerk guy anymore," said Yeoreum.

"It is not my fault if he's the one that couldn't resist my charm and you're the one who don't know how to take care of your boyfriend," she flipped her hair while smirk.

"Then why you were so scared back then begging me to not tell dad?"

Gaeul's smirk disappeared, "Then are you threatening me now?"

"Just for you to know, you're still staying in this house because I don't say a word about what happened that day. You realize right if you're making trouble once again after that incident, dad will throw you out from this house? Did you forgot how dad almost slap you back then? You were crying so hard that night."

Gaeul flinched. She didn't know Yeoreum was watching her most pathetic moment that night. She thought Yeoreum was sleeping in the room and not realize what happened to her in the living room.

"So... don't you dare to do anything weird this time," warned Yeoreum before left Gaeul's room.

"Why are you coming out from there?" asked Eunsook that just came out from the bathroom that next to Gaeul's room.

"Ahhh... I just returning the magazine I borrowed! Do you want me to give you massage?" asked Yeoreum before grabbing her mother's arm.

"Really? Wahh... my daughter is so sweet!"

Gaeul that looked at both of them feels irritated. She closed her door in anger. Her hatred towards Yeoreum getting bigger each day. That girl always the one who got all the good luck. That girl always the one who received love by everyone. That girl always the one who get everything she wants.

She remembered the day she got promoted to permanent staff. She was so happy because she worked so hard for a year as contract worker. She dropped out from university so she got no high qualification to work as much higher position. Her job as admin assistant might look simple with most of the time photocopy, filing and shredding but those task required her to move around a lot here and there. She also needs to help the tea lady to prepare meal and drink for any meeting before clean up everything after the meeting ended.

Gaeul never whined to her parents about how tired she felt because she knows that she has no right to whine when she's the one who destroy her own chance before. The day she received her permanent staff letter she bought hot sweet potatoes to share with her family. Her salary was not that big and it even hardly enough for her daily expenses. However she wanted to give that sweet potatoes to her family as sign of celebrating her permanent position. Moreover, sweet potatoes are her family favorite. Although she doesn't like her step-mother and sister, she still bought enough for everyone.

"Oh, Gaeul eonni is back. Eonni, let's have dinner together!" said Yeoreum happily.

Gaeul looked at the table in the kitchen. There are fried chicken and pizza on the table.

"Yeoreum received her scholarship money today so she wanted to treat us pizza and chicken!" said Eunsook.

Gaeul flinched and hide the plastic of sweet potatoes behind her.

"You should save the money for your study, Yeoreum-ah..." said Geunho but she still look at her daughter proudly.

Yeoreum grinned, "It's okay. I have enough money to use until the end of semester. You don't even need to give pocket money to me."

"Wahh... my daughter really incredible!" Geunho ruffled her hair.

"Oh, Gaeul-ah! Aren't you going to eat together?" asked Eunsook when Gaeul just walked away passed them.

"I'm on diet," said Gaeul before closed the door and lock it.

She sat on the bed and looked at the sweet potatoes she bought. She used her monthly salary that she gained with lot of hard work and it still hardly enough for her to buy these sweet potatoes. However her sister Yeoreum can simply use her scholarship money that enough for her to use for whole semester and she even able to buy chicken and pizza. Gaeul felt pathetic with herself knowing that her sister can easily have more money than her without working her ass off. That girl always able to get everything easily...

Gaeul eats the warm sweet potatoes with her tears dropped on her cheek while listening to three of them laughing happily outside...

She gripped her fist as she remembered that painful memory, "It always you who got the easy life while I'm the one who suffered in this shitty-like life. Han Yeoreum... I swear even I'm going to fall I will drag you down as well. I will make you suffer as much as you did to me!"
