My people my responsibility

As Leoni ran the tap letting the water run cold Murphy came to to lean on the wall beside her

"i heard what happened" he said gently, a new tone for him

"go away Murphy" Leoni muttered clearly not in the mood for whatever mischief he was up to

"standing up for Abby like that...that was cool of you Leoni" Murphy nodded genuinely for maybe the first time ever

"my people my responsibility" Leoni shrugged dipping the cup under the tap and watching the water rise

"so you're commander now?" he said softly trying to catch her gaze

"yep" Leoni replied popping the 'p'

"you wanna talk about it?" he asked

"nothing to talk about" Leoni turned off the tap and went to take the now full cup to Luna. she was walking away just fine when Murphy called on her again

"what happened in the city of light?" Murphy asked suddenly making Leoni freeze. no one had asked her that. not really. She'd told Bellamy that Kidra and Lexa were there but no one had asked her exactly what happened
"you went in all calm and relaxed and you came came out darker!" Leoni turned around slowly

"excuse me?" Leoni asked lowly

"you're killing again. like it's nobody's business. you'd stopped that before took the chip. what happened" he said more than asked. Leoni looked at Murphy dead in the eye for a second before replying

"i was reminded of my principles" she said numbly and walked away ignoring the rest of Murphy's calls. Leoni was loosing herself. she could feel it happening now and she didn't try and stop it. she'd lost everything it was easier just to switch it all off now. she walked back into the med bay to see all the bodies being carried out and Luna stood quietly watching as her people disappeared. they were all dead. the medicine didn't work. Leoni rushed over to Luna making her drink the water slowly then without saying a word Leoni took Luna in her arms and hugged her tightly. the woman sobbed into the young girls arms selflessly letting it all out

"they're all gone no one made it" Luna weeped. they just held each other both of them silently petrified beyond belief

"Why am I alive while they all died" Luna whispered to her friend

"I don't know" Leoni whispered back

"I couldn't save them" the woman admitted to herself in devastation
"Just like I couldn't save my husband, or you!"

"You tried" Leoni shook her head and held Luna tighter
"We all tried. Some forces are just stronger." Leoni sighed helplessly

"I wish I could've taken Adria's place" Luna finished, closing her eyes in exhaustion but Leoni couldn't do the same. When she closed her eyes she was faced with memories from the past commanders and Leoni couldn't work out if she was dying or if it was a dream but either way it hurt to see their faces so instead she just stared at the wall

"Luna recovered, how is that possible!" Abby shook her head in confusion as her and Jackson watched the two grounders
"we need to run tests, see if there's something-"

"because Luna has something the rest of them didn't" Jackson cut in looking at both of the grounders as they listened on in anticipation
"night blood" Jackson finished quietly

"what so we can survive praimfaya?" Leoni asked in shock

"you can recover." Abby clarified

"you'll get sick but live" Jackson further explained. Leoni felt herself die inside. she would live unable to protect her people. a curse and a blessing in one.
Abby and Jackson had left to try and work out a serum that would turn everyone into a night blood and Luna and Leoni were now sat down in the now empty med bay holding eachother in fear. Sometimes the truth hurt more than the cover up

"so em" Leoni started after a long ear shattering silence
"what do you want to do now?" she asked. Leoni had her arms around Luna's shoulders and her head in the crook of her neck

"i don't know" Luna replied quietly. one of her arms were around Leoni's waist, the other cradling the blonde head into her

"you could stay with me." Leoni said half heartedly knowing Luna would never go for it

"i don't think i can. not with everything that's happened" Luna sighs shakily

"where are you gonna go?" Leoni asked in a voice just above a whisper

"i'm not sure"

"maybe i should come with you. i don't want to loose you again especially with Praimfaya coming."

"you can't leave Leok. but you also can't stay here. you're the commander now and as much as it breaks my heart to tell you this; it's you who has to save your people now. not Skaikru" Luna told the girl wisely. Leoni had told Luna about praimfaya and how Raven had told her about only saving the sky people if it came to that

"My people my responsibility" Leoni repeated Kidra's lessons
"what do i do?" She asked in devastation

"hope that skaikru come up with a better plan and make sure you're the first to know it." Luna sighed kissing Leoni's head and going to stand up

"you really want to leave?" Leoni asked with a pout while Luna rose to her feet

"i won't come back to the Coalition. i can't keep killing" Luna shook her head sadly

"You won't have to!" Leoni protested, looking up at the last of her family
"I'll make sure of it, keep you safe and-"

"Leok no" Luna shook her head sadly. The blonde looked up at the woman with a pleading gaze but it was useless

"fine" Leoni heaved before standing up and grabbing Luna's hand
"come on i'll sneak you out" Leoni pulled Luna out and round the back to the gap in the fence undetected. before letting Luna go Leoni kissed the girl's cheek and hugged her
"i- i just i-"

"i know you do" Luna knew Leoni loved her. she was just scared to say it
"i love you too" Luna whispered

"be safe yeah?" Leoni whispered back pulling away and holding Luna by the shoulders

"you too" Luna thumbed Leoni's still bruised and cut cheeks

"and em...i'll see you soon" Leoni laughed painfully remembering the last time she parted ways with Luna

"i'll see you soon my baby" Luna smiled lovingly at the girl before turning and leaving. Leoni watched Luna disappear before turning on her heel, taking a deep breath and walking back inside the Ark. she sat herself down on the edge of her bed, her hands clasped and her chin resting on her knuckles. she was trying to silence the voices in her head but it was proving to be rather difficult. They'd become louder since the flame, more prominent. Were they real?

Leoni is discovering the ways of the flame she just hasn't embraced them yet!
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