
I heard my voice quiver. I felt so embarrassed but kept quiet about it and simply held it in. Had I known that it was Freen and not Richie who had come to pick me up, then I wouldn't have entered the car and simply chosen to go with Irin to her appointment with her mom. Now that I think about it, did Irin know that Freen was in the driver's seat?

She must have.

I'm seriously going to make her regret putting me in this situation right now. She knows that I'm nowhere near ready to have a conversation right now, especially with Freen. She really should be ready for a piece of me tomorrow.

"Bec" she called once again, snapping me away from my rather not-so-peaceful thoughts.

"Where's Richie?" I asked hurriedly to stop her from talking further. As much as I love her calling my name, the thought of what she might say next is making me anxious. "He's back at the company, dealing with work stuff, so I told him I'd go and fetch you in his stead" she answered, explaining to me as if she knew what I was going to ask next. I then nodded and slowly avoided her gaze by looking through the window once again. The school and the house are not that far away from each other, so I only need to keep face for the next few minutes; it's not going to be that hard, right?

Well, I couldn't be more wrong. It was torture.

Every single second felt like eternity. I even considered stopping the car and simply going on my own, but I can't, and I'm sure that Freen won't let that happen either.

"Bec" she called again after a minute or two, and I was frozen in place. I'm sure that she knows that I am uneasy with this setting, but she seems determined to say what she wants to say. "I need to talk to you" she said sincerely. She hasn't even said anything specific, but I can already feel myself wanting to cry.

"There's something that I need to tell you" she went on when I didn't give her a response.

"I'm really not in the mood to talk right now" I stated. I really don't want to talk about anything, but I can't seem to get any ideas on how to divert the topic, so I guess this way is better.

"I know that you must be upset, but I really think that we need to talk" she continued, not wanting to back down despite my clear refusal to talk.

"Can't we just postpone this for next time?" I asked "I'm really tired right now, and I would appreciate some time for me to have some rest" I added as I physically avoided her even more by slightly turning my back on her, clinging my body more towards the door, and closing my eyes once again.

Just when I thought that Freen was letting me have my way with things, I felt the car stop.

"Please don't avoid me, Bec" she said with a pleading voice, and I was actually tempted to look back at her, but I managed to stop myself from doing so. "I know that you heard us that night, and that's the reason why you locked yourself in your room for days" she added. I know she's not saying anything wrong or anything bad, but right now her words just feel like small needles piercing through my heart, and it hurts, it hurts so much.

"I know that you don't really want to talk about this but---" whatever she was going to say was cut off by my sudden interjection "But what, Freen?" I finally opened my eyes and snapped my head towards her as I unintentionally ended up raising my voice towards her. Seeing her face, I regretted my action instantly, but I kept that regret inside. I chose to keep a face and kept my eyes on her. "You know that I don't want to talk, but you're still going to insist on doing so" I said angrily as I felt a lump start to form in my throat.

"Alright then!" I said, fixing myself on the seat and finally facing her properly "Go ahead and tell me what it is that you want to tell me" I added "Let's do it your way and get this done at once" I told her, and for a moment there I heard my own voice shake.

For the next few seconds, the two of us did a staring contest, as if waiting for whoever would talk first. If this were to happen before, it would be super romantic, but it's not, and knowing that hurts too.

Under normal circumstances, I would not hesitate to talk first, but not right now. I won't do that right now. I will make sure to put my foot down and take charge of this situation.

"I know that you already know, but let me tell you officially" along with her words came the pain that has become more and more unbearable.

"I have a boyfriend, Bec" there it is, the truth I wanted so much to avoid. I knew it was coming but it hurts nonetheless.

"He is going to come visit me soon," she told me. As I digested this information, pictures of her and an unidentified man began to flash through my head, which made the pain I was experiencing worse right away.

"He's going to be staying here for a few weeks, and I will be introducing him to the entire family" she added, and I don't know if I could handle any more.

"And it would really mean the world to me if you could get along with him" that's it. That was the last straw.

Unable to look her in the eyes any longer, I finally averted my gaze. I felt a tear escape my eyes and make its way down my face as I tried to take a deep breath, and just then, Freen started to reach out her hands towards me. By the look of things, she might be wanting to wipe my tears away, but I stopped her and wiped my own face with my own hands as I shifted myself on my seat and looked out through the window once again.

"Please just take me home, Freen" was the last thing I said to her.

She must have wanted to discuss the matter longer because it took a few more minutes before she finally started the car and drove off to get the two of us home. I kept quiet the entire time as I tried to keep myself from crying my heart out, and I ran out of the car the very moment that it stopped.

Hi everyone!

Here's another chapter...
