
If there was a word that could describe the sight that is right in front of me right now, I think of no other words more fitting. The way those lovely little fingers was wrapped around my finger, the way the small forehead creases ever so gently, the way she opens and closes her mouth, the way her chest goes up and down as she takes the first few breaths that she will take throughout her life. Basically, it was every little movement that she makes was simply adorable that I cannot take my eyes away from her.

"This here is your baby sister, Richie" Richie's mom announces as she cradles the wingless angle within her embrace. Richie and I were standing on top of a chair as we hover towards the newborn princess that was less than a day old. "You are a big brother now. Are you going to take care of her?" his mother asked, looking at my overjoyed friend standing right next to me. "YES!" he exclaimed excitedly as he used one of his fingers to caress the soft cheeks of his new baby sister. "Can she be my baby sister too?" I asked as jealousy rush over me. I also want to have a baby sister and it's unfair that Richie's the only who gets to have one. "Of course, sweetheart" Richie's mom cooed after exchanging a few glances with the people inside the room, it was mostly my mom, my dad and Richie's dad.

Our family has always been close with each other, they have been around ever since I could remember and I think of it as a good thing. I'm an only child so having Richie around makes me feel like I have a brother and now that this angel is born, I now have a new sister that I can dote and take care of. "I will take care of her even better than Richie can!" I announced, eliciting an amused look from the people around us except for the boy beside me who actually got annoyed with my declaration. "I'm his big brother, I will take care of her!" he retaliated as he looks straight into my eyes fiercely. "I'm her big sister, I will take care of her!" I said louder than his voice, I don't want to back down. I will be the best big sister ever. "I WILL!" he shouted. "I WILL!" I shouted louder.

Sounds of laughter can be heard. "Easy children" Richie's dad said, trying to stop the exchange of raised voices that has echoed inside the room that has surprisingly little to no effect to the little angel. "You two don't have to fight, you know" he said with a low voice that is actually soothing. "Richie can be the best big brother" he said as he tapped Richie's back "And Freen can be the best big sister" he diverted his eyes towards me and tapped my back the way he did with Richie. "Isn't that fair for everyone?" he asked. Richie and I looked at each other for a moment before the realization did sink in and wide smiles became apparent to our faces. "I will be the best big sister ever" I promised as I once again looked down on the bundle of joy who is still sleeping in the arms of her mother. I saw Richie mirror my gesture before saying what's on his mind "I will be the best big brother ever"


"YOU'RE THE WORST BIG BROTHER EVER!" Becky shouted and instantly I knew that Richie is up to no good again. It seems that he has made it his mission to annoy the girl at least once a day. I made my way faster towards the voice and found Becky standing in the middle of the driveway, with her brother's car just behind her. She has her arms crossed over her chest and is looking with a very cute pouty face towards her big brother who stayed seated on top of the steps in the front porch smirking at the frustrated girl right in front of him. He seems to truly be having fun with what's happening.

"You have to say it first Bec" he said with a very, very, teasing tone that he is fully aware that would make his sister go crazy. "Mom and Dad already gave me their permission so why do you have to be such an ass?" Becky retaliated. Both hands crossed over her chest as she weaves heavy breathing, trying to keep herself calm. "I still don't hear you say it" Richie said with the same teasing tone, ignoring the irritation that is very apparent to the younger girl's face and voice. "I don't want to be late to the party Richie!" the girl shouted, exasperated. "Exactly" he agreed. "So, you better hurry and say it so we can leave" he added with a sly smile on his face. He's really not gonna give up until he hears what he wants and I shake my head with the realization.

"Aren't you tired of doing this every single time Rich?" I finally broke my silence as I started walking towards the two again. The two immediately snapped their head towards me and gave me a smile. "Hey Freen" Richie called out to me as he lifted his hand in the air as a gesture of hello that he always does. "FREEN!" Becky shouted as she half run towards me with her hands wide open. The moment she managed to reach me, she immediately wrapped her hands around me in a tight hug and I reciprocated the gesture by putting one hand on her back and the other gently caressing her hair. "Richie's bullying me again" she whined as she tells on her brother. "Come on Richie. You're gonna make the girl cry" I held the laughter that I wanted to let out. "That's because you spoil her too much" he replied, finally standing up and walked his way towards us and away from his throne. "I don't spoil her. You really just tease her a little bit too much" I responded as I roll my eyes. "Not a little bit, he really does bully me every single time he finds the opportunity to do so" Becky stated as she pulls herself a little for me to be able to see her pouty face and puppy eyes.

"You always do that to get her to side with you" Richie retorted. "Big baby" he added, laughing, happy with the new nickname he came up with to tease his little sister again. Becky only stuck her tongue out towards the guy. "Come on Rich. Let's go" I said as I slowly walked towards the car with Becky still stuck on my side. She wasn't letting go and I really find this kind of behavior really cute and adorable. "Fine!" Richie finally resigned and pushed a button from the clicker on his hand which was immediately followed by the sound of the car doors being unlocked. I opened the back door to let Becky inside and she pulled me to follow her, rendering me with no other choice but to comply which elicited a bright smile from the lively girl. It wasn't long when another door opened and Richie entered to seat at the driver's seat.

"Let's go!" Becky shouts excitedly and Richie let out a sigh in response. "And you tell me you don't spoil her" he muttered under his breath but I managed to somehow hear it and I only showed him a smile, making him shake his head in defeat but with a smile on his face. Finally, he brought the engine to life and started to drive away from the driveway.

He may be spending way too much time to tease Becky but no one knows him better than me and I know for sure that he loves his sister dearly. We both do and we are both prepared to do whatever it takes to make sure that she is safe and loved.

Hi everyone!

I already said it but this one is a collaborative work...

This is going to have slow updates because I'm still focusing on the other story that I'm writing so please be patient...

With regards the story... do you guys think that it's interesting enough or do you think you guys will need another chapter to read before you decide whether it's interesting enough?

Anyways, please do tell what you think about this work... I'll try to update as fast as I can but I'm making no promises...
