It was only half an hour later, and the two of us were already ready to go. We went ahead outside, straight to our garage to take my car, and finally set off. With Becky's hand on mine, I was basically pulled out of the house, simply passing by the breakfast table that had already been set and saying our goodbyes as we passed through. The onlookers, namely my parents, just laughed it off as they found the entire situation to be cute.

We were barely out of the garage when Becky immediately said something that shocked me "What?" I asked in astonishment. "I said, Let's go and get some breakfast" Becky said, looking at me with eyes full of innocence. It was such a child-like sort of innocence that I was not able to say anything in return; I got quiet as I looked at the younger girl in astonishment but ended up finding myself smiling and laughing. "Alright" I said as she fixed herself on the driver's seat "Let's go and get some breakfast" I added. "Where would you like to eat?" I asked. The girl looked at me with smiling eyes, raising her brows up and down in a playful manner, and with that, I put the car on its gear and drove away from the place and to our favorite diner.

"Here we go, ladies" the waitress said as she put the plates down in front of us. "Thanks Lyn" Becky answered sweetly to the older lady, the very same lady that has been serving us since the first time that we ate here. "It's been a while since you two came here; for a second, I thought you guys had found a new place to dine" the elder teased us which earned her guilty smiles. "I'm sorry, Lyn, things have been quite hectic lately" I apologized on our behalf. "No worries, I'm just kidding" the lady answered. "You can just come here more often from now on" hearing this made me wince a little. I was about to answer but Becky beat me to it. "That's gonna be hard, Lyn" she uttered "I'll be able to come but Freen here won't be able to" she said and I immediately noticed the teasing voice accompanied by pain with Becky's words. Though I'm sad that Becky is hurt, I still considers it as a win that Becky is now able to joke around about the topic.

"Why? Why can't you come here?" Lyn asked with concern but I was quick to wave her worries goodbye. "It's nothing serious, Lyn" I reassured the girl "It's just that I'll be living abroad for a couple of years to get my degree so I won't be around for a little while" I explained gently. "It's good that you're investing for your future" Lyn responded enthusiastically "But it's still sad that we won't be seeing you for years" she added with a pout. On my peripheral view was Becky who seems to also agree due her nodding. "There's no need to be sad" I said "It's not like I'm going away for good, I'll be back before you know it" I tried my best to be cheery and hopefully lift the spirit of one certain girl.

"That's right" it was Lyn who agreed "When you go there, study hard so you can come back fast, ok?" she said to me with a smile. "Alright, as a treat, today's meal will be on me" she added and that made the two of us shout in celebration, earning the attention from all the other people in the diner that made Becky and I lower our heads in embarrassment.

Once breakfast was done and over with, we said our goodbyes to Lyn and went back to the car to head off to the next place on Becky's list, and that place turned out to be an amusement park. Becky was basically pulling me towards the place. I'm actually not good with rides that are a bit too much, and like that that are more on the calmer side of life but today is different. I have to do what Becky wants in order to earn her forgiveness and going to this place is something I am willing to do.

Despite the reluctance and fear, I joined Becky on each and every ride the she wanted to ride but there were also times that Becky would choose rides that are less stressful that I also found to be enjoyable. There were times that the two of us would enjoy a simple stroll, each hands occupied by various drinks and snacks, chatting away to our hearts content and obviously having fun.

Before we knew it, sunset was already looming over them, and it was time for us to leave. Not wanting for the day to end yet, Becky told me that she wanted to have dinner together, and I agreed almost instantly. Becky led me to this small, familial restaurant, which she says is the restaurant that Irin took her to recently and they liked the place, the atmosphere, and the food so I didn't bother to argue. Not long after and we have finally reached the place. The aesthetic of the place is really quite relaxing and pleasing to the eyes.

Becky ordered the food, and I simply listened to her as she was more familiar with this place already. I have trusted Becky with her food recommendations, and I have never been disappointed before, not once, so I trust her completely about that. And just like always, her food recommendation was amazing. We ordered so much that I ended up eating a lot. Once dinner was over, we went back to the car and finally headed back home.


Having a shower after a long day is truly amazing. With my hair brushed and dried, I went out of the bathroom, ready to go and jump in my bed to get some much needed sleep when something stopped me on my tracks. "What?" I uttered lowly.

"Until the day that you leave, I'm going to be sleeping here with you" was the last thing Becky said to me before jumping on top of my bed.

Hi everyone!

Here's another chapter...
